Workshops and Congresses 2008 - 2009
September 21-23, 2009
Place: Faculty of Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Organized by Master of Mathematical Research
Programme -- Participants
September 24-25, 2009
Place: Faculty of Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Positivity VI
Advanced courses speakers: B. de Pagter (Delf Technical Unversity, Netherlands) and N.J. Kalton (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA)
Main speakers: Guillermo P. Curbera (University of Seville, Spain), Peter G. Dodds (Flinders University, Australia), Lech Drewnowski (A. Mickiewicz University, Poland), Anatolii G. Kusraev (Institute for Mathematics and Informatics in Vladikavkaz, Russia). Semen Kutateladze (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia), Ioannis Polyrakis (National Technical University of Athens, Greece), Yves Raynaud (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, France), Werner J. Ricker (Katholische Universität-Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany), Anton Schep (University of South Carolina, U.S.A.), Evgeny M. Semenov (Voronezh State University, Russia), Anthony W. Wickstead (Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland) and Witold Wnuk (A. Mickiewicz University, Poland)
20-24 July 2009.
Place: El Escorial, Madrid (Spain).
III Modelling Week
June 22-30, 2009
Place: Facultad de Matemáticas, UCM
Organized by UCM Research Group MOMAT, Faculty of Mathematics UCM and IMI
In the frame of the Mathematical engineering PhD of the Faculty of Mathematics
Modern Functional Analysis. Conference to honor Fernando Bombal on his 65th birthday
June 8-12, 2009
Place: Aranjuez, Madrid (Spain).
BIOMAT. Mathematics and Life Science
June 1-5th, 2009
Place: Faculty of Sciences, Universidad of Granada (Spain)
Organized by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Junta de Andalucía, UCM and IMI.
Workshop "Higher Simmetries in Physics"
November 6-8, 2008, Room Miguel de Guzmán, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.
Organized by Department of Geomety and Topology and IMI - Interdisciplinary Matheamtical Institute.
Workshop "Métodos Bayesianos - 08. Madrid"
José Miguel Bernardo Herranz, Universidad de Valencia (Spain) and others
Organized by Miguel A. Gómez Villegas.
November 7th, 2008, Seminar Sixto Ríos, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.
Organized by Department of Statistics and Operative Investigation and IMI - Interdisciplinary Matheamtical Institute.
Workshop de Jóvenes Investigadores
Master of mathematical investigation
September 23 and 26, 2008, B-13
Announcement and programme
The 8 th International FLINS Conference on Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control
September 21-24, 2008
Organized by Javier Montero