Institutos Universitarios

Seminars and Colloquia 2009 - 2010

Nonlinear dynamics of water-limited ecosystems
Ehud Meron, The Institute for Dryland Environmental Research & Physics Department, Ben Gurion University, Israel
July 13, 2010, at 11.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by Department of applied mathematics, European research grant FIRST, research group MOMAT, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute


A counter-example to the Hirsch conjecture
Francisco Santos, Universidad de Cantabria (Spain)
June 18th, 2010, from 12.00 to 13.00 hr.
Place: Room Miguel de Guzmán, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by Department of Algebra, ICMAT and IMI-Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
Photos - Video


Single phytoplankton species growth with light and advection in a water column
Sze-Bi Hsu, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan
June 1st, 2010, at 12.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics (UCM), the Project MTM2009-08259 and IMI-Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute


Automorfismos mansos y salvajes de polinomios
Ivan Shestakov, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
May 31st, 2010, at 13.00hr.
Place: Room B16, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by CSIC, URJC and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute


The Darwinian Dynamics of Cancer
Robert Gatenby, Moffitt Cancer Research Center of Florida, USA
May 25, 2010 at 11.30 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics (UCM) and IMI Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
Photo 1 - Photo 2 - Photo 3


Lattice Polly Cracker
Carlo Traverso, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Italy
May 24, 2010 at 13.00 hr.
Place: Seminar 238, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by the Department of Algebra, UCM and IMI-Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
Photo 1


Entrainment in Rapid Gravity Mass Flows: General Considerations and Constraints, a Useful Model and Numerical Simulations
Dieter Issler, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and Intl. Centre for Geohazards, Norway
Manuel Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
April 16, 2010, at 11.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics UCM, IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and NILS Mobility Project
Lecture notes
Photo 1 - Photo 2 - Photo 3


"Classification of surfaces"
Tomasz Szemberg, Instytut Matematyki, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny, Cracovia
April 15, 2010, from 13.00 to 15.00 hr.
Place: Room B08 A, Mathematical Sciences, UCM
Organized by INVESMAT, Department of Algebra and IMI-Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute.
Photo 1


Snow Avalanches in a Nutshell: A Brief Phenomenology for Non-Specialists
Dieter Issler, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and Intl. Centre for Geohazards, Norway
April 14, 2010, at 11.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.
Organized by Departement of Applied Mathematics UCM, IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and NILS Mobility Project
Lecture notes
Photo 1Photo 2 Photo 3


Quantum Information Theory: visions and perspectives
Michael Wolf (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark)
April 7, 2010, at 11.30 hr.
Place: Sala Enrique Linés, Faculty of Sciences, UNED (Paseo Senda del Rey, 9, Madrid)
Organized by Department of Materials Physics at UNED, and  IMI-Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute


Jornada sobre Grupos Topológicos
Lydia Aussenhofer (University of Hannover, Germany)
Vaja Tarieladze (University of Tbilisi, Georgia)
March 25, 2010 from 16.00 to 17.00 and from 17.30 to 18.30 hr.
Place: Seminar 225, Faculty Mathematical Sciences, UCM
Organized by the Department of Geometry and Topology, IMI-Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute and the Research Grant "Topologías de Mackey en diversas categorías de grupos topológicos. Grupos pseudocompactos."
Photo1 - Photo2 - Photo3
Lecture notes (second talk: Mackey Classes of Groups)


On finite group-actions on low-dimensional spheres and euclidean spaces, and finite subgroups of the orthogonal groups
Bruno P. Zimmermann, Università degli Studi di Trieste (Italy)
March 11, 2010, at 13.00 hr.
Place: Room Miguel de Guzmán, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by Department of Geometry and Topology, Research Group “Superficies de Riemann, Espacios de Teichmüller y aplicaciones” and IMI- Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute


Modelización en Química: Aspectos termodinámicos del plegamiento de proteínas mediante métodos de Monte Carlo en modelos simples
Antonio Rey, Department of Chemistry Physics I, UCM
March 9, at 12.00 hr.
Place: Seminar 209 (Alberto Dou), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM


Topological tensor Networks from Hopf algebras
Oliver Buerschaper, MPQ
February 24, 2010, at 15.00 hr.
Place: Room 222, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by UCM Research Group "Matemáticas e Información Cuántica" and IMI- Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute


Fully discontinuous operators on Banach function spaces and eigenvalue problems
Jean-Michel Rakotoson, Univ. Poitiers (France)
February 18, 2010, at 12.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
Photo 1 - Photo 2 - Photo 3

"Isolated singularities for elliptic problems with exponential growth in two dimensions"
Jacques Giacomoni, Université de Pau (France)
January 28, 2010, at 16.30 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Researcg Group MOMAT, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

"Modelos matemáticos y fenómenos no lineales"
Jorge Alberto González, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (Venezuela)
January 12, 14, 19 and 21, 2010, at 15.30 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Grant Modelización y Simulación en el Cálculo Fraccionario y de la Atmósfera de Marte, and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

"Didáctica del Análisis"
Michèle Artigue, Universidad Paris 7 (France)
January 12 and 13, 2010, 11.30 to 14.00 hr.
Place: Room 238 (Seminar of Algebra), Faculty of Mathematicas, UCM
Organized by Mathematical Research PhD programme (with Quality Mention MDC2006-00482), and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
Photo1 - Photo2 - Photo3 - Photo4

"Modelling the atmospheres of other planets: the case of Mars"
Anni Maattanen, LATMOS/CNRS (France)
December 15, 2009, at 12.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

"Control de patrones espacio-temporales mediante feedback con retardo temporal"
Michael Stich, Centro de Astrobiología, CSIC-INTA
December 2, 2009, at 12.30 hr.
Place: Sala de Grados A, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, UPM
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics (ETSAM, UPM), Research Group Modelos matemáticos no lineales (UPM) and Reasearch Group MOMAT (UCM)

“Blow-up vs. boundedness in models of chemotaxis”
Michael Winkler, Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Dicember 1, 2009, at 12.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

"Connectedness and dimension in topological groups in the presence of compactness"
Dikran Dikranjan, University of Udine (Italy)
November 26, 2009, at 16.30 hr.
Place: room 225
Organized by Department of Geometry and Topology, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

“Un modelo numérico del comportamiento hidrodinámico y de la evolución de la salinidad en aguas poco profundas”
F. Navarrina, GMNI-UDC (Grupo de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, Universidad de A Coruña, Spain)
November 26, 2009, at 13.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

“A glance beyond the quantum model” (Based on the paper: arXiv:0907.0372)
Miguel Navascués, UCM (Spain)
November 18, 2009, at 15.30 hr.
Place: Room 222, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
Organized by Department of Mathematical Analisys, Group “Matemáticas e Investigación Cuántica” and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

"Observers for nonlinear discrete-time Models of a Harvested Fish Population"
Diène Ngom, Université de Ziguinchor (Senegal)
November 18, 2009, at 12.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

"Differential Susceptibility and Infectivity Epidemic Models. Application to HBV”
Abderrahman Iggdir, INRIA-Nancy Grand Est & Université Paul Verlaine (France)
November 12, 2009, at 13.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

"Atomistic dynamics using applied mathematics"
Andreas Pedersen, Reykjavik University, Iceland & UCM Abel Extraordinary Chair
October 15 and 29, and November 5, 2009, at 13.00 hr.
Place: Sala de Grados (room 250C)
Organized by Departmental section of Astronomy and Geodesy, and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
Photo1 -- Photo2 -- Photo3 -- Photo4

"Cálculo y Diseño por Ordenador de Tomas de Tierra en Instalaciones Eléctricas: Una Formulación Numérica basada en el Método Integral de Elementos de Contorno"
Ignasi Colominas, Universidade da Coruña, Spain
November 3, 2009, 12.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
Lecture Notes

Inaugural Conference of the Academic Year 2009/2010
Seminar of Applied Mathematics
"Simulación Numérica del Conformado Electromagnético"
Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
November 4, 2009, 13.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

"Algoritmos meméticos multimodales. Diseño, paralelización y aplicaciones"
Pilar Martínez Ortigosa, Department of Architecture of Computers and Electronic, University of Almeria (Spain)
October 23, 2009, at 13.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute


"Real interpolation, inverse problems and near-minimizers for Sobolev spaces"
Prof. Natan Kruglyak, University of Växjö (Sweden)
October 22, 2009 at 13.00 hr.
Place: Seminar 222
Organized by Department of Mathematical Analisys and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
Photo1 -- Photo2 -- Photo3


“A mathematical analysis of some hiperbolic - parabolic problems”
Julien Jimenez, Universidad de Pau (France)
October 21, 2009, at 13.00 hr.
Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
Photo1 -- Photo2 -- Photo3 - Photo4


"Values for Values for cycle-free directed graph games” joint work together with Dolf Talman (Tilburg University)
Anna Khmelnitskaya, St. Petersburg Institute for Economics and Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
October 9, 2009, at 13.00 hr.
Place: Seminar of the Department of statistics and operative investigation
Organized by Departament of statistics and operative investigation, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute