Boletín Nº 76
Boletín del IMI
Boletín del IMI, Nº 76 (2 de febrero de 2023)![](
1) IMI News
31 January 2023. Special Issue on nonlinear nonlocal diffusion equations: A 75th birthday celebration of Prof. Juan Luis Vázquez's career achievements. This special issue has been prepared in honour to Juan Luis (member of IMI) and published in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems as Vol 43, Nos. 3&4, March & April 2023 (now online), with José Antonio Carrillo (University of Oxford), Félix del Teso (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and David Gómez-Castro (member of IMI) as guest editors. Congratulations Juan Luis!
2) Eventos del 2 al 10 de febrero de 2023
G. S. Alberti, A. Arroyo, M. Santacesaria. Inverse problems on low-dimensional manifolds. Nonlinearity, 2022, 36, 1.
E. Roanes-Lozano, C. Fernandez-Salinero. Is it so time consuming to start using a new piece of mathematical software? In Proceedings of the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, 2022, pp. 266–280. Link
Viñeta enviada por los hermanos Ángel y José Luis González Fernández, creadores de "Troncho y Poncho".
Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar Universidad Complutense de Madrid Plaza de Ciencias 3, 28040, Madrid Haga click aquí para recibir el Boletín del IMI / Click here to receive the Boletín del IMI Para dejar de recibir el Boletín del IMI escriba a / To unsubscribe send an email to Los anteriores boletines se pueden encontrar en / Previous bulletins can be found at |