Proyectos de Investigación


The EG901- Portatil is a portable automatic weather station design to monitor turbulent processes responsible for soil respiration and gas exchange, such as turbulence CO2 and H2O vapor fluxes, take place in this range. To accomplish this issue, temperature and wind speed are measured at different heights and an integrated CO2/H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and a 3D Sonic Anemometer IRGASON ® is placed at 4 meters high. Thanks to the precision of the 3D sonic anemometer, high-frecuency (20Hz) variations in the wind field will be recorded.

Registered variables

Heights (meter)


Wind speed and direction


4 component radiation


Air temperatura

2, 4

Air humidity



Soil Mean Temperature*

-(0 - 1.0)**

Soil temperature

-(0 - 1.0)**

Soil humidity

-(0 - 1.0)**

Heat Flux 

-(0 - 1.0)**

* 4 Temperatura sensors disseminated in soil allow more representative measurement of the soil.

** Depths of subsurface sensors are determined for each measurement campaign.