• Español

Research Teams and Lines

Keynote lectures and invited presentations

  • Montiel, C.: "Governance in communal systems: a journey through time and places", V Iberian Congress of Landscape Ecology. Bragança, Portugal. June 19-21, 2024.
  • Sequeira, C., Montiel, C., Rego, F.: "Fire history research: a comparative study of Spain and Portugal", Workshop of Rural Wildfires 2020. Bragança and Valpaços (Portugal), 23-24 January 2020. Video Download program
  • Montiel, C. (2019): "Bridging historical landscape ecology and land management: the geo-historical background of fire risk in Spain", Workshop Time Machine, Naples, 23 Juin 2019 More information
  • Montiel, C. (2018): "The European traditional practices of fire use for land management and its connection with fire risk". Search Conference "Talking Fire: Reviving Indigenous burning in a changed landscape Panel 3: Perspectives on Risk. Newstead, Vic (Australia), 30 November 2018 Download program . More Information
  • Montiel, C. (2018): "Fire to prevent and combat wildfire in Europe". Public Lecture - November 12, 2018 - 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm. Melbourne, Vic (Australia), RMIT University. Download poster
  • Montiel, C. (2018): "Historical fires reconstruction in the inner and mediterranean regions of the Iberian Peninsula", III National Meeting of Fire-Fighters, El Espinar - Segovia (Spain), 5 May 2018
  • Montiel, C. (2018): "Historical presence of fire on the territory", Workshop on Ecology of Restauration of Burned Areas, Sevilla (Spain), 21 March 2018
  • Montiel, C. (2018): "New governance strategy for effective wildfire risk management: the role of EU and national policies", How to face mega-fires in Europe, A European Workshop on Forest Fire Risk Management, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon (Portugal), 15-16 February 2018.
  • Montiel, C., Galiana, L., Karlsson, O., Sequeira, C. (2017): "Fire scenarios in the Central Mountains Range (Spain): a multi-scale concept for integrated fire management in the context of global change", 2017 Conference on Fire Prediction Across Scales, Columbia University-New York, October 23-25, 2017. 
  • Montiel, C. (2017): "Gestão comunitária. Origin and evolution of communalwoodlands in Spain", 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional, Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, 11-14 octubre 2017
  • Araque, E. (2017): "Historical and statistical fires in the wildland urban interface: the regional case of Andalucía (Spain)", Fire risk at the wildland-urban interface in the European Mediterranean countries. MedWildFireLab International Workshop. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, March 7th 2017.
  • Montiel, C. (2017): "Fire scenarios: a new concept for fire management at the landscape level", 14th International Wildland Fire Summit. Barcelona, 31 enero 2017. VIDEO
  • Montiel, C. (2017): "To fire regime to wildfire regime and viceversa", International Conference on Prescribed Fires, Barcelona, 1-3 febrero 2017. VIDEO
  • Galiana, L, (2017): "Historical and cultural roots of prescribed burning practices in the province of Caceres (Spain)", International Conference on Prescribed Fires, Barcelona, 1-3 febrero 2017. VIDEO
  • Montiel, C. (2011): "Fire use practices and regulations in Europe: towards a Fire Framework Directive", The 5th International Wildland Fire Conference, South Africa, 9-13 mayo 2011. Download PDF
  • Galiana, L. & Montiel, C. (2011): "Landscape changes and wildfire behaviour: new fire scenarios in Spain", The 5th International Wildland Fire Conference, South Africa, 9-13 mayo 2011. Download PDF
  • Galiana, L. (2011): "The wildland-urban interface: a risk prone area in Spain", The 5th International Wildland Fire Conference, South Africa, 9-13 mayo 2011. Dowload PDF
  • Galiana, L. & Montiel, C. (2010): "Landscape changes and wildfire behaviour: new fire scenarios in Spain". IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference: Forest Landscapes and Global Change, Bragança - Portugal, 21-27 septiembre 2010.  Download PDF
  • Montiel, C. (2010): "Fire Use Practices and Policies in Europe", FIRE PARADOX Final Conference, Freiburg - Alemania, 25-26 febrero 2010.  Download PDF
  • Montiel, C. (2009): "Marcos legislativos nacionales sobre el uso del fuego: Directiva europea y legislación italiana", Foro 2010 Euromediterráneo de Usuarios del Fuego. Bosa (Cerdeña, Italia), 20 abril 2009 VIDEO

International workshop. UCM, Madrid, 2017
International workshop. UCM, Madrid, 2017
Conference on Fire Prediction Across Scales, 2017
Conference on Fire Prediction Across Scales, 2017
Summer cours. El Escorial, Madrid, 2012
Summer cours. El Escorial, Madrid, 2012