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Formación del Profesorado de ESO y Bachillerato, FP y Enseñanzas de Idiomas

Máster. Curso 2023/2024.


Curso Académico 2023-24

Datos Generales



- to become familiar with the contextual, cultural and social aspects that affect linguistic variation.
- to be able to integrate, process and synthesize complex information from various specialized and non-specialized sources (internet, articles, journals,textbooks)
- to be able to apply acquired knowledge and solve problems in wider and multidisciplinary contexts.
- to be able to communicate and support conclusions
- to improve learning abilities and autonomous learning
-to use the specific oral and written communicative strategies for the teaching of reading and writing in secondary school.
-to develop a critical mind
- to apply the linguistic tools and resources of register and genre theories to the analysis of a wide variety of spoken and written texts.
- to develop a pedagogical awareness of the potential of register and genre analysis for the teaching of English in secondary school contexts.


Clases teóricas
The course is structured around the presentation of the theoretical aspects and explanation of concepts, which will be discussed and exemplified in class.
Clases prácticas
Owing to the nature of the subject, theory and practice are inseparable facets of the course and will be dealt with in a joint way.
Students are expected to actively participate and contribute to the class, individually and in groups.
Practice will focus ona systematic analysis and discussion of a variety of texts from different registers and genres of English.
Group work and presentations are a standard and regular activity during the course.
Otras actividades
Tutoring sessions: guidance for the students in relation to readings, textual analysis and discussion of problems.



No presenciales




Breve descriptor:

This course offers an overview of different text varieties in English, including registers, genres and styles. Register, genre, and style differences are fundamentally important for any student with a primary interest in language and for teachers of secondary education, who are faced with the task of teaching their students how to use the words and structures that are appropriate to different spoken and written tasks. Through a combination of lectures and practical activities, this course will provide the foundational knowledge to effectively analyse, understand, and teach awareness of differences among text varieties.

The course will combine theoretical aspects with hand-on practical activities involving the analysis of different registers, genres and styles. Theory and practice are inseparable facets of the course and will be dealt with in a joint way. Students are expected to actively participate and contribute to class activities, individually and in groups. Practice will focus on a systematic analysis and discussion of a variety of texts from various different registers and genres and on the pedagogical potential for
teaching ESL.


The language of tuition is English, a minimum level C1 is required.


1. To introduce the student to the theoretical assumptions, scope and key components of the
concepts of register, genre and style.
2. To provide tools and resources for the systematic analysis and description of registers, genres and
3. To describe, analyze and critically read a variety of texts from a wide array of registers and genres.
4. To raise the student¿s critical awareness of the pedagogical potential of register and genre study
for teaching ESL.


The course will focus on three main thematic areas, consisting of several sub-units each: 
Fundamental concepts in the study of text varieties: register, genre and style. Defining and analysing the situational and linguistic features of registers.
2. Multigenre exploration and comparative analysis of most common genres for the ESL classroom: story and history genres, factual genres, evaluative genres.  
3. Text didacticization and the SFL genre-based pedagogy


The final grade will be calculated according to the percentages below. The participation grade includes attending class regularly and participating actively in the in-class activities (class discussions, written questions, class presentations, etc.).

- Active participation in class 40%
- Final project report 60%


Bawarshi, A.S., and M. J. Reiff (2010). Genre: An introduction to history, theory, research and pedagogy. West Lafayette, Indiana: Parlor Press. (Introduction, Chaps: 2,3, 10)
Biber, D. and S. Conrad (2019): Register, genre and style. Cambridge University Press.
Caixia, H. 2013. Film and novel: Different media in literature and implications for language teaching. Cross-cultural Communication, 9/5, 87-91.
Christie, F. and Derewianka, B. (2008 ) School discourse: learning to write across the years of schooling. London: Continuum
Lattimer. H. (2003) Thinking through genre. Portland: Stenhouse Publishers
McCarthy, M. (1991). Discourse analysis for language teachers. Cambridge: CUP.
Martin, J R and David Rose (2008): Genre relations: mapping culture. London: Equinox.
Martin, J R and David Rose (2012). Genres and texts: living in the real world . Indonesian Journal of SFL, 1 (1), 1-21.
Nunan, D. (2008): Exploring genre and register in contemporary English. English Today 94, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp 56 – 61.
Rose, D. and JR Martin (2012): Learning to write: reading to learn. London, Equinox.
Rose, David (2020) Designing pedagogic registers: Reading to Learn. In D. Caldwell, J. Knox & J.R. Martin (eds.) Developing Theory: A Handbook in Appliable Linguistics and Semiotics. London: Bloomsbury.
Zoreda,M. &Vivaldo-Lima, J. (2008). Scaffolding Linguistic and intercultural goals in EFLwith simplified novels and their and their film adaptations. English Teaching Forum 3, 22-29.


No existen datos de módulos o materias para esta asignatura.


Clases teórico y/o práctica
Grupo A11/09/2023 - 05/12/2023JUEVES 16:00 - 19:00-MARIA JULIA LAVID LOPEZ