Institutos Universitarios

Paula Terán Viadero

Department of Statistics and Operations Research
School of Mathematical Sciences
Complutense University of Madrid





Paula Terán-Viadero is a PhD student who received her Master’s degree in Mathematical Engineering in 2019 from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Spain. She specialised in operations research in 2019, when she was part of the Statistics and Operational Research Department in the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences at UCM, developing optimisation models for a company in the hospitality sector. Since then, she has been working in the private sector, developing integer linear mathematical optimisation models to solve problems arising from real-world applications. In particular, Paula is currently working on her PhD, specialising in problems belonging to the family of cutting and packing problems, with the Industrial PhD grant funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain.


Research interests



Latest Publications

  • P. Terán-Viadero, A. Alonso-Ayuso, F. Javier Martín-Campo. A 2-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problem with variable-sized stock for the honeycomb cardboard industry. International Journal of Production Research, 62, issue 1-2, 483-500. 2024. DOI: