Institutos Universitarios


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  • March 6 2025Unidad de Cultura Científica. Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI). A research team led by the IMI researchers of the MOMAT Group Benjamin Ivorra and Ángel Ramos, in collaboration with colleagues from the Chilean Universities of Los Andes and Diego Portales, has developed a novel approach using advanced mathematical techniques to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of AI models. Their work focuses on refining data selection strategies to improve the reliability of case classification.

    By optimizing data inputs, the AI can more effectively analyze new information and make precise classifications—for instance, assessing whether a patient faces a high risk of cancer or identifying potentially fraudulent banking transactions.

    Published in Pattern Recognition, the study demonstrates how removing irrelevant data maintains prediction quality while making AI models faster, more interpretable, and more resilient to variations in input data.


  • 5 de marzo. Ha tenido lugar la sesión científica de ingreso como Académica Correspondiente de la investigadora del IMI Isabel Molina Peralta en la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España. En el acto, Isabel ha impartido la conferencia titulada Estimación en áreas pequeñas. Un ejemplo de cómo “la unión hace la fuerza". A la finalización del evento se ha hecho entrega a la nueva Académica del diploma acreditativo de miembro de la corporación. Esta ceremonia culmina un proceso que tuvo un momento importante el pasado 27 de noviembre con el nombramiento de Isabel como académica correspondiente por parte del pleno de la RAC. Desde el IMI aplaudimos con entusiasmo este magnífico logro y damos la más enérgica enhorabuena a Isabel.


  • February 11 2025. IMI researcher Begoña Vitoriano participated in a round table discussion on women's scientific careers at Nebrija University on February 11th. The event was preceded by the screening of the film "The Marguerite Theorem," whose pre-premiere in Madrid was attended by several IMI members in September 2024. The screening of the film and the subsequent debate were part of the activities organized by Nebrija University to commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the UN establishing February 11th as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a date aimed at, according to Secretary-General António Guterres, "paving a path for the careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics that women and girls deserve and our world needs." 


  • January 9 2025. A new European project with distinguished participation from IMI members begun on January 1, 2025. The project, titled HURRICANE: Holistic UGV-based Resilient and Real-time Intelligence for Crisis and Natural Emergency, has a duration of four years and is funded by the European Research Executive Agency. The lead researcher for the project at the Complutense University is IMI member Begoña Vitoriano.  The HURRICANE project aims to enhance disaster management and first responder (FR) safety through advanced robotics. It focuses on integrating UGVs and UAVs with real-time situational awareness, 5G-enabled communication, and data-driven optimization. Solutions will be tested in peri-urban, mountainous, and wildfire-prone areas, demonstrating improved efficiency (60% operation time reduction) and reduced FR risk. By 2028, HURRICANE aims to train 100 FRs across 15 EU countries, scaling to 10,000 by 2035, while strengthening the EU robotics industry.

Begoña Vitoriano Villanueva



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