1. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: On the single server queue with repeated attempts and balking.
Conference: Euro XV - Informs XXXIV Joint International Meeting.
Place and date: Barcelona, Spain, 1997.
2. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Analysis of the busy period for a single server retrial queue.
Conference: 13th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes.
Place and date: Prague, Czech Republic, 1998.
3. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Busy period of an M/G/1 retrial queue: optimization of entropy functionals.
Conference: IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization.
Place and date: Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1999.
4. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: First moments and approximate distribution of the busy period in an M/G/1 retrial queue.
Conference: 3rd International Workshop on Retrial Queues.
Place and date: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000.
5. Authors: Artalejo J.R. and López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Low retrial analysis of multiserver queues with repeated attempts due to impatience.
Conference: 7th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques.
Publication: Proceedings of the 12th European Simulation Symposium,ed. D.P.F. Möller, A Publication of the Society for Computer Simulation International, pp 535-538 (2000).
Place and date: Hamburg, Germany, 2000.
6. Authors: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: The M/G/1 retrial queue: A maximum entropy approach.
Conference: 8th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques.
Publication: Proceedings of the 15th European Simulation Symposium, eds. E.J.H. Kerckhoffs and M. Snorek, A Publication of the Society for Computer Simulation International, pp 758-762 (2001).
Place and date: Prague, June, 2001.
7. Authors: López-Herrero M.J. and Neuts M.F.
Title: The distribution of the maximum orbit size of an M/G/1 retrial queue during the busy period.
Conference: International Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications & 4th International Workshop on Retrial Queues.
Publication: Advances in Stochastic Modelling, eds. Artalejo J.R. and A. Krishnamoorthy, Notable Publications Inc., NJ, pp 219- 231 (2002).
Place and date: Cochin, India, 2002.
8. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: On the number of customers served in a stable M/G/1 retrial queue.
Conference: XXIII Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models.
Place and date: Pamplona, Spain, 2003.
9 . Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: On inventories with repeated demands.
Conference: EURO XX 20th European Conference on Operational Research.
Place and date: Rodas, Greece, 2004.
10. Authors: Artalejo J.R. and López-Herrero M.J.
Title: The M/G/1 retrial queue: An information theoretic approach.
Conference: 5th International Workshop on Retrial Queues.
Publication: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Retrial Queues, ed. B.D. Choi, TMRC, Korea University, Seoul, pp1-16 (2004).
Place and date: Seoul, Korea, 2004.
11 . Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: On the distribution of the number of retrials in an M/G/1 retrial queue.
Conference: 5th St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation.
Place and date: St. Petersburg, Russia, 2005.
12. Authors: Artalejo J.R., Economou A. and López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Algorithmic analysis for the number of customers served in a busy period of the M/M/c retrial queue.
Participation: Invited talk.
Conference: Third National Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models.
Publication: Proceedings of the Conference, pp 3-15.
Place and date: Coimbatore, India, 2005.
13. Participation: Member of the Programme Committee.
Conference: 13th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques.
Place and date: Bonn, Germany, 2006.
14. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: On the distribution of the number of retrials.
Conference: 6th International Workshop on Retrial Queues.
Place and date: Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain, 2006.
15. Participation: Member of the Programme Committee.
Conference: 14th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques.
Place and date: Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
16. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: On the maximum orbit length in a busy period.
Conference: EURO XXII: 22nd European Conference on Operational Research
Place and date: Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
17. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: On inventories with repeated demands.
Conference: 2nd International Conference in Mathematics ICMTD07
Place and date: Cairo, Egypt, 2007.
18. Participation: Member of the Programme Committee.
Conference: 15th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications.
Place and date: Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008.
19. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Waiting time of a call in a cellular mobile network with retrials and guard channels.
Conference: EURO Working Group on Stochastic Modeling 2008.
Place and date: Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.
20. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Performance analysis of an (s,S) inventory with repeated attempts.
Conference: 7th International Workshop on Retrial Queues.
Place and date: Athens, Greece, 2008.
21. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Analysis of waiting times in cellular mobille systems with retrials and guard channels.
Conference: The 2008 European Simulation and Modelling Conference.
Place and date: Le Havre, France, 2008.
22. Participation: Member of the Programme Committee.
Conference: 16th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications.
Place and date: Madrid, Spain, 2009.
23. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Analysis of the time to infection and disease extinction in SIS epidemic models.
Conference: 6th St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation.
Place and date: St. Petersburg, Russia, 2009.
24. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: On some continuous characteristics of a stochastic SIS model.
Conference: 15th INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference.
Place and date: Ithaca, USA, 2009.
25. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Cellular networks with retrials operating in random environment.
Conference: 5th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications.
Place and date: Beijing, China, 2010.
26. Authors: Artalejo J.R. and López-Herrero M.J.
Title: The single server retrial queue with finite population: A BSDE approach.
Conference: 8th International Workshop on Retrial Queues.
Participation: Member of the Scientific Committee.
Place and date: Beijing, China, 2010.
27. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: The SIS and SIR stochastic epidemic models: Length of an outbreak and time to infection.
Conference: 8th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology & Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology.
Place and date: Krakow, Poland, 2011.
28. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: A maximum entropy approach for stochastic epidemic models.
Conference: BIOCOMP 2012 Mathematical Modeling and Computational Topics in Biosciences.
Place and date: Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 2012.
29. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: A maximum entropy approach for representing the dynamic of an infection process in stochastic epidemic models.
Conference: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology.
Place and date: Okayama, Japan, 2012.
30. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Measuring disease spread in stochastic epidemic models.
Conference: 9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology.
Place and date: Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014.
31. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Probabilistic behaviour before absorption: quasi-stationary and ratio of expectations distributions.
Conference: 10th International Workshop on Retrial Queues.
Place and date: Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
32. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Comparing quasi-stationary and ratio of expectations distributions.
Conference: Joint Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology and the Society for Mathematical Biology JSMB&SMB.
Place and date: Osaka, Japan, 2014.
33. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Quantifying the incidence of infectious diseases modeled by Markov chains.
Conference: Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology, MPDE’14.
Place and date: Torino, Italy, 2014.
34. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Quantifying the random transmission of an infectious disease modeled by a Markov chain.
Conference: A Two-Day Meeting on Mathematical Biology.
Place and date: Madrid, Spain, 2014.
35. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Global and individual oriented descriptors of infectious diseases (Stochastic Perspective).
Conference: Mathematical and Computational Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases – The Interplay between Models and Public Health Policies.
Place and date: Erice-Sicily, Italy, 2015.
36. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Poster: Quantitative analysis of an SEIR infective process from a stochastic perspective.
Conference: Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology, MPDE’16.
Place and date: Marseille, France, 2016.
37. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Studying behavior before absorption in stochastic epidemic models: quasi-stationary and ratio of means distributions.
Conference: Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology, MPDE’16.
Place and date: Marseille, France, 2016.
38. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Quantifying the spread of an epidemic with latency period and nonlinear incidence rate.
Conference: EUROCAST 2017, Sixteenth International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory.
Place and date: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2017.
39. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Maximum epidemic size for a nonlinear SEIR model with limited resources.
Conference: 11th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology.
Place and date: Lisbon, Portugal, 2018.
40. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: The deterministic SIS epidemic model in a Markovian environment.
Conference: 10th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS).
Place and date: Napoles, Italy, 2019.
41. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Cuantificación de la infección en un modelo de epidemias con cambios aleatorios en el entorno.
Conference: XXXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa.
Place and date: Alcoy, Spain, 2019.
42. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Quantifying infection transmission in a stochastic SIV model with imperfect vaccine.
Conference: International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications: A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2020)
Place and date: Madrid, Spain, 2020.
43. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Stochastic measures for vaccine-preventable disease transmission when vaccine is partially effective.
Conference: MPDEE 21 Mathematical Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution (online)
Place and date: CIRM Marseille, France, 2021.
44. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Setting a warning vaccination level on a stochastic model with infection reintroduction when vaccine is partially effective.
Conference: 13th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (online)
Place and date: BCAM Bilbao, Spain, 2022.
45. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Análisis del tiempo hasta alcanzar un umbral sobre el número de individuos vacunados de una población finita protegida preventivamente por una vacuna imperfecta.
Conference: XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa.
Place and date: Granada, Spain, 2022.
46. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Controlling population protection in stochastic SIVS models with imperfect vaccines.
Conference: International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications: A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2023)
Place and date: Spain, 2023.
47. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Stochastic approach to study the loss of protection caused by an imperfect vaccine.
Conference: 14th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences.
Place and date: BCAM Bilbao, Spain, 2023.
48. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Measuring random transmission of an infectious disease in stochastic markovian models.
Participation: Invited talk online.
Conference: ICSSSM-2023 International Conference on Statistical Sciences & Stochastic Modelling .
Place and date: Kerala, India, 2023.
49. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Evolution of a deterministic SIS epidemic model with infection characteristics environmentally dependent
Conference: 10th International Workshop on Applied Probability.
Place and date: Thessaloniki, Greece, 2023.
50. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Quantifying the epidemic potential of an infectious disease in stochastic markovian models.
Participation: Invited talk .
Conference: RICAM Special Semester 2023: Mathematical Methods in Medicine. Workshop on Epidemic Modeling
Place and date: Linz, Austria, 2023.
51. Author: López-Herrero M.J.
Title: Sensitivity analysis of the warning vaccination level for a stochastic SIVS model with imperfect vaccine.
Participation: Plenary speaker. Invited talk online .
Conference: International Conference on Advances in Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes- ICAAP&SP-2024.
Place and date: Elthuruth, Thrissur, India, 2024.