Editorial Work
Associate Editor of the journal:
- International Journal of Stochastic Analysis (2010-).
Referee for the journals:
- Annals of Operations Research.
- Applied Mathematical Modelling.
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research.
- Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods.
- Computers and Operations Research.
- Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations.
- European Journal of Operational Research.
- International Journal of Systems Science.
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis.
- Mathematical and Computer Modelling.
- Mathematical Biosciences.
- Mathematical Reviews.
- Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.
- Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability.
- Operational Research: An International Journal.
- Opsearch.
- Performance Evaluation.
- Physica A.
- Queueing Systems.
- Soochow Journal of Mathematics.
- Statistical Journal REVSTAT.
- Stochastic Models.
- Top.