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Bachelor of European Studies (BAES). Grado conjunto otorgado por UCM, KUL, UNIBO y JU (Alianza Una Europa)

Grado y Doble Grado. Curso 2023/2024.


Curso Académico 2023-24

Datos Generales




Clases teóricas
Teaching will consist of a combination of formats i.e.: lectures, hands-on workshops, responsive teaching classes, case reports
Students are expected to be present, demonstrate active participation and implication during contact hours, and prepare course in case of responsive teaching sessions







At the end of the course students will be able to:

1.  Acquire an interdisciplinary vision in the conceptual approach to Law, with the pertaining detailed study of the different subjects and items involved.

2. Reflect upon the function that is discharged by the Legal System regarding the social organization in our complex and pluralist societies.

3. Understand and learn to correctly apply and value the interest of the different categories of basic legal concepts.

4. Develop a critical approach to the basic legal problems and issues, pertaining the role of law as the main mean to regulate the social relations, and considering its principal and crucial contribution to order the communities affected. Rationalize the different branches of Law, as singular and peculiar area of the scientific study, so that the student can learn not just to differentiate them, but to recognize its main characters pertaining all of them.



  1. Theory of Law: preliminary considerations regarding the concept of Law, its definitions and functions.
  2. Social determinants of Law: Law and morality; Law and religion; Law and politics; Law and economics.
  3. Theory of the legal system: Law as a system, its essential elements and structure. Types and branches of Law.
  4. Sources of Law: legal acts (statutes), customs, general principles of law, case law, legal doctrine.
  5. Subjects of Law. Natural persons and legal entities. Legal personality.
  6. Fundamental legal values: human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights.
  7. Introduction to human rights law: human rights generations, absolute and non-absolute rights; legal protection of human rights.
  8. Law and state. The state as a legal organization of power. State sovereignty. Division of powers. Forms of government. Types of the political system.
  9. Map of the major modern legal systems (civil law, common law, customary law, religious law). 
  10. National, International and the EU Law



Written examination
Particular value will be granted to participation and involvement of the students along the Course, so that a percentage relevant will be awarded to it taking into account that this item which help to offer a balance between the written exam and the daily presence in the courses, promoting and encouraging personal attendance



Materials and handouts will be providing along the course, and it will be mandatory to read and refer to case reports, handbooks, and scientific articles, as well as those pertaining new technologies, as media links, video materials...


No existen datos de módulos o materias para esta asignatura.


Clases teóricas y/o prácticas
Grupo que no genera actas - - -
Grupo único - - -TETIANA ANAKINA