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Lingüística Inglesa: Nuevas Aplicaciones y Comunicación Internacional

Máster. Curso 2024/2025.


Curso Académico 2024-25

Datos Generales



CG2 - Conocer las metodologías para la investigación lingüística en lengua inglesa.
CG4 - Conocer los aspectos interculturales que inciden en la comunicación internacional y la traducción.
CG5 - Comprender e integrar información masiva y compleja procedente de diversas fuentes (artículos, Internet, revistas
especializadas, etc.) dentro de distintas perspectivas teóricas de la lingüística inglesa.
CG6 - Ser capaz de realizar trabajos académicos (informes y ensayos) en los que se plasme su iniciación en la investigación en el
ámbito de la lingüística inglesa.
CG7 - Ser capaz de presentar los resultados de sus trabajos académicos en el ámbito de la lingüística inglesa en público en un
entorno académico (congresos, seminarios, conferencias, entre otros).
CT2 - Conocer y utilizar las estrategias de comunicación oral y escrita en el ámbito de la lingüística inglesa
CT3 - Aplicar a un nivel avanzado las herramientas de gestión de la información: recopilación sistemática, organización, selección,
análisis, síntesis y presentación.
CE4 - Conocer las diferencias interculturales para el estudio contrastivo del inglés y el español.


Clases teóricas
Rather than being lecture-based, the seminar will encourage active participation by the students by means of collaborative research tasks, oral presentations and class discussion. Students will also be expected to work on selected readings that will be further discussed in class. Practical tasks (such as the creation of questionnaires, data collection and analysis, etc.) will also be part of the methodology employed.
Students will be required to present orally one reading of their choice (the list of readings will be provided at the beginning of the course) adopting a critical approach (guidelines and a rubric for the oral presentation will also be provided on virtual campus).



No presenciales




Breve descriptor:

 Political and economic globalisation, together with constant technological advances, has resulted in unprecedented levels of international human mobility. As a result, societies are increasingly intercultural. Intercultural communication, however, poses interlocutors with serious challenges to overcome such as differences in their value systems, diverging communication styles and behaviours. All of them can easily lead to miscommunication and conflict between cultural groups, both within and across societies.


 This seminar is aimed to examine a range of issues relating to the areas of cultural difference and communication across and inter cultures. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the students will be able to raise their own cultural awareness and, as a result, they will be able to approach the complex issue of intercultural communication more at ease.


1. Introduction: defining culture and raising cultural awareness
2. Perception: Rituals, stereotypes, beliefs, humour, etc.
3. Dealing with Non-verbal behaviour (kinesics, proxemics, oculesics, haptics, etc.)
4. Intercultural differences: Comparisons between cultures; cultural dimensions, values, norms, behaviour and cultural standards.
5. Intercultural communication: pragmatic expectations and sources of conflict (pragmatic failure)
6. Methodological considerations: Collecting data for intercultural studies (DCTs, Recall Protocols, etc.)
7. Developing intercultural competence: the five savoirs, the Process Model of Intercultural Competence, effective communication in intercultural settings.


This seminar follows a continuous assessment, divided as follows:
• Critical summary and oral presentation of a chosen reading (within the reading pack): 20%
• Class active participation (via e-forums, on-site classes, group discussions, etc.): 15%
• Partial tests online quizzes (on Campus Virtual): 20%
• Final exam on-site: 45%


Byram, M., Nichols, A., and Stevens, D. (eds.) (2001). Developing intercultural competence in practice. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.
Kiesling, Scott F. Christina Bratt Paulston (eds.) (2004). Intercultural Discourse and Communication: The Essential Readings. London: Blackwell.
Kotthoff, Helga and Helen Spencer-Oatey (eds.) (2009). Handbook of Intercultural Communication. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Lustig, M. and Koester, J. (2006). Intercultural competence: interpersonal communication across cultures. Boston: Pearson.
Samovar, Larry A., Richard E. Porter and Edwin R. McDaniel (eds.) (2009). Intercultural Communication. A reader. Boston: Cengage Learning.
Spencer-Oatey, Helen (ed.) (2008) (2nd ed.). Culturally Speaking. Culture, Communication and Politeness Theory. London, New York: Continuum.
Note: Together with these basic references, students will be provided with a reading pack of selected papers.

Otra información relevante

If students fail the course, they will have the opportunity to submit the required assignment (with the same percentage) in the extraordinary call.


No existen datos de módulos o materias para esta asignatura.


Clases teóricas y/o prácticas
Grupo T12/09/2024 - 13/12/2024JUEVES 16:30 - 18:00A-318CARMEN MAIZ AREVALO