Innovation Projects

News - Dispute Resolution Lab DRL

Global Collaboration and Innovation Highlighted at the International Seminar in Social Work

14 MAY 2024 - 17:34 CET

On June 13 and 14, the Faculty of Social Work at the Complutense University of Madrid hosted an international seminar organized by the Dispute Resolution Lab, that brought together professionals, students, and professors from various countries, including Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and the United States, among others. This event stood out for its global nature and the diversity of its attendees, who shared knowledge and experiences in the field of social work.

During the seminar, the recent agreement signed between the Complutense University of Madrid and Florida Atlantic University was highlighted, aiming to strengthen academic collaboration and knowledge exchange between both institutions. The event was graced by the presence of the deans of both universities, Professors Aurora Castillo and Naelys Luna, who emphasized the importance of this agreement for the academic and professional development of their communities.

The inauguration of the meeting was led by the deans, as well as Dolores Domínguez, Vice-Dean of International Relations, and Joaquín Rivera, Director of the Departmental Section of Civil Law. They all underscored the relevance of these spaces for the exchange of ideas and the creation of innovative projects.

Within the framework of the symposium of the International Association for Social Work with Groups, the results of the teaching innovation project titled Collaborative Construction of a Transversal Subject on Conflict Management and Culture of Peace through the International Platform VirCamp were presented. This project has enabled students and professors to work together on conflict management and the promotion of a culture of peace through an international platform.

Additionally, the foundations were laid for next year’s project, titled "Exploring Social Conflicts through Photovoice: An International and Interdisciplinary Perspective". The attending students presented their Photovoices, sharing their experiences and views on social conflicts from an international and interdisciplinary perspective.

Among the most notable presentations was that of Nekbet Corpas, who addressed the topic of mediation in the field of archaeological heritage, providing a new perspective on the importance of mediation in cultural preservation. Additionally, Professor Allan Barsky presented a paper titled "Ethical Issues in Group Practice with Technology" as part of the symposium on social work with groups, offering valuable insights into the ethical considerations of using technology in group practice. 

The final touch of the event took place on Friday, June 14, with a visit to the Parental Intervention Center and the Fundación Secretariado Gitano. Attendees had the opportunity to learn firsthand about the work these institutions do and received detailed explanations about their field of intervention, thanks to the team who generously opened their doors for this activity.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all attendees, speakers, and organizers who made this event possible. Your participation and commitment have been fundamental to the success of the seminar. We look forward to seeing you next year in a new edition, with more innovative projects and opportunities for learning and collaboration.

Thank you all for your valuable contribution and see you at the next meeting!

Global Collaboration and Innovation Highlighted at the International Seminar in Social Work - 1

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