Actividades, congresos y jornadas

Publication Rules

Historia y Comunicación Social (ISSN 1137-0743, ISSN-e 1988-3056) is a scientific journal which publishes research focused on contemporary communication and history, from a diachronic perspective.

Founded in 1996, the journal is currently published biannually in electronic format. It includes articles about contemporary history, the history of ideas, the history of social communication, journalism and most importantly the history of the media. Articles submitted for publication are sent for peer review in order to maintain the highest standards.

Historia y Comunicación Social represents a space to disseminate research, analysis and critical studies necessary to understand and reflect on the world of communication from a transversal, open and modern perspective. Through its publication, the Journal supports principles and criteria such as gender parity, generational perspective, scientific objectivity, the originality of its articles, transparency of its evaluation process and attention to diversity, gender and inclusion.

The Journal is indexed, among other directories and databases, in Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Historical Abstracts, Latindex Sociological Abstracts, DOAJ and International Political Science Abstract. It has also been evaluated in MIAR, CARHUS + 2014 (Group A) or ERIHplus.


Editorial Board

Editors: Isabel Tajahuerce Ángel, Andrea Donofrio

Editorial Assistant: Manuel González Lozano

Editing and layout: Angel L. Rubio Moraga


Publication Rules

Historia y Comunicación Social will admit articles for review in line with these guidelines:

  • Articles must be original and unpublished, i.e., not submitted for review for another journal.
  • Authors can send their articles in Spanish and English.
  • Articles should have between 30.000 and 50.000 characters (spaces included). Abstract, tables, graphics, pictures, etc., are included. In the event of exceeding this length, the Journal will reject their possible publication.
  • Articles must include the following features in English and Spanish: Title, Abstract (between 500-800 characters each part) and Keywords (five maximum), as well as a brief biographical profile and the ORCID ID.

Once the text has been received, the Secretary will acknowledge receipt within one month. If the article has been written by several authors, one will be chosen to correspond with the journal and assume responsibility for the article in order to avoid possible conflicts. The originals will be submitted to the anonymous review process.

The submission of an article for possible publication in the journal presupposes signing over all rights, as well as the acceptance of the editorial rules.


Presentation Standards

The article must be sent as an attached file, in .doc, .docx, -rft or .odt format.  Justified left and right, without special tabs.

  • The text must be accompanied by an Abstract in Spanish and another in English of 500-800 characters (spaces included), five Keywords (in Spanish and English) and a brief biographical profile of the author (500-800 characters).
  • Between headings and paragraphs, only one additional blank line.
  • The text must be written in Times New Roman, size 12.
  • Double interlinear spacing in Text and single interlinear spacing in Bibliography and Notes.
  • The journal adopts the "Harvard style" system, that is to say, quotations from books and academic articles must be enclosed in quotation marks and references must be included in the text in parentheses, in line with the following criteria: the surname(s) of the author or editor, the year of publication of the work cited, the page(s) cited, and the page(s) cited. Proper names or initials should not be included. For example: "conflicts between military and rulers are not conflicts between technicians and politicians, but between politicians and politicians" (Gramsci, 1981: 305).
  • The complete citation of the books should be set out in the bibliography as follows: Last name, First name (date): Title of the book, Place: Publisher, p./pp. Continuing with the example: Gramsci, Antonio (1981): Cuadernos de la cárcel, Tomo I, México D.F.: Ediciones Era, p. 305.
  • In the bibliography, book chapters should be listed as follows: Surname(s), Name (year): "Title of the chapter", in Surname(s) of the author(s) or editor(s), Name(s): Title of the book, place of publication, Publisher, volume or volume number, if applicable, p./pp. For example: Babiano, José (2015): "Retóricas y espacios del antifranquismo" in Pérez Ledesma, Manuel and Saz, Ismael (eds.): Del franquismo a la democracia, Madrid-Zaragoza, Marcial Pons- Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, pp. 299-326.
  • In the bibliography, journal articles should be listed as follows: Last name(s), First name (year): "Title of the article", in Title of the journal, vol., no. or volume, p./pp. For example: Schulze Schneider, Ingrid (2013): "The media in the Great War: 'All for the Fatherland'." in History and Social Communication, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 15-30.
  • Daily press articles: the quotation should be enclosed in quotation marks and then the reference in parentheses following this order: the title of the article in quotation marks (if applicable), the headline, the date according to the format: hyphens as separators and month in roman characters: the page/s. The author's name is not included unless it is an opinion article. For example: "they began to sing 'The Internationale' with their fists raised, while the other faction asked for silence" ("The Spanish Communist Party is broken in two halves", ABC, 16-XII-1983: 23).
  • Archive citations: the citation should be in quotation marks and the reference should be in parentheses, according to the following order: acronym of the archive, section, file, date: page if applicable. In the bibliography, the name of the complete archive and its acronym in parentheses, place, section and its acronym in parentheses. For example: Archivo Histórico Nacional (AHN), Madrid, Causa General (CG).
  • Quotations longer than 3 lines should be added to the text separately. These should be inserted in the text in Times New Roman 10 with left and right indentation of 1 cm and 1.5 line spacing.
  • Tables and/or graphs: simple and numbered with correlative numbers. Mentioned in parentheses inside the text. The source must be cited but if they are your own creation, they should be cited as "personal collection".
  • Titles and subtitles should follow the decimal system, if possible without exceeding the third subdivision:





1.1.1. Normal lowercase letters

In no case shall they have a full stop at the end.


Download the rules



  1. Title (in Spanish and English), Abstract (maximum 500-800 characters) and Keywords in Spanish (maximum five), as well as their translations in English (Abstract and Keywords), in addition to a brief biographical profile of the author (500-800 characters) and the ORCID scientific identification number (
  2. The layout of the article, which includes: Introduction, "State of the question" and Methodology, the different Sections in which the content is organised, with their corresponding subdivisions, as well as the Conclusions.
  3. Bibliographical references, following an alphabetical and chronological criterion.


The Editorial Board will commission the book reviews and critiques that it deems appropriate according to the interest and topicality of the books published. As a general rule, they will not exceed 5,000 characters.


E-mail address:




After an initial evaluation by the Editorial Board of the journal, articles that meet the editorial standards will be submitted to a double-blind peer review system before publication. They will be reviewed by two anonymous specialists, chosen on the basis of their scientific competence and fields of research. The reviewers will recommend whether the article is publishable or not, whether they recommend changes or any other type of suggestion they deem appropriate.


In the case of discordant reports, the article will be sent to a third referee for a new review.

The journal will communicate the acceptance or rejection of the article within a maximum period of one year from the date of receipt.

The editing process will be free of charge for authors.