Institutos Universitarios

Publications 2018

Publicaciones 2018

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  1. M. E. Alonso, F. J. Castro-Jiménez, H. Hauser, C. Koutschan. Echelons of power series and Gabrielov's
    counterexample to nested linear Artin approximation. Bull. Lond. Math. 2018, Soc. 50, no. 4, 649--662.  
  2. M. E. Alonso, F. J. Castro-Jiménez, H. Hauser. Encoding algebraic power series. Found. Comput. Math. 2018,
    18 , 789-833.
  3. L. Alvarez, C. Cuenca, J. I. Díaz, E. González. Level Set Regularization Using Geometric Flows. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. Vol. 11 (2018), No. 2, pp. 1493-1523. DOI:
  4. J. M. Ancochea BermúdezR. Campoamor Stursberg. Rigidity-preserving and cohomology-decreasing extensions of solvable rigid Lie algebras. Linear Multilinear Algebra 66 (2018), no. 3, 525–539
  5. J. M. Ancochea BermúdezR. Campoamor-Stursberg, F. Oviaño García. New examples of rank one solvable real rigid Lie algebras possessing a nonvanishing Chevalley cohomology (2018) Applied Mathematics and Computation, 339, pp. 431-440. DOI link:
  6. M. Ansola, A. Díaz-Cano, M. A. Zurro. Real canonical forms in waring’s problem. A constructive approach. In Monografías de la Real Academia de Ciencias. 2018, 43: 39–42.
  7. R. M. Aron, L. Bernal-González, P. Jiménez-Rodríguez; G.A. Muñoz-Fernández, J.B. Seoane-Sepúlveda; On the size of special families of linear operators. Linear Algebra Appl. 544 (2018), 186-205.
  8. E. Artal Bartolo, Pi. Cassou-Noguès, I. Luengo, and A. Melle-Hernández. On the b-exponents of generic plane curve singularities , Journal of Singularities vol 18, (2018), pp 36-49.
  9. A. Avilés, P. Tradacete, I. Villanueva. The free Banach lattices generated by $ell_p$ and $c_0$. Revista Matemática Complutense. Published online: 13 December 2018. 
  10. D. Azagra, J. Ferrera, J. Gómez Gil. "The Morse-Sard Theorem revisited". The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
  11. D. Azagra, J. Ferrera, M. García-Bravo, J. Gómez-Gil. Subdifferentiable functions satisfy Lusin properties of class C1 or C2 (2018) Journal of Approximation Theory, 230, pp. 1-12. DOI:
  12. A. Bautista, A. Ibort, J. Lafuente. L-extensions and L-boundary of conformal spacetimes. Gen. Relativity Gravitation 50 (2018), no. 12, Art. 153, 47 pp MR3876304.

  13. A. Ballesteros, R. Campoamor Stursberg, E. Fernández Saiz, F. J. Herranz, J. de Lucas. Poisson–Hopf algebra deformations of Lie–Hamilton systems, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 (2018) 065202
  14. H. Barge, J. M. R. Sanjurjo. Bifurcations and Attractor-Repeller Splittings of Non-Saddle Sets (2018) Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 30 (1), pp. 257-272. DOI:
  15. G. Beer, M. I. Garrido, A. S. Meroño. Uniform Continuity and a New Bornology for a Metric Space (2018) Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 26 (1), pp. 49-65. DOI:
  16. L. Bernal-González, A. Bonilla, J. López-Salazar, J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda. Boundary-Nonregular Functions in the Disc Algebra and in Holomorphic Lipschitz Spaces (2018) Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 15 (3), art. no. 114, . DOI: 
  17. L. Bernal-González, J. A. Conejero, G. Costakis, J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda. Multiplicative structures of hypercyclic functions for convolution operators. J. Operator Theory 80 (2018), no. 1, 213–224.

  18. L. Bernal-González, J. A. Conejero, M. Murillo-Arcila, J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda. Highly tempering infinite matrices. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Math. RACSAM 112 (2018), no. 2, 341-345.

  19. L. Bernal-González; J. López-Salazar; J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda. On Weierstrass' monsters in the disc algebra. Bull. Belgian Math. Society - Simon Stevin, Vol. 25 (2), (2018). DOI: / bbms / 1530065012
  20. P. Bolgiani, S. Fernández-González, M. L. Martin, F. Valero, A. Merino, E. Garcia-Ortega, J. L. Sánchez. Analysis and numerical simulation of an aircraft icing episode near Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas International Airport. Atmospheric Research. (20189 Volume 200, 1 February 2018, Pages 60-69. 
  21. P. Bolgiani, S. Fernández-González, F. Valero, A. Merino, E. García-Ortega, J. L. Sánchez, M. L. Martín. Simulation of a Heavy Precipitation Event in the Vicinity of Madrid-Barajas International Airport: Sensitivity to Initial Conditions, Domain Resolution, and Microphysics Parameterizations. Atmosphere (2018). 9(9), 329. doi:
  22. A. Brú, D. Gómez-Castro, L. Vila, I. Brú, J. C. Souto. (2018). Study of tumor growth indicates the existence of an “immunological threshold” separating states of pro- and antitumoral peritumoral inflammation. PLOS ONE, 13(11), e0202823. doi:
  23. A. Bustinduy, L. Giraldo. On vector fields with simply connected trajectories and one invariant line. Journal of differential equations. Volumen: 264 (2018)  Número: 6  Páginas: 3933-3939.

  24. H. J. Cabana, G. A. Muñoz-Fernández, J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda. Connected polynomials and continuity. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 462 (2018), no. 1, 298-304.
  25. C. Calvo, IY Tyukin, V. A. Makarov. Fast social-like learning of complex behaviors based on motor motifs. Physical Review E 97 (5), 052308, 2018.
  26. R. Campoamor Stursberg. An inverse problem in Lagrangian dynamics based on the preservation of symmetry groups: application to systems with a position-dependent mass. Acta Mech. 229 (2018), no. 1, 211–229.
  27. R. Campoamor Stursberg. Reduction by invariants and projection of linear representations of Lie algebras applied to the construction of nonlinear realizations. J. Math. Phys. 59 (2018), no. 3, 033502
  28. R. Campoamor-Stursberg, M. Rausch de Traubenberg. Group Theory in Physics. A Practitioner's Guide. World Scientific, 2018. ISBN: 978-981-3273-60-3 (hardcover)  ISBN: 978-981-3273-62-7 (ebook)

  29. K. C. Ciesielski, J. L. Gámez-Merino, T. Natkaniec, J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda; On functions that are almost continuous and perfectly everywhere surjective but not Jones. Lineability and additivity. Topology Appl. 235 (2018), 73-82.
  30. C. F. Arias, M. A. Herrero, L. F. Echeverri, G. E. Oleaga, J. M. López. Bone remodeling: A tissue-level process emerging from cell-level molecular algorithms. 2018. 
  31. D. Daners, JLópez-Gómez. Global dynamics of generalized logistic equations. Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 18 (2018), no. 2, 217–236.

  32. J. I. Díaz. Correction to: On the ambiguous treatment of the Schrödinger equation for the infinite potential well and an alternative via singular potentials: the multi-dimensional case. SeMA Journal. September 2018, Volume 75, Issue 3, pp 563–568. 
  33. J.I. Díaz. Decaying to zero bifurcation solution curve for some sublinear elliptic eigenvalue type problems. Rev. Acad. Canar. Cienc., 29,  (2018) 9-19
  34. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro. A mathematical proof in nanocatalysis: better homogenized results in the diffusion of a chemical reactant through critically small reactive particles. In Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2016, Springer International Publishing AG 2017, P. Quintela et al. (eds.), Book series: Mathematics in Industry 26, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-63081-6, Electronic ISBN: 978-3-319-63082-3, 2018, pp. 319--326. DOI link:
  35. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A. V. Podolskiy, T. A. Shaposhnikova. Homogenization of Boundary Value Problems in Plane Domains with Frequently Alternating Type of Nonlinear Boundary Conditions: Critical Case. Doklady Mathematics, (2018) 97(3), 271–276.
  36. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A.V. Podolskii, T. A. Shaposhnikova. Non existence of critical scales in the homogenization of the problem with p-Laplace diffusion and nonlinear reaction in the boundary of periodically distributed particles in n-dimensional domains when $p > n$. Rev. la Real Acad. Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Nat. Ser. A. Matemáticas. 112.2 pp.331-340 (2018). doi: 
  37. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez–Castro, J. M. Rakotoson, R. Temam. Linear diffusion with singular absorption potential and/or unbounded convective flow: the weighted space approach. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Volume 38, Number 2 (2018), 509–546.

  38. J. I. DíazD. Gómez–Castro, J. M. Rakotoson. Existence and uniqueness of solutions of Schrödinger type stationary equations with very singular potentials without prescribing boundary conditions and some applications. Differential Equations & Applications. Volume 10, Number 1 (2018), 47–74 doi: 
  39. J. I. DíazD. Gómez–Castro, J. L. Vázquez. The fractional Schrödinger equation with general nonnegative potentials. The weighted space approach. Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 177, Part A, 2018, Pages 325-360.
  40. E. Fernández-Carrión, B. IvorraA. M. Ramos, B. Martínez-López, C. Aguilar-Vega, J. M. Sánchez-Vizcaíno. An advection-deposition-survival model to assess the risk of introduction of vector-borne diseases through the wind: application to bluetongue outbreaks in Spain. PLoS ONE, ISSN: 1072-6691, 13(3): e0194573 (2018).
  41. E. Fernández-Carrión, B. Martínez-López, B. Ivorra, A.M. Ramos, J. M. Sánchez-Vizcaíno. Evaluación del riesgo de propagación de epidemias ganaderas mediante simulación matemática, Pensamiento Matemático, ISSN-e [2174-0410], 2018, Vol VIII, N. 2. pp. 43-54.
  42. S. Fernández-González, M. L. Martin, E. García-Ortega, A. Merino, J. Lorenzana, J. L. Sánchez, F. Valero, J. Sanz-Rodrigo. Sensitivity analysis of WRF model: wind-resource assessment for complex terrain. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (2018), VOLUMEN/PÁGINAS/EDITORIAL/: 57, 733–753. Doi:
  43. J. Ferrer, D. García, M. Maestre, J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda. On the zero-set of 2-homogeneous polynomials in Banach spaces.  Linear and Multilinear Algebra, DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2018.1476448. 

  44. J. M. Ferrer, F. J. Martín-CampoM. T. Ortuño, A. J. Pedraza, G. TiradoB. Vitoriano. Multi-criteria optimization for last mile distribution of disaster relief aid: Test cases and applications. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) ISSN: 0377-2217 Volumen: 269 Páginas, inicial: 501 final: 515 2018. DOI:
  45. E. García-Cuesta, D. Gómez-Vergel, L. Gracia-Expósito, J. M. López-López, M. Vela-Pérez. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Volume 10857 LNCS, 2018, Pages 132-146

  46. M. I. Garrido, A. S. Meroño. The Samuel realcompactification (2018) Topology and its Applications, 241, pp. 150-161. DOI:
  47. S. Gómez, B. Ivorra, A.M. Ramos, Designing Optimal Trajectories for a Skimmer Ship to Clean, Recover and Prevent the Oil Spilled on the Sea from Reaching the Coast. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, ISSN: 2444-8656, 3(2) (2018) 553–570. DOI link:
  48. I. M. Gómez-Chacón. Promoting the mathematics teacher self-identity. Design heuristics for didactical materials. Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology. 2018, Vol. VIII (LXX) No. 1/2018, 15-27

  49. I. M. Gómez-Chacón, C. De la Fuente. Problem-Solving and Mathematical Investigation: creative processes, actions and mediations, In N. Amado, S. Carreira and K. Jones, (Ed.) Broadening the scope of research on mathematical problem solving: A focus on technology, creativity and affect. (pp. 347- 373). Switzerland: Springer. (2018) ISBN: 978-3-319-99860-2, ISBN 978-3-319-99861-9 (eBook).
  50. M. A. Gómez Villegas, B. González-Pérez. Multiple Hypothesis Tests: A Bayesian Approach. In The Mathematics of the Uncertain--A tribute to Pedro Gil. New York: Springer. 2018, pp 195-207.
  51. C. E. González-Guillén, C. Palazuelos, I. Villanueva. Euclidean Distance Between Haar Orthogonal and Gaussian Matrices (2018) Journal of Theoretical Probability, 31 (1), pp. 93-118. DOI:
  52. S. M. Gusein-Zade, I. Luengo, A. Melle-Hernández. Power structure over the Grothendieck ring of maps. Rev Mat Complut (2018) 31: 595. 
  53. S. M. Gusein-Zade, I. Luengo, A. Melle-Hernández. The universal Euler characteristic of V-manifolds. Functional Analysis and its Applications, vol 52, September (2018), Issue 4, pp. 297--307. 
  54. A. Hernando, R. Maestre, E. Roanes Lozano. A new algebraic approach to decision making in a railway interlocking system based on preprocess. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, DOI: 10.1155/2018/4982974
  55. A. Hernando, E. Roanes Lozano. A recommender system for train routing: when concatenating two minimum length paths is not the minimum length path. Applied Mathematics and Computation, ISSN: 0096-3003, Vol. 319, pp. 486-498, 2018, DOI:
  56. J. A. Infante & J. M. ReyMétodos Numéricos. Teoría, problemas y prácticas con MATLAB (5ª Edición). Ediciones Pirámide (Grupo ANAYA), 2018, 1-517. ISBN (paper book): 978-84-368-3983-8. ISBN (e-book): 978-84-368-3984-5
  57. B. Ivorra. Application of the Laminar Navier-Stokes Equations for Solving 2D and 3D Pathfinding Problems with Static and Dynamic Spatial Constraints: Implementation and Validation in Comsol Multiphysics. Journal of Scientific Computing (Impact factor: 1.899, 29/255 en "Mathematics, Applied", JCR 2016), 2018, Volume 74, Issue 2, pp. 1163-1187.

  58. B. Ivorra, M. Crespo, J. L. Redondo, A. M. Ramos, P. Martínez, J. G. Santiago. Modeling and Optimization Applied to the Design of Fast Hydrodynamic Focusing Microfluidic Mixer for Protein Folding. In Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2016, Springer International Publishing AG 2017, P. Quintela et al. (eds.), Book series: Mathematics in Industry 26, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-63081-6, Electronic ISBN: 978-3-319-63082-3, 2018, pp. 640--655. DOI link:
  59. B. Ivorra, M. R. Ferrández, M. Crespo, J. L. Redondo, A. M. Ramos, P. M. Ortigosa, J. G. Santiago. Modeling and Optimization Applied to the Design of Fast Hydrodynamic Focusing Microfluidic Mixer for Protein Folding. Journal of Mathematics in Industry, 8: 4, pp: 1--17.
  60. S. Jiménez, D. Usero, L. Vázquez, M. P. Velasco. Fractional Diffusion Models for the Atmosphere of Mars. FRACTAL AND FRACTIONAL 2 (1), 1 , 2018
  61. M. Junge, C. Palazuelos, I. Villanueva. Classical versus quantum communication in XOR games.  Quantum Information Processing, (2018) 17 (5), art. no. 117. DOI:
  62. M. Llorente, M. E. Mera, M. Morán. On the packing measure of the Sierpinski gasket. Nonlinearity 31 (2018), no. 6, 2571–2589.

  63. S. Lobov, N. Krilova, I. Kastalskiy, V. Kazantsev, V. A. Makarov. Latent factors limiting the performance of sEMG-interfaces. Sensors (Switzerland), (2018) 18 (4), art. no. 1122, . DOI:
  64. J. López-Gómez, L. Maire. Multiplicity of large solutions for quasi-monotone pulse-type nonlinearities. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (2018) 459 (1), pp. 490-505. DOI:
  65. E. Martín-Peinador, V. Pérez Valdés. A class of topological groups which do not admit normal compatible locally quasi-convex topologies. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, 2018, Volume 112, Issue 3, pp 867–876. DOI:
  66. C. Mejia-Argueta, J. Gaytán, R. Caballero, J. Molina, B. Vitoriano. Multicriteria optimization approach to deploy humanitarian logistic operations integrally during floods. Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. (2018) 25: 1053–1079. doi:10.1111/itor.12508
  67. A. Merino, M. L. Martín, S. Fernández-González, J. L. Sánchez, F. Valero. Extreme maximum temperature events and their relationships with large-scale modes: potential hazard on the Iberian Peninsula. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. (2018) Volume 133, Issue 1–2, pp 531–550. 
  68. R. Morales, M. A. Gómez Villegas. La predicción macroeconómica: Un breve repaso histórico. En "Historia de la probabilidad y de la estadística IX". pp. 257-308. Editado por la UNED. ISBN: 978-84-362-7369-4
  69. D. Ngom, B. IvorraA.M. Ramos. Stability analysis of a compartmental SEIHRD model for the Ebola Virus Disease. In Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, Series: Texts in Biomathematics. ISBN 978-619-7451-00-9 (print), 978-619-7451-01-6 (online), ISSN: 2603-3046, 2018, pp. 44--56. Book DOI link:, Paper DOI link:
  70. Nguyen Anh Daoa, J. I. Díaz, Quoc-Hung Nguyenc. Generalized Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequalities using Lorentz spaces, BMO, Hölder spaces and fractional Sobolev spaces.

  71. A. M. Ramos, J. M. Rey. Matemáticas Básicas para el acceso a la Universidad (3 edición)Ediciones Pirámide (Grupo ANAYA), 2017. ISBN: 978-84-368-3710-0. ISBN (e-book): 978-84-368-3711-7

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  72. P. RomeroG. Barderas, J. Mejuto. Equilibrium positions on stationary orbits and planetary principal inertia axis orientations for the Solar System. Advances in Space Research Volume 61, Issue 9, pp. 2472-2481. 2018. 
  73. C. Roncero Clemente, E. Roanes Lozano. A multi-criteria computer package for power transformer fault detection and diagnosis. Applied Mathematics and Computation, ISSN: 0096-3003, Vol. 319, pp. 153-164, 2018 (online 28-II-2017), DOI:
  74. M. Shamsin, N. Krilova, M. Bazhanova, V. Kazantsev, V. A. Makarov, S. Lobov. Supervised and unsupervised learning in processing myographic patterns. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, (2018) 1117 (1), art. no. 012008, . DOI:
  75. C. C. Tapia, J. A. Villacorta-Atienza, I. Kastalskiy, S. Díez-Hermano, A. Sánchez-Jimenez, V. A. Makarov. Cognitive Neural Network Driving DoF-Scalable Limbs in Time-Evolving Situations (2018) Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2018-July, art. no. 8489562. DOI:
  76. P. Tradacetea, I. Villanueva. Continuity and representation of valuations on star bodies. Advances in Mathematics 329 (2018) 361–391.

  77. L. Vázquez, M. P. Velasco, D. Usero, S. Jiménez. Fractional Calculus As A Modelling Framework. Editor Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.  ISBN: 978-84-17358-00-6 

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