3rd Meeting
Key soft skills
Previous thinking:
What are in your opinion key soft skills developed in academia and needed beyond academia?
Check and compare your previous answer with:
- The Vitae Researcher Development Framework: https://www.vitae.ac.uk/researchers-professional-development/about-the-vitae-researcher-development-framework
- Check EURAXIND surveys to researchers and researcher’s employers about most valued skills: https://www.vitae.ac.uk/researcher-careers/euraxess-uk-career- development-centre/euraxind/euraxind-survey
- Check EURAXESS “What do you want to be?” tool: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/career-development/researchers/discover-careers- beyond-academia/competencies-occupation-and-sectors
- Identify 6 key soft skills: 2 you are good at, 2 you could improve, and 2 you definitely need to start working on.
Some topics to deal with during the session:
What do you consider are your strengths? Do your colleagues agree?
What would be your blind spots and how can you improve?
What new skills do you need to move ahead?
How do you plan to continue developing your professional skills and knowledge?
Do you have a template that you use for long-range visioning and strategic planning?
What skills do you think you could work on to help you in your career aspirations?
This topic has been especially relevant for you. Who else can you talk to/what information can you check to look into it?