Gonzalo Madrazo García de Lomana
Contracted Lecturer
He received his PhD in 2007 from the Autonomous University, Madrid (UAM), summa cum laude, with a dissertation entitled “The evolution of the forest landscape on the Segovian side of the Guadarrama Mountains” (La evolución del paisaje forestal en la vertiente segoviana de la Sierra de Guadarrama). He has conducted international research at the Laboratoire Géographie de l´Environnement (Toulouse, France) and the City and Regional Planning Institute (Cardiff University, UK).
Dr Madrazo joined the teaching staff of the Department of Regional Geographical Analysis and Physical Geography at the UCM in 2008, and currently teaches undergraduate and Master’s programmes.
He has also taken part in research projects and is currently doing research into the history and geography of forest landscapes in the Sierra de Guadarrama, the energy and impact of Madrid on its territory (16th – 20th centuries), the patrimonial landscapes of the southern meseta and historical forest fires, within the framework of the National Plan for R&D+i, and also in the EU scientific cooperation networks (ERANET).
Research interests:
- Forest Geography and History: Forest landscape dynamics in the Central System mountains, Spain; land tenure; commons; forest policy and land use planning.
- Environmental History: Energy and territory in Madrid, 18th-19th centuries.
- Cultural landscapes, heritage, territorial policies and governance systems.
Recent publications:
Montiel-Molina, C.; Vilar, L.; Sequeira, C.R.; Karlsson, O.; Galiana-Martín, L.; Madrazo-García de Lomana, G.; Palacios-Estremera, M.T. (2019): "Have Historical Land Use/Land Cover Changes Triggered a Fire Regime Shift in Central Spain?", Fire, 2019, 2, 44, https://doi.org/10.3390/fire2030044
Madrazo, G. & Saéz, E. (2018): "Escenarios de la memoria y el poder. La construcción del paisaje de El Valle de Los Caídos", Scripta Nova, vol. XXII, nº 600, pp. 1-38.
Hernando, J. & Madrazo, G. (2016): “Firewood and Charcoal Consumption in Madrid during Eighteenth Century and Its Effects on Forest Landscapes”, Environmental History in the Making, pp 321-340. Editorial Springer Verlag. Dordrecht-Heidelberg-New York-London. ISBN 978-3-319-41083-8
Allende Alvarez, F; Frochoso Sánchez, M; Gómez Mediavilla,G; González Pellejero, R; López Estébanez, N; Madrazo García de Lomana, G; Saéz Pombo, E (2014): Una aproximación al análisis comparativo de los paisajes forestales de la Cordillera Cantábrica y el Sistema central, Ería, nº 94, pp. 161-182. ISSN: 0211-0563
López Estébanez, N.; Allende Álvarez, F.; Gómez Mediavilla, G.; Madrazo García de Lomana, G. y Sáez Pombo, E. (2013): “The evolution of forest landscapes in the Central Mountain Range (Spain). Different forest lands for different traditional uses”, Ian D. Rotherham (Eds.) Cultural Severance and the Environment - The Ending of Traditional and Customary Practice on Commons and Landscapes Managed in Common, Springer Verlag, pp. 161-175. Editorial Springer Verlag. Dordrecht-Heidelberg-New York-London. ISBN 978-94-007-6158-2
Madrazo García de Lomana, G. (2013) “Fuentes documentales para el estudio de los incendios forestales históricos en Segovia”en Montiel Molina, C. (Coord.): Fuentes Documentales para la Historia del Fuego Forestal, Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, 177-202, ISBN: 978-84-491-1289-8
Sáez Pombo, E. y Madrazo García de Lomana, G. (2013):“La Sierra de Guadarrama. Una Montaña transformada por el ser humano”, Revista Ambienta, nº 103, pp. 68-89. ISSN: 1577-9491
Bernardos, J.; Hernando, J.; Madrazo, G. & Nieto, J. (2011): “Energy consumption in Madrid, 1561 to c. 1860”, en Massard-Guilbaud & Mosley (eds.) Common Ground. Integrating the social and the environmental in History, 316-339, Cambridge Scholars publishing, Cambridge.ISBN (10): 1-4438-2549-2; (13): 978-1-4438-2549-8
López Estébanez, N.; Gómez Mendoza, J.; Gómez Mediavilla, G.; Madrazo García de Lomana, G. y Sáez Pombo, E. (2010): “Forest Dynamics in the Spanish Central Mountain Range”, Landscape Archaeology and Ecology Review, Vol. XX, pp. 119-132 ISSN 1354-0262
Gómez Mendoza, J.; Madrazo García de Lomana, G. y Sáez Pombo, E (2009): “Dinámica histórica de paisajes forestales y sostenibilidad” en: Patrimonio, paisaje y cultura, Sextas Jornadas Científicas del Parque Natural de Peñalara y El Valle de El Paular, pp.21-35, Comunidad de Madrid, Depósito Legal: M-21996-2009
Madrazo García de Lomana, G. (2010): La evolución del paisaje forestal en la vertiente segoviana de la Sierra de Guadarrama, Junta de Castilla y León Valladolid ISBN: 978-84-9718-