OTM‐R is one of the pillars of the European Charter for Researchers and in particular of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, launched in 2005.
OTM‐R aims at ensuring that the best person for the job is recruited, bringing benefits to researchers, institutions and the wider research system. More specifically, OTM‐R contributes to make research careers more attractive, to ensure equal opportunities for all candidates and facilitate mobility.
The OTM‐R Working Group produced a comprehensive package for assisting Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) to implement OTM‐R practices. It allows RPOs to review their current recruitment policy and improve it, if/when needed. The package includes principles and guidelines on what an OTM‐R System should look like, a checklist for institutions as a self‐assessment tool to benchmark their current practices on the principles and the toolkit: a step‐by‐step guide to improve (if, when and where needed) the organisation‘s OTM‐R practices.
As a result of the Gap Analysis performed at UCM, the Action Plan forecasts the creation of an OTM-R Specific Working Team at UCM, in order to review the selection and recruitment procedures with the aim at improving our alignment with the principles of the Charter & Code. First efforts will focus UCM predoctoral contracts and staff hired within externally funded research projects.
OTM-R Specific Working Team
A Working Team was created in order to address the actions related to the selection and recruitment procedures at UCM as established in the Action Plan. It shall include representatives from:
- Vicerectorship of Research and Transfer
- Vicerectorship of Empleability and Entrepreneurship
- Vicerectorship of Studies
- Vicemanagement of Research
- R1 to R4 researchers
From April to December 2018, the group analized the current selection procedures concerning predoctoral and postdoctoral positions funded by UCM own financing, as well as selection procedures related to research staff hired within externally funded research projects, and ellaborated Internal Guidelines for the three selection procedures, as well as Guidelines for applicants, Guidelines for online Applicants, and other tools addressed to improve our selection and recruitment procedures.
These guides are generic help manuals that cover a large number of different processes, if any aspect of a specific call conflicts with an ítem of the guides, what is published in the call will always prevail.
- Research Support Personnel
Application guide for candidates for PAI contracts
- Predoctoral contracts
Application guide for candidates for predoctoral contracts
- Postdoctoral contracts
Application guide for candidates for postdoctoral contracts
- Research, Technical and Administrative Staff Contracts (PLI-Spanish acronym)
Applicaton guide for candidates for PLI contracts
The internal guides are accessible to the University staff, click on the image to see them
Personal de Apoyo a la Investigación
Los documentos oficiales de cada concocatoria se publican en su web: http://www.ucm.es/recursos-humanos-de-investigacion-personal-de-apoyo-a-la-investigacion
Contratos Pre y Postdoctorales
Los documentos oficiales de cada convocatoria se publican en su web:
- Predoctorales: http://www.ucm.es/recursos-humanos-de-investigacion-contratos-predoctorales
- Postdoctorales: http://www.ucm.es/recursos-humanos-de-investigacion-contratos-postdoctorales
Modelos de documentos (a modo de ejemplo):
The IP must fill out the following document that details the characteristics of the position and the profile. Although the instructions to follow for their correct completion are set out in the model of the form itself, some of the most relevant indications in this regard are highlighted here.