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Estudios Norteamericanos (Conjunto con UAH)

Máster. Curso 2024/2025.


Curso Académico 2024-25

Datos Generales



1. To know the historical process of the Spanish presence in the United States and the history and current reality of Hispanics in the American society.
2. To understand the sociological and historical factors that characterize the different Hispanic groups in the United States.
3. To study the economic and political importance that the different Hispanic groups have in the current panorama of the United States.
4. Identify the relevant aspects of the cultural, artistic and literary productions of Hispanics in the United States.
1. To examine and analyze the development of the Spanish/Hispanic presence in the United States from its origins to the present day.
2. To describe the processes of colonization after more than two centuries of Spanish presence: expeditions and founding of missions and cities.
3. To understand the importance of the Mexican period and the consequences that the Mexican-American War had on the United States.
4. To analyze the socio-historical process that took place in the southwestern United States after the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.
5. To understand the different processes of "assimilation" of Hispanics in the United States.
6. To acquire the social terminology of Hispanics in the United States.


Clases prácticas
Number of classroom hours: 40-30(lectures); 9 (seminars); 1 personal tutoring
Number of hours of the student's autonomous learning: 85
Total: 125



No presenciales




Breve descriptor:

The course deals with the three periods of Hispanic presence in the territories that currently make up the U.S.: Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo. In the first one, the course will study the determining factors that originated the first expeditions and the subsequent interest (18th century) of those territories for the Spanish Crown; the study of the Mexican Period will focus mainly on the governmental policies during the decades of Mexican sovereignty. Finally, historical, sociological, cultural, political and economic studies of the different Hispanic minorities (Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, others) in the present United States will be addressed. The central objective is to know the historical importance that Spain had in the territories north of the Rio Grande River and to trace the roots of the different Hispanic groups present in contemporary American society, emphasizing their current importance in all social orders. To this end, a wide variety of graphic documentation (videos) and verbal and non-verbal texts will be used. Special attention will be given to the social, cultural, and artistic manifestations of the different Hispanic groups of today.

It is expected that different specialists and guests will be invited throughout the course.


General admission requirements for the master's degree


The main objective is to learn about the historical importance of Spain in the territories north of the Rio Grande River and to trace the roots of the different Hispanic groups present in contemporary American society, emphasizing their current importance in all social orders. To this end, a wide variety of graphic documentation (videos) and verbal and non-verbal texts will be used. Special attention will be given to the social, cultural, and artistic manifestations of the different Hispanic groups of today.

The importance of the different groups of Hispanic origin in the current political and socioeconomic configuration of the United States in the 21st century will also be studied and analyzed, as well as the historical process since the annexation of territories after the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.


1. Origin of the discovery and first maritime expeditions.

2. Land expeditions.

3. The Camino Real, the missions, founding of cities.

4. The Mexican-American War and the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.

5. Typology of Hispanic groups in the United States.

6. The Mexican-Americans.

7. The Puerto Ricans.

8. Cubans.

9. Artistic and cultural manifestations.

10. Political and economic importance of Hispanic groups in the USA. 


Evaluation system: Class participation (20%), Public presentations (40%), completion of work (40%).
Types of evaluation:
Continuous evaluation: the active participation of the student will be evaluated both in the presentations and critical comments of the readings indicated for each session and the intervention in the debates and other organized activities.
Final evaluation: presentation of a paper and final exam (100%).
Evaluation criteria:
-Active participation in classroom discussions.
-Ability of observation and analysis.
-Knowledge and correct use of the terminology and the fundamental processes contained in the syllabus and worked throughout the course.
-Ability to present and develop an argument in a clear, orderly, coherent and precise manner. In the case of written papers, the conventions of academic essay writing will be followed.
Final Evaluation. If the student for exceptional reasons does not participate in the continuous evaluation, he/she will have the option of a final exam (2 hours): 100%.


Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States: History . (1994)
Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States: Sociology (1994)
Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States: Literature and Art (1993)
Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States: Anthropology (1994)

Carlos M. Fernández-Shaw, Presencia Española en los Estados Unidos. (1972)
Juan Manuel Romero de Torres. España y las comunidades Hispana. (2005)
Robert Montemayor. Right Before Our Eyes: Latinos Past, Present & Future. (2004)
José Antonio Gurpegui. Narrativa Chicana: Nuevas propuestas analíticas. (2003)
Moncada, Flys, Gurpegui (eds). El Poder Hispano. (1994)
Himilce Novas. Everything you need Know about Latino History. (1998)
http://www.bodacia.com/hispanic.htm Different resources for the study of the subject.
http://vos.uscb.edu/ Voice of the Shuttle is one of the most important generic web pages for the study of literature, culture and history.
http://en.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia is useful to look for specific items: Hispanic culture in the United States.

Otra información relevante

The information in this sheet does not replace the course syllabus, which is the document where activities, material, readings and thematic content will be specified.
During the first week of class, the syllabus will be handed out in the classroom and will also be available on the virtual campus of the course.


No existen datos de módulos o materias para esta asignatura.


Clases teóricas y/o prácticas
Grupo T27/01/2025 - 09/05/2025MARTES 15:00 - 18:00-