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Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ADE) (en inglés)

Grado y Doble Grado. Curso 2023/2024.



The objective of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration is for students to acquire a deep knowledge and practical training about the nature of business and its relationship with the environment, as well as of the methods and techniques of direction and management in different areas of responsibility within the business sector.

The Degree in Business Administration enables students to manage and administer a company in accordance with its resources in order to maximize the benefit. Graduates will be able to integrate into any functional area of a company and easily perform any management task entrusted to them. They will know how to perform diagnostics and provide proposals for improvement in the different departments, such as human resources, marketing, etc.

Graduates will also know how to summarize and publish economic and financial information through financial statements, to identify relevant sources of economic information and analyze their content, and to derive from the data the relevant information necessary to assess the current situation and forecast the future evolution of a company.

To sum up, the Degree in Business Administration enables students to solve all kinds of problems related to companies and their business operations. They will also be able to work in other languages (mainly English), individually or in group, under circumstances of pressure, and with a proficient use of the relevant ICT tools.

Competencias generales, transversales y específicas que los estudiantes deben adquirir durante sus estudios

General, transversal and specific skills that students must master during their studies:

General Competences

- GC1: Ability to solve problems. Description: To find solutions and to make a fixed and decisive determination to solve a doubt or problem.

- GC2: Capacity for analysis and synthesis. Description: To thoroughly study a topic, problem, case, article, exercise, etc. and to summarize and collect the most relevant information.

- GC3: Capacity for organization and planning. Description: To know how to define the steps and/or structure required to achieve an objective, and how to adequately distribute the available material and human resources for all the specific functions involved.

- GC4: Capacity for communication and teamwork. Description: To know how to transmit information orally as well as in writing. To collaborate and cooperate with others by providing the best of their skills to achieve team results. To accept and value the competences of others and seek to achieve synergies with their colleagues. To value differences and build relationships based on respect and growth.

Transversal Competences

- TC1: Ability to search for information and to perform research. Description: To be able to locate relevant information using different resources (databases, media, manuals, professional journals, etc.) and study that information thoroughly.

- TC2: Ability to receive and transmit information in other languages, mainly English. Description: To communicate fluently, both passively (listening and reading) and actively (speaking and writing), in languages other than Spanish, mainly English.

- TC3: Ability to work under pressure. Description: To cope relatively easily with complex situations that may involve coercion, intimidation, etc.

- TC4: Ability to apply knowledge to practice. Description: To know how to use the acquired knowledge in the achievement of a specific objective, for example the resolution of an exercise or the discussion of a practical case.

- TC5: Use of information and communications technology. Description: To make a proficient use of the available ICT technologies and means (virtual campus, internet, computer applications, etc.).

Specific Competences

- SC1: Management and administration of a company or organization, based on an understanding of its competitive and institutional situation and a correct identification of its strengths and weaknesses. Description: To know how to administer and direct a company to achieve maximum benefit, taking into account the resources available to the organization and the characteristics of the market environment.

- SC2: Integration into any functional area of a medium or large company or organization, and performance of any management task entrusted to him/her. Description: To know how to perform in any of the company's departments (production, marketing, human resources, finance, etc.), taking decisions and executing them.

- SC3: Identification of the sources of relevant economic information and its content. Description: To know the different online and other sources of information that provide important data for business decision making.

- SC4: Derivation of relevant economic information from the data. Description: To identify and collect data from different sources of information and to treat and analyze it in order to extract the relevant economic information necessary to take business decisions.


- SC5: Assessment of the situation and forecasting of the evolution of a company from the relevant information records. Description: To analyze, diagnose and forecast, based on the relevant information, the economic, financial, commercial, accounting or administrative situation of any company or holding, as well as of any sector or branch of the economy.

- SC6: Production of advisory reports on specific situations of companies and markets. Description: To prepare studies and documents of an economic and financial nature, related to companies and/or markets, which may be relevant for any agency of the Central, Local, Parastatal or any other Administration, as well as for any jurisdictional entity.

- SC7: Writing of global and functional area management projects. Description: To acquire the  capability of elaborating detailed management plans for companies and organizations, according to predetermined objectives, at different levels from the most global (strategic plans) to the most specific level corresponding to some department or functional area.

- SC8: Understanding the fundamental elements of the national and international economic environment in which the company carries out its activity. Description: To become well acquainted with the national and international economic institutions, the fundamental characteristics of the Spanish and international economy, the tax system and the basic economic laws that influence any company’s operation.

Profesiones reguladas para las que capacita, en su caso

Regulated professions to which the Degree grants access, if applicable:


Salidas profesionales

Career opportunities:

  • Board member, advisor or consultant in all types of organizations (public or private, profit or non-profit).
  • Production, purchasing or logistics management.
  • Human resources. 
  • Financial and investment advisor. 
  • Commercial agent or coordinator.
  • Marketing specialist.
  • Accounting expert.
  • Teaching and research.