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Research Teams and Lines

Oskar Karlsson

Oskar Karlsson Honorary Collaborator










Oskar Karlsson is a GIS analyst and developer. He graduated in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University Madrid (UAM) and has a Master in Sustainable Land Planning and Development from the UAM, and a Master in GIS from ESRI España (A+ with special mention). Currently he is studying for a Master in Geographical Information Technologies at the University of Alcalá.

He has knowledge and experience in geographical data preparation, cartographic production, spatial analysis, multicriteria assessment and decision-making, geodatabase management, automation of geoprocessing, design and programming of GIS architectures, and analysis methodology development for scientific projects.  

Recent publications:

  • Montiel-Molina, C.; Vilar, L.; Sequeira, C.R.; Karlsson, O.; Galiana-Martín, L.; Madrazo-García de Lomana, G.; Palacios-Estremera, M.T. (2019): "Have Historical Land Use/Land Cover Changes Triggered a Fire Regime Shift in Central Spain?", Fire, 2019, 2, 44, https://doi.org/10.3390/fire2030044
  • Montiel, C., Karlsson, O., Galiana, L.(2019): "Regional fire scenarios in Spain: linking landscape dynamics and fire regime for wildfire risk management", Journal of Environmental Management, 233: 427-439, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.12.066
  • Rego, F., Catry, F., Montiel, C. & Karlsson, O. (2013): "Influence of territorial variables on the performance of wildfire detection systems in the Iberian Peninsula", Forest Policy and Economics, 29: 26-35
  • Galiana-Martín, L. and Karlsson, O. (2011) “Development of a Methodology for the Assessment of Vulnerability Related to Wildland Fires Using a Multi-Criteria Evaluation”. Geographical Research, 50(3):304–319 doi: 10.1111/j.1745-5871.2011.00718.x
  • Lampin-Maillet, C., Mantzavelas, A., Galiana, L., Jappiot, M., Long, M., Herrero, G., Karlsson, O., Iossifina, A., Thalia, L. & Thanassis, P. (2010): "Wildland Urban Interfaces, Fire Behaviour and Vulnerability: Characterization, Mapping and Assessment", in Sande Silva, J., Rego, F., Fernandes, P., Rigolot, E. (ed.): Towards Integrated Fire Management - Outcomes of the European Project Fire Paradox, European Forest Institute Research Report 23, Finland, pp. 71-92.