Seminars and Colloquia 2013 - 2014
Desde el pinball a la resolución de problemas algebraicos. Luis Vázquez, Salvador Jiménez
Date: 2 April, 2014, 11h.
Place: Room 209, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of a Polluted Water Pumping Process in Open Sea
Benjamin Ivorra (UCM)
Date: 12 February, 2014, 12h.
Place: Room 116, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.
Algunos problemas en Economía de los Recursos Naturales; análisis de pesquerías colapsadas: El caso del bacalao de Terranova
Manuel Morán (UCM)
José María Maroto (UCM)
Date: 5 February, 2014, 11-12h.
Place: Seminar 209 (Alberto Dou), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
The Mathematical Models of Rotating Droplets with Charge or subject to Electric Fields - Analysis and Numerical Simulation
Víctor José García Garrido (ICMAT)
Date:22 January, 2014, 12h.
Place: Seminar 225, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Avances en las Matemáticas Computacionales y su influencia en
otras ramas de la Ciencia
J. Guillermo Sánchez León (Universidad de Salamanca y ENUSA)
Date:11 November, 2013, 10-13h.
Place: Seminar 306, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.
Modelado basado en ecuaciones con COMSOL Multiphysics
Jesús H. Lucio García (Universidad de Burgos)
Date:10 October, 2013, 10-14h.
Place: Seminar 306, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.
Existence and nonexistence of compactons by Pohozaev's identity
Yavdat Il'yasov (Institute of Mathematics RAS, Ufa, Russia)
Date: 8 October, 2013, at 12h.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (Room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.
A Theorem of Raikov about completeness
Vaja TARIELADZE (Niko Muskhelisvili Institute of Computational
Mathematics of the Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi)
Dates:3 September, 2013, 10:00 hs & 11 September, 2013 at 12:00h
Place: Seminar 225, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM