Cristina Montiel Molina
Full Professor
Chair of the Research Group
Prof. Cristina Montiel-Molina held several positions as a lecturer in the University of Alicante (Spain) in her earlier academic career. She has been a Visiting Academic at the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and at the Department of Geography of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, USA), the School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences of the University of Melbourne (Australia), the Department of Geography of the University of Provence (France) and the Department of Geography of the University of Ottawa (Canada). She has also been appointed Adjunct Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at La Trobe University (Melbourne). She has served as Head of the Department of Geography at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) from July 2010 to November 2017.
Prof. Montiel has received numerous national and international awards over the course of her career including the Graduate National Award, the University Award for Excellence in Teaching (for the academic years 2005-06, 2014-15, and 2015-16, and the period 2014-17), the National Award for Publications on Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1994) and the Golden Award for Fire Research (2016). Her domains of experience and expertise are the social sciences applied to spatial planning, sustainable development and forest management.
She has participated in and coordinated several national and European projects (INTERREG IIIB, Integrated Project in the 7th Framework Program, COST Actions, ERANET Networking actions). She has also been very active in promoting discussion, participation and collaboration among public institutions and private stakeholder for rural development. She has been a member of several European committees, international steering committees and scientific supervisory boards.
Prof. Cristina Montiel-Molina has been listed as one of the 145 women leaders in fire science in the scientific journal Fire.
Research interests:
- Environmental Geography and History
- Pyrogeography
- Land use planning and management
Spatial Planning (Undergraduate Degree in Geography and Spatial Planning, Department of Geography): video containing a class of 2017-18 academic year:
- Geography of Spain (Undergraduate Degree in Geography and Spatial Planning, Department of Geography): videos containing 3 classes of 2017-18 academic year:
Recent publications:
ATKINSON, A., MONTIEL-MOLINA, C. (2023): Reconnecting Fire Culture of Aboriginal Communities with Contemporary Wildfire Risk Management. Fire 2023, 6, 296.
GIL OLCINA, A. & MONTIEL MOLINA, C. (2021): Vizcondado de Chelva (1390-1865). Diacronía de un gran estado nobiliario valenciano. Alicante, Instituto Interuniversitario de Geografía. Universidad de Alicante.
CAMARERO, J.J.; SANGÜESA-BARREDA, G.; MONTIEL-MOLINA, C.; LUELMO-LAUTENSCHLAEGER, R.; ORTEGA, P.; GÉNOVA, M.; LÓPEZ-SÁEZ, J.A. (2021). Historical Fires Induced Deforestation in Relict Scots Pine Forests during the Late 19th Century. Fire 2021, 4, 29.
SKULSKA, I., MONTIEL-MOLINA, C., GERMANO, A., REGO, F., 2021. Evolution of Portuguese community forests and their governance based on new institutional economics. Eur J Forest Res.
MONTIEL, C., PALACIOS, M.T., 2020: Cartographic reconstruction of land use and fire history through geohistorical sources, in: Spain, bridge between continents. Madrid, Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica, pp. 453-464. DOI:
SKULSKA, I., MONTIEL-MOLINA, C., REGO, F. (2020). The role of forest policy in Mediterranean mountain community lands: a review of the decentralization processes in European Countries. Journal of Rural Studies, 80:490-502.
SKULSKA, I., DUARTE, I., REGO, F.C., MONTIEL-MOLINA, C. (2020). Relationships Between Wildfires, Management Modalities of Community Areas, and Ownership Types in Pine Forests of Mainland Portugal. Small-scale Forestry.
MONTIEL MOLINA, C.; PALACIOS ESTREMERA, M.T.. (2019). Pirogeografía del Valle de Iruelas (Ávila): Reconstrucción del registro histórico de incendios y georreferenciación cartográfica. Cuadernos Abulenses, 48, 181-209.
MONTIEL MOLINA, C.; GALIANA MARTÍN, L. (2019). Uso del fuego y régimen de incendios en la provincia de Cáceres. Conclusiones a partir de los datos del Interrogatorio de la Real Audiencia de Extremadura (1790). Estudios Geográficos, 80 (287), e027
ROMAO SEQUEIRA, C., MONTIEL-MOLINA, C., & CASTRO REGO, F. (2019). Historical fire records at the two ends of Iberian Central
Mountain System: Estrela massif and Ayllón massif. Investigaciones Geográficas, (72), 31-52. htps://
MONTIEL-MOLINA, C.; VILAR, L.; SEQUEIRA, C.R.; KARLSSON, O.; GALIANA-MARTÍN, L.; MADRAZO-GARCÍA DE LOMANA, G.; PALACIOS-ESTREMERA, M.T., 2019. Have Historical Land Use/Land Cover Changes Triggered a Fire Regime Shift in Central Spain? Fire 2019, 2, 44,
SEQUEIRA, C.R., MONTIEL-MOLINA, C., REGO, F.C., 2020. Landscape-based fire scenarios and fire types in the Ayllón massif (Central Mountain Range, Spain), 19th and 20th centuries. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 46,
SEQUEIRA, C.R., REGO, F., MONTIEL-MOLINA, C., MORGAN, P., 2019. Half-century changes in LULC and fire in two Iberian inner mountain areas. Fire, 2019, 2(3), 45,
CAMARERO, J.J., SANGÜESA-BARREDA, G., PÉREZ-DÍAZ, S., MONTIEL, C., SEIJO, F. LÓPEZ-SÁEZ, J.A., 2019: "Abrupt regime shifts in post-fire resilience of Mediterranean mountain pinewoods are fueled by land use", International Journal of Wildland Fire, 28: 329–341
MONTIEL, C., KARLSSON, O., GALIANA, L., 2019. Regional fire scenarios in Spain: linking landscape dynamics and fire regime for wildfire risk management, Journal of Environmental Management, 233: 427-439,
MONTIEL, C., 2018: "Reseña de Territorios y Paisajes del Jaén Desconocido. Itinerarios Geográficos", Investigaciones Geográficas, 70: 221-223
CAMARERO, J.J., SANGÜESA-BARREDA, G., MONTIEL, C., SEIJO, F. LÓPEZ-SÁEZ, J.A., 2018: "Past growth suppressions as proxies of fire incidence in relict Mediterranean black pine forests", Forest Ecology and Management, 413:9-20.
MONTIEL, C., 2018: La presencia histórica del fuego en el territorio, in García-Novo, F., Casal, M., Pausas, J. (ed) Ecología de la regeneración de zonas incendiadas, pp. 113-130.
MONTIEL, C., GALIANA, L., 2018: El impacto del fuego, in Reinares, M.A.: 25 años BRIF. Un relato forjado a fuego, pp. 47-66.
GALIANA, L., MONTIEL, C., 2017: "Manejo de fuentes documentales judiciales y policiales para reconstruir el registro de incendios forestales históricos en la provincia de Cáceres (España)", España y Rusia: destinos históricos y actualidad, Moscú, Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenia, pp. 55-62.
SAN MIGUEL, J., CHUVIECO, E. HANDMER, J., MOFFAT, A. MONTIEL, C., SANDAHI, L., VIEGAS, D., 2017: "Climatological risk: wildfires", in POLJANSEK, K., MARTIN FERRER, M., DE GROEVE, T. CLARK, IL, (eds.): Science foe disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, ISBN 978-92-79-60678-6, doi:10.2788/688605, JRC102482, pp. 294-305.
MONTIEL, C. & GALIANA, L., 2016: "Fire scenarios in Spain: a territorial approach to proactive fire management in the context of global change", Forests, 7,273. doi: 10.3390/f7110273.
MONTIEL, C., 2013 (coord.): Presencia histórica del fuego en el territorio. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Madrid.
MONTIEL, C. (guest editor), 2013: Forest Policy and Economics Special Issue: The FIRE PARADOX project Setting the basis for a shift in the forest fire policies in Europe. Vol. 29. Elsevier.
AGUILAR, A. & MONTIEL, C., 2011: "The challenge of applying governance and sustainable development to wildland fire management in Southern Europe", Journal of Forestry Research, 22(4): 627-639.
MONTIEL, C; KRAUS, D. (ed.), 2010: Best practices of fire use. Prescribed burning and suppression fire programmes in selected case-studies regions in Europe, European Forest Institut, Joensuu.
MONTIEL, C. & HERRERO, G., 2010: “Overview of policies and practices related to fire ignitions”, SANDE SILVA, J.; REGO, F., FERNANDES, P., RIGOLOT, E. (ed.): Towards Integrated Fire Management- Outcomes of the European Project Fire Paradox, European Forest Institute, Joensuu, 35-46.
MONTIEL, C. & SAN MIGUEL, J., 2009: “Policy analysis reveals the need for new approaches”, in BIROT, Y. (ed): Living with Wildfires: What Science can tell us. A contribution to the science-policy dialogue, EFI Discussion Paper, nº 15, 63-67.
MONTIEL, C., 2007: “Cultural heritage, sustainable forest management and property in inland Spain”, Forest Ecology and Management, Vol 249/1-2, 80-90.
MONTIEL, C., 2006: “The restoration of forest landscapes through farmland afforestation measures in Spain”, in AGNOLETTI, M. (Ed.): The conservation of cultural landscapes, CABI Publishing, International, Nosworthy Way, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, 197-210.
MONTIEL, C., 2005: “Los montes de socios: un problema territorial de difícil gestión”, Boletín de la AGE, Monográfico, nº 40, 181-200.