EG010-La Herreria I
The EG010- La Herreria automatic weather station is located in the municipality of El Escorial at 920 m.a.s.l. Atmospheric instrumentation have been design to study boundary layer evolution with wind speed and temperatuer measuerementes in 3 different height.
EG010-La Herrería station has been designed along three distinct objectives:
Being an observation point of the atmosphere following the WMO requirements, representative of mid mountain climate area. To carry out this issue the standard meteorological variables are being recorded: air temperature, air humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction.
Monitor the dynamics of the air between 0 and 10 meters high. Turbulent processes responsible for soil respiration and gas exchange, such as turbulence CO2 and H2O vapor fluxes, take place in this range. To accomplish this issue, temperature and wind speed are measured at different heights and an integrated CO2/H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and a 3D Sonic Anemometer IRGASON ® is placed at 10 meters high. Thanks to the precision of the 3D sonic anemometer, high-frecuency (20Hz) variations in the wind field will be recorded.
Monitor the evolution of the temperature and humidity of the subsurface. Two boreholes of 2 and 20 meters depth have been drilled in the field to allow the placement of 16 temperature sensors at different depths. With the aim of complementing these measurements a trench has been dug in the first meters of the ground, to take samples to determine the composition of the subsurface, to identify the various horizons present and to place temperature and humidity sensors at different heights: 15, 50 and 100 cm.
Registered variables |
Heights (meter) |
Atmosphere |
Wind speed and direction |
4,6,10 |
Precipitation |
2 |
4 component radiation |
2 |
Air temperatura |
2,4,6 |
Air humidity |
2,4,6 |
Subsurface |
Soil temperatura (through Borehole 2.0 m depth) |
(0.0, -0.05, -0.1, -0.2, -0.5, -1, -1.5, -2.0) |
Soil temperatura (through Borehole 20.0 m depth) |
(-1.5, -2, -3, -5, -7.5, -10, -15, -20) |
Soil temperature |
(-0.15, -0.50, -1.00) |
Soil humidity |
(-0.15, -0.50, -1.00) |