Publications 2017
Publicaciones 2017
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- A. Alonso-Ayuso, L.F. Escudero, F.J. Martín-Campo, N. Mladenovic, On the aircraft conflict resolution problem: A VNS approach in a multiobjective framework. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 58, 2017, pp. 151-158
- I. Antón and J. López-Gómez, Principal eigenvalues of weighted periodic-parabolic problems,Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste, Volume 49 (2017), 287-318. DOI: 10.13137/2464-8728/16217
- Araújo, G. (BR-UEPB-M) ; Bernal-González, L. (E-SEVL-MA) ; Muñoz-Fernández, G. A. (E-MADCM-MA) ; Prado-Bassas, J. A. (E-SEVL-MA) ; Seoane-Sepúlveda, J. B. (E-MADCM-IMI)
Lineability in sequence and function spaces. Studia Math. 237 (2017), no. 2, 119-136. - Araujo, G. (BR-UFCG2-NS); Jiménez-Rodríguez, P. (E-MADCM-MA); Muñoz-Fernández, G. A. (E-MADCM-MA) ; Seoane-Sepúlveda, J. B. (E-MADCM-MA). Polynomial inequalities on the =4-circle sector. (English. English summary) J. Convex Anal. 24 (2017), no. 3, 927-953.
- R.M. Aron, J.A. Jaramillo, E. Le Donne, Smooth surjections and surjective restrictions. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 42 (2017), no. 2, 525–534.
- E. Artal Bartolo, Pi. Cassou-Nogués, I. Luengo, and A. Melle-Hernández, Bernstein polynomial of 2-Puiseux pairs irreducible plane curve singularities, Methods and Applications of Analysis, Volume 24 (2017), Number 2, pp. 185-214. - D. Azagra, J. Ferrera, J. Gómez Gil: "Nonsmooth Morse Sard theorems". Nonlinear Analysis 160 (2017) 53-69.
- S. Bensid and J.I. Díaz, Stability results for discontinuous nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems with a S-shaped bifurcation branch of stationary solutions. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B 22 5 (2017) 1757-1778. doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2017105
- Brezis, H., Gómez-Castro, D.: Rigidity of optimal bases for signal spaces. Comptes Rendus Math. 355, 780–785 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.crma.2017.06.004
- A. Bru, D. Gómez-Castro, J. C. Nuño, Visibility to discern local from nonlocal dynamic processes. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 471, April 2017, pp. 718-723. DOI link:
- L. T. T. Bui, A. N. Dao and J.I. Díaz , On the viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation in RN: the critical case. Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 176, pp. 1-8.
- J. Cabello, J. A. Jaramillo, A functional representation of almost isometries. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 445 (2017), no. 2, pp. 1243–1257. DOI Link:
- R. Campoamor Stursberg, M. Rausch de Traubenberg, Unitary representations of three dimensional Lie groups revisited: a short tutorial via harmonic functions. J. Geom. Phys. 114 (2017), 534–553
- R. Campoamor Stursberg, Symmetry-preserving perturbations of the Bateman Lagrangian and dissipative systems. Physics of Atomic Nuclei 80, Issue 2, pp 321–328
- Cariello, D. (E-MADCM-MA); Favaro, V. V. (BR-FUUM); Seoane-Sepúlveda, J. B. (E-MADCM-IMI) Self-similar functions, fractals and algebraic genericity. (English. English
summary) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), no. 10. - J. Castro, D. Gómez, E. Molina, J. Tejada, Improving polynomial estimation of the Shapley value by stratified random sampling with optimum allocation. Computers & Operations Research, 82, June 2017, Pages 180-188. DOI link:
- Cheon, Gi-Sang; Luzón, Ana; Morón, Manuel A.; Prieto-Martinez, L. Felipe; Song, Minho, Finite and infinite dimensional Lie Groups structures on Riordan groups, Adv. Math. 319 (2017), 522-566. DOI link:
- M. Crespo, B. Ivorra and A.M. Ramos, Asymptotic stability of a coupled advection-diffusion-reaction system arising in bioreactor prodesses. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, ISSN: 1072-6691, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 194, pp. 1-26.
- M. Crespo, B. Ivorra, A.M. Ramos and A. Rapaport, Modeling and optimization of activated sludge bioreactors for wastewater treatment taking into account spatial inhomogeneities. Journal of Process Control 54 (2017) 118–-128.
DOI link: Preprint: - M. Crespo, A. Majumdar, A. M. Ramos & I. M. Griffiths, Solution landscapes in nematic microfluidics. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volumes 351-352, 2017, pp. 1-13. DOI Link: Preprint
- A. N. Dao and J.I. Díaz, Existence and uniqueness of singular solutions of p-Laplacian with absorption for Dirichlet boundary condition. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Volume 145, Number 12, December 2017, Volume 145, Number 12, December 2017, Pages 5235-5245 - A. N. Dao and J.I. Díaz, The extinction versus the blow-up: Global and non-global existence of solutions of source types of degenerate parabolic equations with a singular absorption. J. Differential Equations. 2017.
- J.I. Díaz, On the ambiguous treatment of the Schrödinger equation for the infinite potential well and an alternative via singular potentials: the multi-dimensional case. SeMA-Journal 74 3 (2017) 225-278,
DOI 10.1007/s40324-017-0115-3. - J. I. Díaz, Remarks on the preceding paper by Crespo, Ivorra and Ramos on the stability of bioreactor processes. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 195, pp. 1-5.
- Díaz, J.I., Sobre la fundación de SEMA, Boletín Electrónico SeMA (2017).
- Díaz, J.I., Gómez-Castro, D., Shaposhnikova, T.A., Zubova, M.N.: Change of homogenized absorption term in diffusion processes with reaction on the boundary of periodically distributed asymmetric particles of critical size. Electron. J. Differ. Equations. 2017, 1–25 (2017)
- Díaz, J.I., Gómez-Castro, D., Podolskii, A.V., Shaposhnikova, T.A.: On the asymptotic limit of the effectiveness of reaction–diffusion equations in periodically structured media. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 455, 1597–1613 (2017). doi:
- J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez - Castro, A.V. Podolskii, T.A. Shaposhnikova, Homogeneization of variational inequalities of Signoriny type for the p-Lpalacian in perforated domains when 1<p <2. Doklady Mathematics, 95, 151–156 (2017). doi:
- J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández, and Y. Ilyasov, Stability criteria on flat and compactly supported ground states of some non-Lipschitz autonomous semilinear equations. Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Chinese Ann. Math. vol. 38 (2017), pp. 345-378. Preprint
- J. I. Díaz and Y. Meyer, Poisson summation formulae and the wave equation with a nitely supported measure as initial velocity. Afr. Diaspora J. Math. Vol 20, No 1 (2017) 1-13.
- M. Fenoy, P. Ibarrola, J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda, Generalized p value for multivariate Gaussian stochastic processes in continuous time. Stat Papers (2017). DOI link: 10.1007/s00362-017-0907-7
- E. Fernández-Carrión, M. Martínez-Avilés, B. Ivorra, B. Martínez-López, A.M. Ramos and J.M. Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Motion-based video monitoring for early detection of livestock diseases. The example of African swine fever. PLoS ONE, 12(9): e0183793. DOI link:
- S. Fernández González, M.L. Martín, A. Merino, J.L. Sánchez and F. Valero. "Uncertainly quantification and predictability of wind speed over the Iberian Peninsula". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122,3877-3890. doi: 10.1002/2017 JD026533. (2017)
- S. Fernández-Rincón and J. López-Gómez, A singular perturbation result in competition theory, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 445 (2017), pp. 280-296.
- S. Fernández-Rincón, J. López-Gómez, Spatially heterogeneous Lotka–Volterra competition.Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 165, 2017, pp. 33-79. DOI link:
- S. Fernández-Rincón and J. López-Gómez, Spatial versus non-spatial dynamics for diffusive Lotka - Volterra competing species models, Calc. Var. 56 (2017). DOI link: 10.1007/s00526-017-1161-5
- M.R. Ferrández, S. Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, B. Ivorra, A.M. Ramos and P.M. Ortigosa, Computación de alto rendimiento para optimizar tratamientos térmicos de alta presión en la industria alimenticia. In Avances en arquitectura y tecnología de computadores. Actas de las Jornadas SARTECO 2017, ISBN-13: 978-84-697-4835-0, 2017, pp. 119-122. Málaga: Zenodo. DOI link:
- M.R. Ferrández, J.L. Redondo, B. Ivorra, A.M. Ramos and P.M. Ortigosa, A Multi-Objective Methodology to Optimize High-Pressure/Thermal Treatment in Food Industry. In Libro de comunicaciones definitivas presentadas en CEDYA + CMA 2017. ISBN: 978-84944402-1-2, páginas 710-717.
- M.R. Ferrández, S. Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, B. Ivorra, A.M. Ramos and P.M. Ortigosa, High-Performance Computing for Optimizing High-Pressure Thermal Treatments in Food Processing. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2017, Vol. III, pp. 862-869, Costa Ballena, Rota, Cádiz (Spain), July 4th--8th, 2017. Editors: J. Vigo-Aguiar. Associate Editors: J. Medina, M. E. Cornejo, W. Sprößig, T. Sheng, P. Gill, E. Venturino, I. P. Hamilton, J.A. Álvarez-Bermejo, H. Ramos. ISBN: 978-84-617-8694-7.
- Garrido, M.I., Meroño, A.S. The Samuel real compactification of a metric space (2017) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 456 (2), pp. 1013-1039. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2017.07.033
- González-Guillén, C.E., Lancien, C., Palazuelos, C., Villanueva, I. Random Quantum Correlations are Generically Non-classical (2017) Annales Henri Poincare, Volume 18, Issue 12, pp 3793–3813. DOI: 10.1007/s00023-017-0615-9
- Gómez-Castro, D.: Shape differentiation of a steady-state reaction-diffusion problem arising in Chemical Engineering: the case of non-smooth kinetic with dead core. Electron. J. Differ. Equations. 2017, 1–11 (2017)
- I. M. Gómez-Chacón. Emotions and heuristics: the state of perplexity in mathematics. ZDM - Mathematics Education, Vol. 49 (3), pp. 323-338. DOI link:
- M.A. Gómez Villegas. "Juan Caramuel (1606-1682): Un matemático del siglo XVII, con proyección internacional". Capítulo 9 del libro "Historia de la Probabilidad y la Estadística VIII" (2017)
Delta Publicaciones Universitarias. ISBN: 978-84-16383-70-2. link. - R. Gonzalo, J.A. Jaramillo, D. Yáñez, Asymptotic smoothness, convex envelopes and polynomial norms. J. Convex Anal. 24 (2017), no. 4, 1281–1294.
- Hernández, F.L., Semenov, E.M., Tradacete, P., Interpolation and extrapolation of strictly singular operators between Lp spaces, Advances in Mathematics, 316, pp. 667-690. DOI link:
- B. Ivorra, S. Gómez, R. Glowinski and A.M. Ramos, Nonlinear Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Phenomena Involved in the Evolution and Pumping of Oil in Open Sea: Modeling, Numerical Simulation and Validation Considering the Prestige and Oleg Naydenov Oil Spill Cases. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2017, 70:1078–1104. DOI link: Preprint
- B. Ivorra, S. Gómez, R. Glowinski and A.M. Ramos, Nonlinear Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Phenomena Involved in the Evolution and Pumping of Oil in Open Seal: Modeling, Numerical Simulation and Validation Considering the Prestige and Oleg Naydenov Oil Spill Cases. In Libro de comunicaciones definitivas presentadas en CEDYA + CMA 2017. ISBN: 978-84-944402-1-2, páginas 361-368.
- Kvamsdal, S., Maroto, J.M., Morán, M., and Sandal, L.K., 2017. A bridge between continuous and discrete-time bioeconomic models: Seasonality in fiheries. Ecological Modelling 364C, 124-131.
- S Lobov, K Balashova, VA Makarov, V Kazantsev. Competition of Spike-Conducting Pathways in STDP Driven Neural Networks. Proc. NEUROTECHNIX 2017, p. 15-21, DOI: 10.5220/0006497400150021, 2017
- Lobov S.A., Zhuravlev M.O., Makarov V.A., Kazantsev V.B. “Noise enhanced signaling in STDP driven spiking-neuron network”, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 12(4), 109-124, 2017.
- J. López-Gómez and L. Maire, Boundary blow-up rate and uniqueness of the large solution for an elliptic cooperative system of logistic type, Nonl. Anal. RWA 33 (2017), 298-316.
- López-Gómez, J., Maire, L., Uniqueness of large positive solutions, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 68 (4), art. no. 86,. DOI link: 10.1007/s00033-017-0829-1
- J. López-Gómez and L. Maire, Coupled Versus Uncoupled Blow-Up Rates in Cooperative n-Species Logistic Systems, Advanced Nonlinear Studies, Vol. 17, Issue 3, July 2017. DOI link:
- J. López-Gómez, M. Molina-Meyer and P. H. Rabinowitz, Global Bifurcation Diagrams of one node solutions in a class of degenerate boundary value problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, Vol. 22, No. 3, May 2017, pp. 923-946. DOI: 10.3934/dcdsb.2017047
- J. López-Gómez, P. Omari, S. Rivetti, Bifurcation of positive solutions for a one-dimensional indefinite quasilinear Neumann problem, Nonlinear Analysis 155 (2017), pp. 1-51. DOI link:
- J. López-Gómez, P. H. Rabinowitz, Nodal solutions for a class of degenerate one dimensional BVP's, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 49, No. 1 82017), pp. 359-376. DOI link:
- F.G. Lupiáñez: “On Neutrosophic Sets and Topology”, Procedia Computer Science 120 (2017), 975-982.
- F.G. Lupiáñez: “Other Note on Paraconsistent Neutrosophic Sets, AIP Conference Proceedings 1872, 020008 (2017);
- F.G. Lupiáñez: “Use of Popular Science Materials for Teaching Topology”, Internat.J. Systems Appl. Eng. Development 11 (2017), 50-60.
- Luzón, Ana; Morón, Manuel A.; Prieto-Martínez, L. Felipe; A formula to construct all involutions in Riordan matrix groups. Linear Algebra Appl. 533 (2017), 397-417. DOI link:
- E. Martín-Peinador, A. Plichko, V. Tarieladze, Compatible locally convex topologies on normed spaces: cardinality aspects (2017) Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, pp. 1-7. Article in Press. DOI link:
- A. Merino, M.L. Martín, S. Fernández- González, J.L. Sánchez and F. Valero. "Extreme maximum temperature events and their relationships with large-scale modes: potential hazard on the Iberian Peninsula". Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-20, DOI 10. 1007/s00704-017-2203-9 (2017).
- G. A. Muñoz Fernández and J. B. Seoane, Fundamentos y problemas resueltos de Teoría cualitativa de ecuaciones diferenciales. Editorial Paraninfo, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-283-4057-1
- A. Némethi, B. Sigurðsson, The geometric genus of hypersurface singularities, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 2018, 18, No. 4, 825-851.
- A.M. Ramos and J.M. Rey, Matemáticas Básicas para el acceso a la Universidad (2 edición). Ediciones Pirámide (Grupo ANAYA), 2017. ISBN: 978-84-368-3710-0. ISBN (e-book): 978-84-368-3711-7
- E. Roanes-Lozano, A Brief Note on the Approach to the Conic Sections of a Right Circular Cone from Dynamic Geometry. Math.Comput. Sci. (2017). DOI 10.1007/s11786-017-0307-3
- E. A. Roanes-Lozano,Constructive approach to the quadrics of revolution using 3D dynamic geometry systems with algebraic capabilities (2017). Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25 (1), pp. 26-38. DOI: 10.1002/cae.21775.
- E. Roanes Lozano, J. L. Galán García, G. Aguilera Venegas, A prototype of a RBES for personalized menus generation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, ISSN: 0096-3003, Vol. 315, pp. 615-624, 2017 (online 28-XII-2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2016.12.023
- E. Roanes Lozano, R. González Martín, Matrix Approach to DC Railway Electrification Verification, Procedia Computer Science, ISSN: 1877-0509, Vol. 108, pp 1424-1433, 2017,
DOI: - E. Roanes Lozano, F. Sánchez, An educational Application of Dynamic Geometry: Revisiting the “Recovery Position” in Tennis, The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, Vol. 24(4), pp. 171-178, 2017
- P. Romero, B. Pablos, G. Barderas, Analysis of orbit determination from Earth-based tracking for relay satellites in a perturbed areostationary orbit, Acta Astronautica 136 (2017) 434-442 - Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Calvo C., Lobov S., and Makarov V.A. “Limb movement in dynamic situations based on generalized cognitive maps”, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 12(4), 15-29, 2017.
- I Tyukin, VA Makarov. Complex Dynamics, Synchronization, and Emergent Behaviour in Neural Systems and Networks. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 12 (4), 1-3, 2017