Institutos Universitarios

Workshops and Congresses 2017


FuzzyMAD 2017

Date: December 19, 2017

Place: Room Miguel de Guzman, School of Mathematics, UCM

Organizers: IMI, Foraid and HUMLOG research groups, Community of Madrid, IMEIO PhD Program

Links: link1 link2


Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Analysis

A workshop in honor of Jean Michel Rakotoson for his 60th birthday

Date: December 18-19, 2017.

Place: Room 209, School of Mathematics, UCM

Organizers: MOMAT research group, with the collaboration of IMI


Jornadas de Cálculo Fraccionario del Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar

Speakers: M. Pilar Velasco, Salvador Jiménez, José Luis Gracia, Eduardo Cuesta, Félix Muñoz, Miguel Ángel Marín, David Usero, José Luis Torrea.

Date: November 13-14, 2017.

Time: monday from 10:00 to 19:00 and tuesday from 10:00 to 13:00.

Place: Sala de Juntas, School of Informatics, UCM.

Organizers: Luis Vázquez, M. Pilar Velasco, Salvador Jiménez, David Usero, IMI.



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Scientific Committee: Stefano Cabras (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Juan José Egózcue (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña), Gonzalo García-Donato (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha), Miguel Ángel Gómez Villegas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Beatriz González-Pérez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Eduardo Gutiérrez-Peña (Universidad Nacional de México), Manuel Mendoza Ramírez (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México), Elías Moreno (Universidad de Granada), Vera Pawlosky-Glahn (Universidad de Gerona), David Ríos Insúa (Real Academia de Ciencias), Michael Wiper (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).

Date: November 8-9, 2017.

Place: Miguel de Guzmán Room, School of Mathematical Sciences, UCM.

Organizers: Stefano Cabras (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Gonzalo García-Donato (Universidad de Castilla la Mancha), Miguel Ángel Gómez Villegas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).


11th Workshop of Young Researchers in Mathematics 2017

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Organizing Committee: Enrique Arrondo (UCM), Miguel García Bravo (UCM), Francisco Javier Martínez Aguinaga (UCM), Alejandro Melle (UCM), Alberto Casal (UCM), José Manuel Rodríguez (UC3M), Dragan Vukotic (UAM).

Date: September 11-13, 2017.

Place: Room Miguel de Guzman, School of Mathematical Sciences, UCM.

Organizers: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Speakers: E. C. M. Crooks (Swansea), S. Fernández-Rincón (Madrid), L. Véron (Tours), L. Maire (Madrid), A. Tellini (Madrid), F. Zanolin (Udine).

Date: July 5 and 7, 2017.

Time: mornings 9:30 - 10:30 - 12:00.

Place: School of Mathematical Sciences, Room 209 (Seminario Alberto Dou), UCM

Organizers: Research Project MTM2015-65899-P, with the collaboration of IMI.

XI Modelling Week (19-23 June 2017)

Organizer: VALERI MAKAROV. Modelling Week Director (e-mail:

Complete details of the projects are available on the website.

Brief description

The Modelling Week is organized within the Master Program of the Faculty of Mathematics of UCM in cooperation with the Institute of Interdisciplinary Mathematics (IMI)

The main purpose of the Modelling Week is to promote the use of mathematical methods and models in research, industry, innovation, and management in the knowledge economy.

The Modelling Week is open to the students of the Master in Mathematical Engineering at UCM, as well as to participants from other mathematically oriented master programs worldwide.

Students will work in small groups on real industrial problems proposed by companies under supervision of one or two qualified instructors.


Segundo taller de conferencias sobre Sociología y Matemáticas

Speakers: Antonio Caselles (Universitat de Valência), Joan C. Micó (Universitat Politêcnica de Valência), Salvador Amigó (Universitat de Valência), Jesús Ildefonso Díaz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Gregorio Díaz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), María T. Sanz (Universitat de Valência), Jesús Javier Sánchez Barricarte (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Begoña Elizalde (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Vicente Díaz-Gandasegui (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).

Date: Friday, March 17, 2017, 10:30.

Place: School of Mathematical Sciences, Room 209 (Seminario Alberto Dou), UCM

Organizers: Department of Applied Mathematics, UCM MOMAT group and Interdisciplinary Mathematics Institute.