Workshops and Congresses 2015 - 2016
IV Jornadas sobre Seguridad, Defensa, Tecnologías Matemáticas y Computacionales
Date: November 3 and 4, 2016
Place: CITIC, Universidade da Coruña
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Date: September 23, 2016
Place: Alberto Dou Seminar (Room 209), School of Mathematical Sciences, UCM.
Organizers: Departamento de Matemática Aplicada e I.M.I.
Toulouse 27-30 June 2016.
Conferencia Cierre Curso IMI 2016
Speakers: Julián López-Gómez, Valery Makarov, David Pérez, Enrique Arrondo, Imanol Gago Carro, Miguel Ángel Gómez Villegas, Juan Miguel Marín Diázaraque, Narciso Martí.
Date: June 24, 2016.
Time: from 10:00 to 14:00.
Place: Miguel de Guzmán Room, School of Mathematical Sciences, UCM.
Organizer: Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar.
X Modelling Week (13-17 june 2016)
Organizer: VALERI MAKAROV. Modelling Week Director (e-mail:
Complete details of the projects are available on the website.
Brief description
The Modelling Week is organized within the Master Program of the Faculty of Mathematics of UCM in cooperation with the Institute of Interdisciplinary Mathematics (IMI)
The main purpose of the Modelling Week is to promote the use of mathematical methods and models in research, industry, innovation, and management in the knowledge economy.
The Modelling Week is open to the students of the Master in Mathematical Engineering at UCM, as well as to participants from other mathematically oriented master programs worldwide.
Students will work in small groups on real industrial problems proposed by companies under supervision of one or two qualified instructors.
Primera Jornada en "Modelización y Optimización con COMSOL Multiphysics's
Teachers: Ángel Manuel Ramos (UCM), Emilio Ruiz Reina (Universidad de Málaga), Benjamin Ivorra (UCM).
Date: February 5, 2016.
Time: 9:30 - 15:00.
Place: Room 209 (Seminario Alberto Dou), planta 2, School of Mathematical Sciences, UCM.
Organizers: Applied Mathematics Department, MOMAT Research Group and IMI, in the frame of the research projects MTM2011-22658 y P12-TIC301.
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Date: 18 de diciembre de 2015 de 9:45 a 14:00.
Place: Seminario Alberto Dou (Room 209), School of Mathematical Sciences, UCM.
Organizer: Julián López Gómez.
4th Workshop on Topological Groups
Speakers: Christine Stevens, Helge Glöckner, Vaja Tarieladze, Salvador Hernández, Anna Giordano Bruno, Xabier Domínguez.
Dates: 03-04/12/2015.
Place: Room 306, School of Mathematical Sciences, UCM.
Organizers: Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar and Geometry and Topology Department, Red Española de Topología.
Topological and Algebraic Genericity in Mathematics
Speakers: Daniel Cariello (UFU, Uberlandia), Alberto Conejero (UPV, Valencia), Mar Fenoy (UCM, Madrid), Jerónimo López (UPM, Madrid), Marina Murillo (UPV, Valencia), Petr Petracek (Charles University, Prague), José A. Prado (US, Sevilla), Víctor M. Sánchez (UCM, Madrid), Pablo Sevilla (UPV, Valencia).
Dates: 19-20/11/2015.
Organizers: Gustavo A. Muñoz and Juan B. Seoane, with the colaboration of Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar.
III Jornadas sobre Seguridad, Defensa, Tecnologías Matemáticas y Computacionales
Date: November 12 and 13, 2015.
Place: Facultad de Informática, Universidade da Coruña.
Permanent Seminar
Nanotecnología, Matemáticas y Defensa
Date: November 10 – 12, 2015.
Place: Seminario Alberto Dou (Room 209), School of Mathematical Sciences, UCM.
Organized by Cátedra Juan de Borbón (UCM), CESEDEN and IMI, with the colaboration of Real Academia de Ciencias.
See photos: A. Hernando , F. Briones , D. Gómez-Castro
Workshop of young researchers in Mathematics
Dates: Septembre 21-23 2015.