Workshops and Congresses 2010 - 2011
Workshop of Young Researchers in Mathematics
September 21-23, 2011
Venue: Faculty of Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Conference and Workshop Valuation Theory
Segovia / El Escorial, July 18-29, 2011
Organized by Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), Université de Toulouse/CNRS (France), University of Saskatchewan (Canada) and University of Pennsylvania (USA)
V Modelling Week UCM
Madrid, June 13-21, 2011
Faculty of Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Organized by UCM Research Group MOMAT, Faculty of Mathematics UCM and IMI-Institute for Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Workshop Fractional Dynamical Systems
Madrid, June 20-21, 2011
Meeting Room: A-123, ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Organized by ETSIT, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and IMI-Institute for Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Congress Nonlinear Models in Partial Differential Equations
An international congress on occasion of Jesús Ildefonso Díaz's 60th birthday
Toledo (Spain), June 14-17, 2011
Plasma Physics
June 6-7 , 2011
Place: UCM
Semana del Espacio
Innovación de Rusia. Ciencia y Tecnología
May 12-15, 2011
Place: IFEMA, Feria de Madrid
Workshop Modelling and simulation of epidemics
Madrid, May 6, 2011
Place: Meeting room 210, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by Dpt. of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and IMI
Presente y futuro de la investigación en decisión multicriterio en España
Madrid, February 1, 2011
Place: Sala de Juntas, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by Grupo Español de Decisión Multicriterio and IMI
Exploratory Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of High Pressure Processes
November 22nd, 2010
Place: Sala de Juntas (Meeting room 124), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by Projects MTM2008-04621/MTM, QUIMAPRES (S2009/PPQ-1551), I-MATH INGENIO MATHEMATICA-Consolider and "MALTA-Consolider" (CSD2007-00045), Research Group MOMAT, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
Announcement -- Photos
Conference on Singularities, Geometry and Topology (in honour of the 60th birthday of Sabir Gusein-Zade)
October 10-16, 2010
Place: Residence San José, El Escorial, Madrid (Spain)
Organized by IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute and see others
ACTO DE HOMENAJE: 11 octubre por la tarde (programa)