"Connectedness and dimension in topological groups in the presence of compactness"
Dikran Dikranjan, University of Udine (Italy)
November 26, 2009, at 16.30 hr.
Place: room 225
Organized by Department of Geometry and Topology, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute - THEMATIC PERIOD: SISTEMAS DINÁMICOS Y GEOMETRÍA: TRES APROXIMACIONES
"Dinámica polinomial de una variable compleja"
Ricardo Pérez Marco, CNRS-Centre Nacional de Researches (France) & IMI visitor
October 2009, Tuesday and Thursday from 13.00 to 15.00 hours. Seminar 225
Organized by Department of Geometry and Topology, Research Grant "Topología Geométrica, Topología en Dimensión Baja y Dinámica Topológica", Research Groups "Teoría de la Forma y Dinámica Topológica", "Análisis funcional no-lineal en espacios Banach", Sistemás dinámicos y geometría: tres aproximaciones" and "Geometría de las variedades proyectivas"; and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute - A geometric proof of the reciprocity law of Dedekind sum
Tadashi Ashikaga, Tohoku-Gakuin University (Japan)
September 10, at 12.00 hours
Place: seminar 224
Organized by Department of Geometry and Topology and IMI - Cycle of conferences: Sistemas dinámicos y geometría: tres aproximaciones
El límite semiclásico: de la ecuación de Schrödinger al flujo geodésico
Fabricio Maciá, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, E.I. Navales, (Spain)
June 10-17, 2009, from 16.00 to 18.00 hours.
Organized by Department of Mathematical Analysis, Department of Geometry and Topology and IMI. - Cycle of conferences: Sistemas dinámicos y geometría: tres aproximaciones
Una introducción a las ecuaciones de Schrödinger
Luis Vega, Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)
June, 10-16th 2009. First session: June, 10th at 11.00 hOrganized by Department of Mathematical Analysis, Department of Geometry and Topology and IMI.
- Cycle of conferences: "La conjetura del Milenio."
Second cycle of Conferences: La Hipótesis de Riemann
Ricardo Pérez Marco, CNRS-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France).
May 23-25, 2009.
Organized by IMI and ICMAT (CSIC-UAM-UC3M-UCM). - Cycle of conferences: "La conjetura del Milenio."
Third cycle of conferences: Conjetura de Poincaré y conjetura de Thurston
Joan Porti, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain)
May 12-14, 2009
Organized by IMI- Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute and ICMAT - CSIC, UAM, UC3M, UCM. - Cycle of conferences: "La conjetura del Milenio."
Second cycle of conferences: La Hipótesis de Riemann
Ricardo Pérez Marco, CNRS-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France).
March 23-25, 2009.
Organized by IMI- Interdiciplinary Mathematics Institute and ICMAT (CSIC, UAM, UC3M, UCM). - Cycle of conferences: "La conjetura del Milenio."
First cycle of conferences: La conjetura de Hodge, Vicente Muñoz Velázquez.
December 15-17, 2008.
Organized by IMI- Interdiciplinary Mathematics Institute and ICMAT (CSIC, UAM, UC3M, UCM) - Relative CM-triviality and definability of groups
Prof. Frank Wagner, Institut Camille Jordan, Université de Lyon I (France).
December 15, 2008. Seminar 225.
Organized by Department of Geometry and Topology and IMI. - Quantum combs: a toolbox for quantum networks
Prof. Paolo Perinotti, University of Pavia (Italy)
December 4, 2008. Seminar 222.
Organized by Department of Mathematical Analisys ans IMI. - Workshop "Higher Simmetries in Physics"
November 6-8, 2008, Room Miguel de Guzmán, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM.
Organized by Department of Geomety and Topology and IMI - Interdisciplinary Matheamtical Institute.