Institutos Universitarios

Mars Exploration Science (MES): Analysis, Modelling and Exploitation of Data

Brief description

The project MES covers the issues of data analysis, modelling and simulation in the Mars exploration. One key line of research is to accommodate the Earth atmospheric models at different scales to Mars atmosphere, as the success and cost of Mars missions are critically dependent on our knowledge of their atmosphere. The main objective is the exploration and exploitation of data from Martian missions for Modelling the Radiation on Mars Surface; Modelling the Martian Electric and Magnetic Fields and the In Situ Data Analysis of the Martian Ground Temperature and Humidity.

This project is deeply involved in the missions to Mars of ESA-Russia: (a) EXOMARS2016, launched recently and where we participate as Co-Is in the instrument ACS (Atmospheric Chemistry Suite) of the orbiter and (b) EXOMARS2020, where we participate as Co-Is in the packet METEO.

The aim of this program is to continue with the study of all the topics proposed in the previous period 2017- 2019.

During the period 2017-2019 we have organized at IMI the meetings:

  • I Jornadas de Cálculo Fraccionario del IMI, del 13 al 14 de noviembre de 2017.
  • II Jornadas de Cálculo Fraccionario del IMI (2nd Fractional Calculus Meeting), del 21 al 23 de noviembre de 2018.




External Collaborators

  • Salvador Jiménez Burillo (Profesor, Escuela Técnica Superior de Telecomunicaciones Ingeniería, UPM)
  • María Pilar Velasco Cebrián (Profesional, Facultad de Matemáticas, UCM)
  • Carlos Aguirre Maeso (Profesor Contratado Doctor, Facultad de Informática, UAM)
  • Pedro José Pascual Broncano (Profesor Asociado, Escuela de Informática, UAM)
  • Raquel Caro Carretero (Profesora Asistente, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Universidad Pontífica de Comillas de Madrid)



  • M. Pilar Velasco, J. L. Vázquez-Poletti, L. Vázquez. About the Simulations of Maxwell Equations: Some Applications. In Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity: Mathematical Modelling of Real-World Problems, Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, Editor: C. M. A. Pinto, vol 36. Springer, 2022.
  • L. Vázquez, M. P.  Velasco, J. L. Vázquez-Poletti, S. Jiménez, D. Usero. From Radiation and Space Exploration to the Fractional Calculus. In New Perspectives on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, Editors: D. Volchenkov, A. C. J. Luo, vol 35. Springer, 2022.
  • P. Romero, Conexiones Interdisciplinares. Boletín del IMI, Nº51 (2 de junio de 2022), Sección "1+400. Divulgación con 1 imagen y 400 palabras". Link
  • L. Vázquez Martínez, M. P. Velasco, D. Baleanu, J. L. Vázquez-Poletti, S. Jimenez. From Eikonal to Antieikonal Approximations: Competition of Scales in the Framework of Schrödinger and Classical Wave Equation, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022,  Vol 17(8): 080801.
  • L. Vázquez Martínez, M. P. Velasco Cebrián, J. L. Vázquez-Poletti, F. Valero RodríguezM. P. Romero Pérez, S. Jiménez Burillo, M. L. Martín PérezG. Barderas Manchado, María Ramírez Nicolás, C. Aguirre Maeso, P. J. Pascual Broncano, D. Usero Mainer, M. Sastre Marugán. La gran aventura de la exploración en MarteGuillermo Escolar Editor S. L. 2021. ISBN: 978-84-18093-88-3.
  • A. B. Shvartsburg, V. Ya Pecherkin, S. Jiménez, L. M. Vasilyak, L. Vázquez, S. P. Vetchinin. Resonant phenomena in an all-dielectric rectangular circuit induced by a plane microwave. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2021, 54, 075004 (9pp).
  • N. Schetakis, R. Crespo, J. L. Vázquez-Poletti, M. Sastre, L. Vázquez, A. Di Iorio. Overview of the main radiation transport codes. Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. 2020, 9, 407–415.
  • M. P. Velasco, D. Usero, S. Jiménez, L. Vázquez, J. L. Vázquez-Poletti, M. Mortazavi. About Some Possible Implementations of the Fractional Calculus. Mathematics. 2020, 8(6), 893.
