2025 preprints
IPARCOS ID | Title | Journal | Authors | arXiv |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-020 | The role of chiral symmetry and the non-ordinary |
Physical Review Letter |
M. Albaladejo, A. Canoa, J. Nieves, J. R. Peláez, E. Ruiz-Arriola, and J. Ruiz de Elvira |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-019 | Two or three things particle physicists (mis)understand about (pre)heating |
Nuclear Physics B |
Basabendu Barman, Nicolás Bernal and Javier Rubio |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-018 | Determination of unpolarized TMD distributions from the fit of Drell-Yan and SIDIS data at N4LL |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
V. Moos, I. Scimemi, A. Vladimirov, and P. Zurita |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-017 | Four-point correlators with BPS bound states in AdS3 and AdS5 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
F.Aprile, S.Giusto, R.Russo |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-016 | Cosmological particle production in a quantum field simulator as a quantum mechanical scattering problem |
Physical Review D |
C. F. Schmidt, et al. including Álvaro Parra-López |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-015 | Experimental Particle Production in Time-Dependent Spacetimes: A One-Dimensional Scattering Problem |
Physical Review Letters |
M. Sparn, et al. including Álvaro Parra-López |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-014 | Oblique parameters at next-to-leading order within electroweak strongly-coupled scenarios: constraining heavy resonances |
Physical Review D |
A. Pich, I. Rosell, and J. J. Sanz Cillero |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-013 | Exploring the Most Extreme Gamma-Ray Blazars Using Broadband Spectral Energy Distributions |
Astronomy & Astrophysics |
M. Láinez, M. Nievas-Rosillo, A. Domínguez, J. L. Contreras, J. Becerra González, A. Dinesh, and V. S. Paliya | 2502.11888 |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-012 | The effect of mass and morphology on the mass assembly of galaxies |
Astronomy & Astrophysics |
A. Camps-Fariña, R. M. Mérida, P. Sánchez Blázquez, S. F. Sánchez | |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-011 | Equivalence principles in Weyl transverse gravity |
The European Physical Journal C |
Ana Alonso-Serrano, Luis J. Garay, Marek Liska | |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-010 | Generalised free theory formulae and strong coupling dynamics |
Physical Review Letters Physical Review D |
F. Aprile, J.M.Drummond, P.J.Heslop, M.Santagata | |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-009 | Covariant nonperturbative pointer variables for quantum fields | Physical Review D | A. Blanco Sánchez, L. J. Garay, J. de Ramón | |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-008 | Higgs-Induced Gravitational Waves: The Interplay of Kination, Non-Minimal Couplings, and Top Quark Mass | Journal of High Energy Physics | Giorgio Laverda, Javier Rubio | |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-007 | The two-vertex model of loop quantum gravity: anisotropic reduced sectors | Physical Review D | Iñaki Garay, Luis J. Garay, Diego H. Gugliotta |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-006 | Ephemeral Oscillons in Scalar-Tensor Theories: The Higgs-like case | Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | Matteo Piani, Javier Rubio, Francisco Torrenti | |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-005 | Description of femtoscopic correlations with realistic pion-kaon interactions: the kappa/K*(700) case | Proceedings of QNP2024 | A. Canoa, M. Albaladejo, J. Nieves, J. R. Peláez, E. Ruiz Arriola, J. Ruiz de Elvira | |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-004 | One-loop matching for leading-twist generalised transverse-momentum-dependent distributions | Journal of High Energy Physics |
V. Bertone, M. G. Echevarria, Ó. del Río and S. Rodini |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-003 | Transverse momentum distributions at large-$x$ | Journal of High Energy Physics | O.del Rio, A.Prokudin, I.Scimemi, A.Vladimirov | |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-002 | Continuation of an Optical Spectroscopic Campaign of Fermi Blazar Candidates with TNG: Discovery of a New Changing-Look Blazar | Astronomy & Astrophysics | N. Álvarez Crespo, A. Domínguez, V. S. Paliya, M. Chamorro Cazorla, P. Sánchez Blázquez, A. Gil de Paz | 2501.03693 |
IPARCOS-UCM-25-001 | Systematic Search for Long-Term Trends in Fermi-LAT Jetted Active Galactic Nuclei | The Astrophysical Journal | P. Penil, A. Domínguez, S. Buson, M. Ajello, S. Adhikari, A. Rico | 2501.01310 |