IMI Data Science Club Presentation

Data Science is one of the most interdisciplinary fields of Mathematics with the greatest projection and extension at present. In a world in which the data and information recording is increasing, extracting knowledge from them to give it usefulness is a challenge. IMI has been developing multiple activities in relation to these issues and it is intended to strengthen this area giving it an overall vision. Thus, the IMI Data Science Club was born with the purpose of organizing regularly and grouping activities included in Data Science that are developed within the IMI.
The presentation of the IMI Data Science Club was held April 9th 2019 in the Facultad de CC. Matemáticas de la UCM, with the presence of the UCM Rector and other academic authorities.
The activities will be open to the public and will be announced on this website, in addition to the usual means of disseminating IMI.
IMI Data Science Club Coordinators: Nuria Caballé Cervigon ( and Begoña Vitoriano (