Innovation Projects




Do you want to be part of DRLab?

DRLab comprises undergraduate, master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral students, visiting professors, and professionals with research interests in the culture of peace, alternative dispute resolution systems, and mediation.

Researchers, Professionals, and students of Bachelor, Master, Ph.D., and Postdocs from all disciplines related to collaborative conflict management and culture of peace, with interest in research, teaching, and innovation in this area, can be part of the laboratory. To belong to DRLab, it is necessary to be invited by a group member. After the invitation, basic information will be collected, and the laboratory's selection committee will carry out a selection process. To attend its activities temporarily, it is only necessary to be invited by one of its members. Preference to become laboratory members will be given to those teachers, professionals, or students who have already participated in any of the activities developed by DRLab.

The selection committee will comprise the management of the research group ADRsXXI and the management of DRLab. This commission will verify that the applicant meets the criteria necessary to be part of it and will communicate the result to the rest of the laboratory members, who may share the existence of any impediment or difficulty before final approval.