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Economía (en inglés)

Grado y Doble Grado. Curso 2023/2024.

Organización, composición y funciones del SGIC

Organization, composition and functions of the IQGSC (Internal Quality Guarantee System Commission)

The Vice Dean for Graduate Studies is responsible for ensuring the internal quality of the Degree in Economics. In addition, an Internal Quality Guarantee System Commission has been created with representatives from all the different groups of the University community (vice deans, department directors, professors, students, administrative and service staff) as well as 2 external representatives.

For further information, see:

General description of the composition and objectives of the IQGSC of the Bachelor’s Degree in Economics (in Spanish)

Operating Regulations of the IQGSC (in Spanish)

Mejoras implantadas

Achieved Improvements

The improvements in the Bachelor’s Degree in Economics that have been achieved since the academic year 2012-13 can be found in the following link (in Spanish).

Sistema de quejas y reclamaciones

Complaints and grievances

The complaints and suggestions mailbox on the website of the Faculty has been linked to an online form. Each form is delivered directly to the Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, who transfers the complaint or suggestion to the corresponding person (herself, other Vice Deans, Degree Coordinators) in order to identify and carry out the necessary improvement or correction.

Another frequently used channel to make suggestions, complaints and grievances is through the Degree Coordinators. The Degree Coordinator directly handles the suggestions and complaints about which (s)he has authority, and transfers to the corresponding Vice Dean those that require action by other instances.

Inserción laboral

Employability of graduates

The Faculty of Economics & Business is well aware of the importance of measuring the degree of employability of its graduates. It has therefore created the Observatory of Economics and Business within the framework of a Project of Innovation and Improvement of Teaching Quality (“PIMCD”) of the Complutense University. In addition, during the academic year 2018/19, the Innovation Project number 285 entitled “Improvement of the IQGSC of the center: Analysis of student satisfaction with professor and subjects, graduates and employers” was started. One of the aims of this initiative is to obtain and analyze official data on the employment of the Faculty’s graduates.

Of the total number of Economics graduates that responded, 79% are currently working (15% only work and 64% study and work simultaneously). Another 7% currently continue their studies full-time. Of the 64% of graduates who study and work simultaneously, 94% are taking a Master. The remaining 6% are taking an E-Commerce course or preparing an opposition. Of the graduates who work, 89% have a third-party job, 5.5% are doing internships and 5.5% are self-employed. 72% have an indefinite contract and 28% have a temporary contract.

For complete information about employability of graduates, see here.

Resultados de las evaluaciones

Results of monitoring reports

Access to the Monitoring Reports of the Degree in Economics.

Link to the Spanish Ministry’s RUCT: title code 2500910

Encuestas de satisfacción

Satisfaction surveys

The satisfaction surveys of the different groups (students, professors, administrative and service staff) can be consulted through the following link.