María del Carmen Pardo Llorente
Catedrática de Universidad (Full Professor)
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
School of Mathematical Sciences
Complutense University of Madrid
I hold a degree with honors in Mathematics from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) in 1992. I obtained a PhD in Mathematics in 1996 from the UCM with 'Cum Laude' honors. I am currently Professor at the Department of Statistics and Operational Research at the Faculty of Mathematics of Complutense University of Madrid as well as Visiting Professor in the Women’s Health Research Unit at Blizard Institute at Queen Mary University of London. I have been scientific visitor in several Universities and Research Centers such Stanford University, University of Southern California, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic or McMaster University. Most of these visits have been supported by different competitive grants: Expert Exchange Program of the Ministry of Education and Science, Complutense Travel Grant, ERASMUS Program-Mobility of Teachers, Del Amo Grant and Program of the Ministry of Education for stays of professors and senior researchers in centers higher education and research "Salvador of Madariaga" Program.
I have been leading research projects since 2010 but I have been taking part in any since 1993. A total of 28 research projects and 11 of them as PI: 2 integrated Hispanic-Greek actions, 11 National Projects, 1 Project European (NATO), 2 Precompetitive of the UCM and 12 Grants to Research Groups co-financed by the Autonomous Community of Madrid (CAM) and UCM.
Furthermore, I am Guest Editor of Special Issues of CSDA and Mathematics JCR journals and editor of the Springer book Trends in Mathematical, Information and Data Sciences. Finally, I serve the scientific community as area editor of international journals such as TEST and Communications in Statistics.
Research interests
My research interests are in Biostatistics, Survival Analysis, Assessment of diagnostic markers, Joint models for longitudinal data and survival data, Longitudinal Data, Surrogate markers and Missing data. (for details, see I lead a node of the BIOSTATNET network and the ‘UCM-962004 Biostatistics’ research group.
I have co-authored more than 100 research papers in refereed journals such as Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Biometrical Journal, Pharmaceutical Statistics, BMJ Open, Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, Anesthesia, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, TEST, Journal of Multivariate Analysis and Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
Latest Publications
- Pérez, M. C. Pardo, Y. Cabellos, M. Peressini, I. Ureña-Vacas, D. R. Serrano, E. González-Burgos. Mental health and drug use in college students: Should we take action? Journal of Affective Disorders. 2023, 338, 32-40.
- M. Franco-Pereira, M. C. Pardo, C.T. Nakas, B. Reiser. Inference on the symmetry point-based optimal cut-off point and associated sensitivity and specificity with application to SARS-CoV-2 antibody data. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions. 2023, 47, 1. 186-204. Link
C. J. Salaroli, M. C. Pardo.
PYE: A Penalized Youden Index Estimator for selecting and combining biomarkers in high-dimensional data.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 2023, 236, 104786.
chemolab.2023.104786 -
A. M. Franco-Pereira, M.C. Pardo, T. Pérez.
Non-parametric Testing of Non-inferiority with Censored Data. In
Trends in Mathematical, Information and Data Sciences (Springer). 2023, 339–348, ISBN: 978-3-031-04136-5.
- A. García Hernández, T. Pérez, M. C. Pardo, D. Rizopoulos.
A flexible analytical framework for reference-based imputation, delta adjustment and tipping-point stress-testing. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research. 2022. -
M.C. Pardo, T. Pérez.
Assessing the impact of the phase-out measures during COVID-19 pandemic, using regression models: a longitudinal observational study.
BMJ Open. 2022, 12 (11): e051976.
M. C. Pardo, Q. Zhao, H. Jin, Y. Lu.
Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints Using Information-Theoretic Measure of Association Based on Havrda and Charvat Entropy.
Mathematics. 2022, 10(3), 465.
M. C. Pardo, Y. Lu, A. M. Franco-Pereira.
Extensions of empirical likelihood and chi-squared-based tests for ordered alternatives. Journal of Applied Statistics, 2022, 49(1), 24-43. - T. Pérez, A. M. Candela-Toha, L. Khalifi, A. Muriel, M. C. Pardo.
Individualized prediction for the occurrence of acute kidney injury during the first postoperative week following cardiac surgery. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 2022, 77, 110596.
- L. Green, J. Daru, F. J. Gonzalez Carreras, D. Lanz, M. C. Pardo, T. Pérez, S. Philip, T. Tanqueray and K. S. Khan.
Early cryoprecipitate transfusion versus standard care insevere postpartum haemorrhage: a pilotcluster-randomised trial. Anaesthesia. 2022, volumen 77, 2, 175-184.
- A. Bolou, D. Lanz, Z. Drymoussi, F. J. González Carreras, F. Austin, J. Dodds, A. Mehay, E. Pizzo, A. Thomas, J. Heighway, A. Sanghi, A. Harden, T. Pérez, M. C. Pardo Llorente, G. Hitman, M. SB Huda, S Thangaratinam.
Acceptability and adherence to a Mediterranean diet in the postnatal period to prevent type 2 diabetes in women with gestational diabetes in the UK: a protocol for a single-arm feasibility study (MERIT). BMJ Open. 2021, 11(12), 1-9.
A. M. Franco-Pereira, C. T. Nakas, B. Reiser, M. C. Pardo.
Inference on the Overlap Coefficient: The binormal approach and alternatives.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2021, 30(12), 2672–2684.