• Español

Research Teams and Lines

Media and outreach

  • International Seminar on Sustainable Forest Management, Community Governance and Fire Risk. Montreal (Canada), September 4th, 2024. Programme. Join the Seminar here
  • Eavesdrop on Experts interview, University of Melbourne (Australia): “Learning to live with fire”, December 19, 2018

  • Firevoice - Cristina Montiel Molina, Preparedness and resilience to wildfires (in Spanish)
  • PhD Workshop on "European Forests - Iberian Peninsula Forests. Wildfires: land-use changes, human aspects, modelling for fire risk prevention and management applications", by Dr. Lara Vilar del Hoyo. Complutense University of Madrid - Spanish Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, December 11th 2018. Download poster    

  • Lecture by Prof. Cristina Montiel on "Historical fires reconstruction in the inner and mediterranean regions of the Iberian Peninsula". III National Meeting of Fire-Fighters, El Espinar - Segovia (Spain), 5 May 2018. Video (in Spanish) 
  • Lecture by Prof. Cristina Montiel on "Historical presence of fire on the territory". Workshop on Ecology of Restauration of Burned Areas, Sevilla (Spain), 21 March 2018
  • Workshop on documentary resources for research in Archaeobotany, Complutense University of Madrid - Spanish Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, February 6th and 8th 2018. Download poster
  • Advanced Training Seminar on the evolution of the forest of the Central Mountain Rainge throughout the Holocene, Complutense University of Madrid- Spanish Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, January 10th 2018. Download poster

VIDEO first lecture: "Climate and cultural change in the massifs of the Central Mountain Range throughout the Holocene".  VIDEO second lecture: "History of fires and their influence on the configuration of landscapes in the Central Mountain Range"

  • Lecture by Prof. Eduardo Araque on "Territory and wildfires in Sierra Morena mountains. Past and present". Complutense University of Madrid, November 15, 2017. Download poster.

  • Radio 5 interview with Prof. Cristina Montiel "Wildland fires: beyond a question of guilt or innocence", 20/10/2017 PODCAST
  • MedWildFireLab International Workshop "Fire risk at the wildland urban interface in the European Mediterranean countries (UCM, March 7th 2017):
    • Programme (download)
    • Oral presentations, morning session: Video 
    • Oral presentations and round table, afternoon session: Video
  • Lecture by Prof. Antonio Gil Olcina: "Drough and flood risk in the Southest region of the Iberian Peninsula" (Los riesgos de sequías e inundaciones en el Sureste Ibérico), UCM, November 2015. Download summary
  • Lecture by Oskar Karlsson: "Assessment of territorial vulnerability to wildfires risk" (Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad territorial frente al riesgo de incendios forestales), UCM, May 2015 Download summary
  • Lecture by Gregorio Canales Martínez: “The role of the eclesiastic institution in spatial planning: the case study of the Low Segura Valley region, Alicante" (El papel de la Iglesia en la Ordenación del Territorio: el caso de la Vega Baja del Segura, Alicante), UCM, diciembre 2014 Download summary
  • Presentation of the book Presencia histórica del fuego en el territorio. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Abril 2014. Press new
  • Universitary movement "La Complu en la calle", 2013 Download summary
  • Science Week Madri+d 2010. Download summary and presentation

  • Summer Cours “Past and present fire scenarios in Spain" (Viejos y nuevos escenarios del fuego forestal en España). Complutense University of Madrid, El Escorial (Madrid),16-20 July 2012. Download poster. Download summary
  • Scientific Workshop on "Geo-historical sources for the fire history in the region of Madrid" (Fuentes Documentales para la Historia de los Incendios Forestales en la Comunidad de Madrid), 13-22 February 2012. Download programme. Download summary
  • Summer Cours "Wildfires: an unavoidable summer catastrophe?" (Incendios forestales: ¿una catástrofe estival inevitable?) 21-25 July 2008. Poster. Programme

Prof. Montiel TV interview, at the forest firefighting brigades national meeting, El Espinar-Segovia, 2017
Prof. Montiel TV interview, at the forest firefighting brigades national meeting, El Espinar-Segovia, 2017
O. Karlsson lecture at a doctoral course. UCM, Madrid 2015
O. Karlsson lecture at a doctoral course. UCM, Madrid 2015
Prof. Aguilar keynote at the UCM Summer Courses 2008
Prof. Aguilar keynote at the UCM Summer Courses 2008
Social movement
Social movement "La Complu en la calle", March 9, 2013