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Economía (en inglés)

Grado y Doble Grado. Curso 2023/2024.

Recursos, infraestructuras y servicios de la titulación (aulas informáticas, recursos bibliográficos, bibliotecas, salas de estudio...)

Resources, infrastructure and services associated to the Degree (computer rooms, library etc.)

The Faculty of Economics & Business offers the following material resources and services on the Somosaguas Campus.

Teaching classrooms

  • The Lecture Building or “Aulario” has 35 classrooms, with a minimum capacity of 20 seats and a maximum of 224 seats. Of these 35 classrooms, two are adapted for disabled students and 3 have electrical outlets so that students can use their own computer.
  • The 5th year Pavilion has 8 classrooms with a minimum capacity of 45 seats and a maximum of 181.
  • The 3rd year Pavilion has 4 classrooms with a minimum capacity of 137 seats and a maximum of 203.
  • The 2nd year Pavilion has 4 classrooms with a minimum capacity of 84 seats and a maximum of 101.
  • The Prefabricated Pavilion has 2 classrooms with a capacity of 28 seats each.
  • Building 6 holds the “Compluemprende” classroom with 20 seats.

All classrooms have a projector and heating. The Aulario classrooms moreover have air conditioning.

Computer rooms

  • 2 computer classrooms with 48 computers (computer rooms 1 and 3 of the Aulario).
  • 1 computer classroom with 19 computers (computer room 4 of the Aulario).
  • 1 freely accessible computer room with 20 computers (computer room 2 of the Aulario).
  • 1 computer classroom with 22 computers (in the 5th year Pavilion).
  • 1 computer classroom with 38 computers (in the Central Pavilion).
  • 1 computer classroom with 28 computers (ICAE classroom)
  • 1 computer classroom with 22 computers (classroom 218 of the Aulario)

In addition, the Library has 47 freely accessible computers.

The computer rooms are attended by 4 IT support staff members (2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon).


 The library has seating capacity for 663 students. In terms of material, the library has:

  • Total books: 177,000
  • Of which 37,000 are freely accessible
  • Journals: 1,800
  • Digital material (videos, DVD, ...): 2,500
  • Newspaper library (magazines and collections): around 5,100

The library has four meeting rooms for student teamwork, a computer room and a rest area in the library hall. It also has adapted lockers and stairs.

The library also has 22 laptops which are offered free of charge to students.

Other facilities and resources

  • The Aulario has a Study room with 256 seats.
  • Classrooms of the ICAE (Complutense Institute of Economic Analysis): 2 computer rooms, 3 teaching classrooms with a projector, one meeting room.
  • Internship Office, with a staff of two permanent members and 1 intern.
  • Office for students with disabilities
  • 4 Conference/Event rooms and one Aula Magna
  • Reprography service for professors and students.
  • International Relations Office.
  • Medical service, with one doctor and one nurse.
  • Sports facilities: the Somosaguas Sports Center has 2 tennis courts, a multisports hall (basketball, handball, volleyball), and a fitness room. For further information on sports at the Complutense University, see here.
  • 3 cafeterias and a restaurant.
  • Outdoor parking and underground parking.
  • Wifi network throughout the whole Faculty.

Virtual Campus

Access to the Virtual Campus