Institutos Universitarios

Seminars and Colloquia 2011 - 2012


S. Mitchell (University of Limerick, Ireland)

Approximate solution techniques for a free boundary problem arising in the diffusion of glassy polimers

Date: May 23 at 11 hs.

Place: room 209, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.



Barbara Brandolini (Universitá degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Italy)

Sharp estimates for a non-local eigenvalue problem

Date: March 27, 12:00 hs

Place: room 209 (Seminar Alberto Dou), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM



E. Sánchez-Palencia (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Académie des Sciences de Paris)

Estabilidad estructural y competición darwiniana ¿Supervivencia de los más aptos o coexistencia?

Date: February 21, 2012, 11:00 hs

Place: Room 209, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.



Y. Tonegawa (University of Hokkaido, Japan)

Overview of generalized mean curvature flow

Date: February 8, 2012, 12:00 hs.

Place: Room 209, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.


Average covering tree solution for directed graph games
Anna Khmelnitskaya, Saint-Petersburg State University
December 1, 2011. 12:00hr.
Room 215, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM


Ciencia para el bienestar humano, Matemáticas para un mundo sostenible
Miguel Ángel Herrero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
November 28, 2011. 17:00hr.
Sala de Europa del Senado (C/ Bailén, 3. Madrid)


Tree, web and average web value for cycle-free directed graph games
Anna Khmelnitskaya, Saint-Petersburg State University
November 24, 2011. 12:00hr.
Room 215, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM


Seminario de Geometría Algebraica
Budan tables of real univariate polynomials
André Galligo, Universidad de Niza
November 3, 2011. 14:00 hr.
Room 238, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM


Nudos y enlaces en mecánica de fluidos
Daniel Peralta-Salas, CSIC-ICMAT
October 19, 2011
Room Miguel de Guzmán, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM


Estimaciones de error en elementos finitos y aplicaciones
Ricardo Durán, Universidad de Buenos Aires
October 18, 2011
Room Alberto Dou (209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM


Optimal embeddings of generalized Besov spaces
Georgi E. Karadzhov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
October 13, 2011
Room 222, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM


Applied Mathematics Seminar
Inverse problems for semilinear parabolic problems
Jacques Tort, Univesité de Toulouse III
October 13, 2011
Room Alberto Dou (209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM


Conferencia inaugural del Curso 2011-2012
Seminario de Matemática Aplicada
Asymptotic behaviour of complet fluid systems
Eduard Fereisl
October 7, 2011
Room Alberto Dou, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM