Trainee - Postdoc Researchers
All researchers work in the scientific area of Phyiscs and Space Sciences, FyCCE: Física y Ciencias del Espacio
Postdoc-: Post-doctoral (JdC: Juan de la Cierva, MC: Marie Sklodowska-Curie, MS: Margarita Salas, MZ: María Zambrano, etc.)
2: Department:
EMFTEL: Department of Structure of Matter, Thermal and Electronic Physics
FTA: Department of Earth Physics and Astrophysics
FT: Department of Theoretical Physics
3: Research Group:
COSMO: TEFM, Cosmology
GAE: High Energy Physics
GFN: Nuclear Physics
GUAIX: Extragalactic and Instrumental Astrophysics
PART: TEFM, Particle Physics
SEEF: Stellar Systems, Spectroscopy and Photometry
TEFM: Effective theories, Particle Physics and Cosmology