Institutos Universitarios

The digital usage divide in Latin America: the interplay between age, education, and gender

Autor: Jaime Fierro

Universidad de Chile


AutorAlissa Petroff    

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


Modalidad: Online



Digital inequalities have become a growing concern in modern societies. While most studies have examined several factors separately, few have considered how multiple vulnerable identities may combine to influence the use of ICTs. This study contributes to this research area by examining the importance of age, education, and sex and how they interact to influence the frequency of using digital devices (Internet, mobile phone, and social media) to stay informed. Using data from the latest World Values Survey (Wave 7), the study found that among sociodemographic characteristics, age is the variable that has the greatest impact on the frequency of use of digital devices to get informed. As age increases, the frequency of use decreases across Latin American countries. However, the negative impact of age is lessened by the level of education, especially among those with higher levels of schooling. Gender, on the other hand, did not show a significant effect in most countries. The findings also provide some insights for policymakers to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities to use digital technologies.