Full professor
Type of position
- Civil servants, university teaching staff.
- They have full teaching and research capacity.
- These are preferably full-time positions.
Access requiremens
Doctors who have obtained the relevant accreditation from the ANECA or equivalent.
How to access
Public competition, which is published in the Spanish official bulletin (BOE) and in the bulletin of the Autonomous Community.
Those who have been accredited by the ANECA, for full professor positions.
Applicable regulations
- Law 14/2011 of 1 June on Science, Technology and Innovation
- Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on Universities (BOE 24/12/2001), modified by Organic Law 4/2007, of 12 April, (BOE 13/04/2007).
- RD 1313/2007 regulating the system of competitions for access to university teaching bodies.
- RD 1312/2007 establishing national accreditation for access to university teaching bodies (MODIFIED by Royal Decree 415/2015, of 29 May)
- Regulation of access competitions to University Teaching Bodies at the UCM (BOUC 24.07.2017)
- Statutes of the UCM.
- The regulations and calls issued by the UCM.