Site details
GuMNet has been established as an environmental monitoring laboratory in the Sierra de Guadarrama, located only 45 minutes north-northwest away from the city of Madrid. Real time automatic weather stations are distributed to cover the most important sub-climate areas in a complex terrain region such ass the Sierra de Guadarrama. Some locations represent very high altitude conditions like EG007-Dos Hermanas and EG002-Cabeza Mediana. Other stations have been installed in specific areas for local climatological studies as high mountain wetlands and geomorphology (EG003-Zabala and EG06-Hoyas) where orography can also have a large impact. At lower altitudes there are standar monitoring stations representing medium altitude mountain (~1.800 m a. s. l.) conditions located on the South face (EG004-Cotos) and on the North face (EG008-Raso del Pino 1 and EG009-Raso del Pino 2). The two North face stations have been designed to compare the influence of a wooded areas versus clean areas of trees. Finally, in the valleys there are located two stations (EG005-Alameda and EG010-Herreria) specilized on monitoring the seasonal trends in grasslands for livestock use, pointing to data comparision between satellite observations and in situ measurements to develop associated greenery index. Finally, two stations have been located down in the valley and are specialized for turbulences studies asociated with CO2 fluxes (EG010-La Herreria) one of them portable (EG901-Portatil).
The following sections list the variables recorded in each station with a brief descriptions of their particularities. For further technical information, please refer to the contact section.