Seminarios Astrofísica
- Ver seminarios de IPARCOS (Instituto de Física de Partículas y del Cosmos)
- Seminarios de Astrofísica 2021:
Announc. | Date/Time | Online by | Type | Title |
Speaker / Institution |
Video available at |
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Zoom Meeting |
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
ALMA studies of young eruptive stars |
Antonio Hales (ESO, Chile) |
21 April 2021 17:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting |
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
PHANGS-HST: Linking Stars and Gas throughout the Scales of Star Formation across Nearby Galaxies |
Janice Lee (NOIRLab, USA) |
16 April 2021 10:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting |
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
Studying Low Surface Brightness and Diffuse galaxies now and in the future |
Samuel Boissier (LAM, France) |
7 April 2021 17:00h CET |
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
Virialization of the Circumgalactic Medium and Implications for Disc Formation |
Jonathan Stern (Northwestern University, USA) |
24 March 2021 17:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting |
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
Daisuke Kawata (University of Central London, UK) |
17 March 2021 17:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting |
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
A tale of two stellar characterisation codes: StePar and SteParSyn |
Hugo M. Tabernero (CAB) |
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12 March 2021 10:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting |
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
Galactic environments of submillimetre galaxies in the COSMOS survey |
Nuria Álvarez Crespo (ESAC, Spain) |
5 March 2021 10:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting |
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
Carlos Gómez Guijarro (CEA, France) |
26 February 2021 10:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting |
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
María Rosa Zapatero Osorio (CAB, CSIC-INTA) |
25 February 2021 16:00h CET (9:00 a.m. hora México) |
UCMDirecto | IPARCOS colloquium | El cielo visto a las más altas energías con el observatorio de rayos gamma HAWC |
Alberto Carramiñana (INAOE) |
19 February 2021 10:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
Gaia EDR3 view on the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds
Mercè Romero-Gómez (ICCUB) |
12 February 2021 10:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka University) |
3 February 2021 17:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
Compaction-driven black-hole growth, extended rings and dark-matter cores |
Avishai Dekel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) |
27 January 2021 17:00h CET |
Zoom Meeting |
IPARCOS astro-seminar |
Dark matter halo response to baryons |
Jonathan Freundlich (Observatorio de Estrasburgo) |
- Seminarios de Astrofísica 2020:
Fecha y hora: | Lugar | Titulo | Ponentes | |
5 February 15:00h |
Seminario_FTA |
Metallicity gradients of star-forming regions in discs across Hubble time |
Patricia B. Tissera |
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30 January 11:00h | Seminario_FTA 4th floor |
Public Surveys and New instrumentation for Calar Alto Observatory |
Jesús Aceituno |
29 January 15:30h | Seminario_FTA 4th floor |
Sparse component separation in astrophysics, with a particular focus on the case of Planck |
Jerôme Bobin |
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10 January 11:00h | Seminario_FTA 4th floor |
Determination of fundamental stellar parameters from stellar evolutionary models in the Gaia era |
Carlos del Burgo |
- Seminarios de Astrofísica 2019:
Fecha y hora: | Lugar | Titulo | Ponentes | |
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21 November 13:00h | Seminario_FTA 4th floor |
Stellar Tidal Streams outside the Local Group |
David Martínez-Delgado
(Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI), University of Heidelberg, Alemania)
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24 octubre, 13:00h |
Seminario_FTA, 4ª planta |
The origin of Brown Dwarfs |
Alejandro Santamaría Miranda (ESO) |
23 October, 15:30h |
Seminario_FTA |
Dynamical friction in systems affected by several perturbers
José Arturo Trelles Hernández (IA-UNAM) |
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25 septiembre, 15:30h |
Seminario_FTA, 4ª planta |
"Anomaly detection methods for astronomical images". |
Berta Margalef (Postdoctoral researcher at Observatorie de Paris) |
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8 julio, 12:30h |
Seminario_FTA, |
Exploring the Early Universe with the Largest Emission-Line Surveys |
David Sobral (Lancaster University, UK) |
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27 junio, 15:00h |
Seminario_FTA, |
Optical spectroscopy of nearby AGN-LINERs |
Sara Cazzoli y Laura Hermosa-Muñoz (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, IAA-CSIC) |
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5 junio, 15:30h |
Seminario FTA, 4a planta (Sala 215) |
How feedback from massive stars shapes the hierarchical star cluster assembly in globally collapsing molecular clouds |
Alejandro González Samaniego (Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica, Michoacán, México) |
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30 mayo, 12:00h |
Seminario FTA, 4a planta (Sala 215) |
Probing the ultra-low surface brightness Universe |
Alejandro S. Borlaff (European Space Astronomy Center) |
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5 abril 2019 15h |
Seminario FTA, 4a planta (Sala 215) |
European Southern Observatory: construyendo y operando los más potentes observatorios astronómicos en tierra |
Xavier Barcons. (Director General de la ESO) |
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12 marzo 2019, 3:30pm |
Seminario FTA, 4a planta (Sala 215) |
"Evidence for cosmological gas accretion in local galaxies".
Jorge Sánchez Almeida (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, IAC) |
27 feb 2019 15:30 |
Seminario FTA, planta 4 |
Direct measurement of stellar angular diameters by the VERITAS Cherenkov Telescopes |
Tarek Hassan (DESY, VERITAS – Helmholtz Association) |
30 ene 2019 15:30 |
Seminario, planta 4 |
This time we will focuss our discussion on the recently published paper on a Dark matter-free ultra faint galaxy (A second galaxy missing dark matter in the NGC1052 group).
We can also discuss on the previous "discovery" made by van Dokkum et al., presented last year in Nature (
Journal Club |
23 ene 2019 15:30 |
Seminario, planta 4 |
What do we know about HI Reionization? New Constraints from the high-z Lyman-alpha Forest |
(Institute for Astronomy, Edinburgh, UK) |
16 ene 2019 15:30 |
Seminario, planta 4 |
Reconstrucción no paramétrica de la historia de la formación estelar con procesos gaussianos I: contando los episodios principales de formación estelar (Iyer, et al.2019, arXiv:1901.02877) |
Journal Club |
- Seminarios de Astrofísica 2018:
Fecha: | Hora | Lugar | Titulo | Ponentes | Centro | |
10 dic 2018 | 15:30 | Seminario, planta 4 |
Supermassive Black Holes and its effects on galaxy evolution |
Bililing T. Dullo |
29 nov 2018 | 15:30 | Seminario, planta 4 |
Eclipsing binaries: mass transfer and starspots |
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Shinjirou Kouzuma |
15 nov 2018 | 15:30 | Seminario, planta 4 |
Discovery of a new planet around one of the closest stars through CARMENES data: Barnard's star b |
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David Montes | FTA |
7 nov 2018 | 15:30 | Seminario, planta 4 |
Discussion about paper: |
Varios | FTA | |
24 oct 2018 | 15:30 | Seminario, planta 4 |
weekly astro-meeting | Varios | FTA | |
15 oct 2018 | 15:30 | Seminario, planta 4 |
The MOSAIC project. | Jesus Gallego | FTA | |
01 oct 2018 | 15:00h | Seminario, planta 4 |
Discussion about paper: |
Varios | FTA | |
24 sept 2018 | 15:00h | Seminario, planta 4 |
Discussion about how outflows in galaxies work, related with SNe feedback, AGN feedback and other effects you can think on. The main question is: Is it the fountain effect consistent with observations and simulations? |
Varios | FTA | |
26 junio 2018 | 15:00h | Seminario, planta 4 |
Spatially-resolved analysis of the Star Formation Rate: insights on the activation and quenching mechanisms in bulges and disks
Abstract: To examine the relative role of the processes that can trigger and quench star formation on different spatial scales, it is essential to isolate the basic stellar structures that shaped galaxies (spiral arms, bars, bulges, etc.). Thus, we have combined a 2D multi-component photometric decomposition with CALIFA IFS data in a representative sample of 220 nearby galaxies. This allows us to determine the stellar mass and SFR from each of these components. Based on these parameters, the Star Formation Main Sequence of galaxies is explored. The main finding is that not only more massive galaxies but also more massive star-forming disks and earlier-type spiral disks have undergone efficient suppression of their star formation. We evaluate which mechanisms might be responsible for this quenching process. In particular, we analyze the presence of AGNs as a possible internal cause of star formation shutdown. The sSFR–M∗ relation for both disks and bulges is analyzed, finding that type-2 AGNs play a role damping the sSFR in bulges and less efficiently in disks. We emphasize the importance of the spatially-resolved analysis to provide an in-depth understanding of the processes that govern star formation.
Cristina Catalán Torrecilla | FTA | |
21 junio 2018 | 15:00h | Seminario, planta 4 |
Applying deep learning techniques to analyzing weak lensing data Summary: Weak lensing (WL) measurements allow us to reconstruct the evolution of the matter density field, unlocking a wealth of cosmological information. As a result, many experiments such as Euclid, WFIRST or LSST will include extensive WL measurements as part of their scientific program. I will discuss our efforts to extract as much cosmological information from these upcoming datasets as possible. In particular, I will show as a proof of concept how neural networks can extract information from simulated WL maps beyond two-point statistics and some non-Gaussian observables.
José Manuel Zorrilla Matilla | Department of Astronomy in the Columbia University | |
11 junio 2018 | 15:00h | Seminario, planta 4 |
Estudio del medio circumgaláctico en galaxias simuladas | Santi Roca-Fabrega | FTA | |
04 junio 2018 | 15:00h |
Seminario, |
Star-forming galaxies at low-redshift in the SHARDS survey: physical and morphological properties. | Alejandro Lumbreras-Calle | IAC |
- Seminarios asignatura del Máster en Astrofísica UCM: "Temas Avanzados en Astrofísica" - 2013-2016
- Seminarios de Astrofísica - 2003-2015
- Seminarios y Defensas de Tesis Doctorales - Programa de Doctorado en Astrofísica - 1995 - ....