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Lingüística Inglesa: Nuevas Aplicaciones y Comunicación Internacional

Máster. Curso 2024/2025.


Curso Académico 2024-25

Datos Generales



CG2 - Conocer las metodologías para la investigación lingüística en lengua inglesa, aplicado al Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD).
CG5 - Comprender e integrar información masiva y compleja procedente de diversas fuentes (artículos, Internet, revistas especializadas, etc.) dentro de distintas perspectivas teóricas de la lingüística inglesa, en particular en el Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD).
CB6 - Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación
CB7 - Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio
CB8 - Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios
CB9 - Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las sustentan a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades
CB10 - Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.
CT2 - Conocer y utilizar las estrategias de comunicación oral y escrita en el ámbito de la lingüística inglesa, y en el Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD)
CT3 - Aplicar a un nivel avanzado las herramientas de gestión de la información: recopilación sistemática, organización, selección, análisis, síntesis y presentación.
CE6 - Aplicar las herramientas proporcionadas por las diversas teorías lingüísticas, y en particular de los estudios de análisis crítico (Critical Discourse Studies) en el análisis en profundidad de textos en lengua inglesa, tanto a nivel oral como escrito.
At the end of the course, students should have:
(i) Become familiar with the basic concepts and assumptions of different theoretical frameworks in the discipline of Critical Discourse Studies, and developed the ability to critically question and evaluate these assumptions.
(ii) Acquired a general understanding of the basic concepts, main topics and issues involved in the Critical Analysis of Discourse.
(iii) Developed the ability to identify and analyse linguistic data, and provide an interpretation of the relationship to ideological phenomena.
(iv) Become more effective in their reading and academic writing, and develop attention to detail, interpretive skills, critical thinking, creativity and scientific integrity.
(v) Developed the ability to understand research papers in the field, evaluate analyses, and communicate these research findings through clear, well-organized oral presentations.
(vi) Developed the ability to identify a certain phenomenon or problem area, formulate research questions or hypotheses supported by a critical review of the literature, collect and organize linguistic data, and to design the research methodology and carry out the appropriate analysis to confirm or disprove the hypotheses, and provide an interpretation of the results in relation to ideological phenomena.
(vii) Developed the ability to produce an original empirical research paper, which communicates and discusses research results, adhering to scholarly conventions in research, writing and documentation.


Clases teóricas
This course combines presentation of new terms, concepts and readings materials with the discussion and analysis of samples of naturally occurring discourse.
Handouts, readings and documents with further information is provided through Campus Virtual.

Clases prácticas
Students are expected to participate actively in class, and are required to make presentations and discuss readings, design a research project involving the analysis of samples of discourse.
Trabajos de campo
Students are required to design a research project and write a term paper.

Project work: design of a research paper and development of basic planning strategies involving methodology and text analysis tasks.

Research paper: Empirical study of some topic/issue dealt with in the course.
The paper should include: Aim, critical review of literature, theoretical framework, formulation of research questions and/or hypotheses, description of methodology, analysis of authentic data, discussion of results and conclusions (20-25 pp., typed, double-spaced, with bibliography & appendix).

Presentation and critical evaluation of research in the field: Students are required to give an oral presentation of a published research paper, article or book chapter, which includes a summary and critique of the paper and the elaboration of a handout to be handed out in class.





Breve descriptor:

Critical discourse analysis (CDA) primarily studies the relationships between discursive practices, events and discourses, and social and cultural relations and processes, in order to explore the way discourses are shaped by relations of power and of struggles over power in the social and political context, and how abuse, dominance, and inequality are produced and reproduced, and may be resisted in the discourse. 


Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is a cross-disciplinary approach to the study of the intersections between discourse, critique, power, and ideology. This course aims to familiarize students with the basic theoretical tenets and methodological procedures of the field of critical discourse analysis.

 The course will help students to develop a critical sensitivity to issues of power, ideology, and inequality as produced and reproduced in discourse in a variety of socio-cultural contexts, and will enable them to understand the nature of the relation between language and ideology and the way this connects to social, cultural, and political power structures.

 Students are expected to develop their ability to analyse different types of texts and discourses understood as a reflection, product and creation of discursive and social practices.


1. Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis (MCDA).

1.1. Origins of CDA.

1.2. Theoretical Principles of CDA. Discourse, Power and Ideology. Critique.

1.3. Discourse, Cognition, Society.

1.4. Main Approaches and Methodologies in CDA and MCDA.


2. The Expression of Ideology in Discourse.

2.1. Discourse and Power. Discursive articulation of Persuasion and Resistance.

2.2. Discourse as Social practice, Discursive practice and Text. Levels of analysis: Description, Interpretation and Explanation.

2.3. Discursive Strategies. Categories of Analysis for CDA and MCDA.


3. Ideology and Discourses.

3.1. Institutional Discourses. Political Discourse. Media Discourse. Legal proceedings and Forensic linguistics.

3.2. Discourse and Gender.

3.3. Identity, Ethnicity and Social Relations. Political correctness. Inclusion vs. exclusion.

3.4. Discourse and Education.


(i) Class Participation (Participación activa en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje): 20-40%
(ii) Assignments (Pruebas de desarrollo o seguimiento): 30-45%
Assignment 1: Critical evaluation of a published research paper (chosen from Readings for presentations). Students are required to give an oral presentation of the article or chapter chosen, which includes a summary and critique and the elaboration of a handout to be handed out in class.
Assignment 2: Project work in which students are required to design a research paper and develop basic planning strategies involving methodology and text analysis tasks.
(iii) Research Paper (Presentación y defensa pública de trabajos realizados de manera individual): 30-45%
Students are required to write an empirical research paper on one or more topics in the course, and present the paper in class, including an interpretation of results in relation to ideological phenomena.

Grade Computation:
(i) Class Participation (20%)
(ii) Assignments: Assignment 1 (20%) + Assignment 2 (20%)
(ii) Research Paper (40%)


Bloor, M. & T. Bloor (2013). The Practice of Critical Discourse Analysis: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
Chilton, P. (2004). Analysing Political Discourse. London: Routledge.
Fairclough, N. (1989). Language and Power. Harlow: Longman.
Fairclough, N. (1995). Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language. London: Longman.
Flowerdew, J. & J. E. Richardson (eds.) (2018) The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies. (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics). New York: Taylor and Francis.
Fowler, R., B. Hodge, G. Kress & T. Trew. (1979). Language and Control. London: Routledge.
Holmes, J. & M. Meyerhoff (eds.) (2003) The Handbook of Language and Gender. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Hughes, G. (2010). Political Correctness. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
Talbot, M. (1998/2010). Language and Gender. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Van Dijk, T. A. (1998). Ideology. A Multidisciplinary Approach. London: Sage.
van Dijk, T. A. (2005) Critical Discourse Analysis. In: D. Schiffrin, D. Tannen & H. E. Hamilton (eds.) The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. (Chapter 18). Oxford: Blackwell. 352-371.
van Dijk, T.A. (2008). Discourse and Power. Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
van Dijk, T.A. (2014) Discourse and Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Van Leeuwen, T. (2008). Discourse and Practice: New Tools for Critical Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wodak, R. & P. Chilton. (eds.) (2005). A New Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis: Theory, Methodology and Interdisciplinarity. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Wodak, Ruth & Michael Meyer (eds.) (2015). Methods of Critical Discourse Studies, 3rd edn. London: Sage.


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Clases teóricas y/o prácticas
Grupo T12/09/2024 - 13/12/2024MARTES 19:30 - 21:00A-318ELENA DOMINGUEZ ROMERO