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- Muñoz F, Casado P, Hernández‑Gutiérrez D, Jiménez‑Ortega L, Fondevila S, Espuny J, Sánchez‑García J, Martín‑Loeches M. (2019) Neural Dynamics in the Processing of Personal Objects as an Index of the Brain Representation of the Self. Brain Topography
- Casado P, Martín-Loeches M, Muñoz M, Hernández-Gutiérrez D, Jiménez-Ortega L, Sánchez-García D, Espuny J, Fondevila S. (2019) On the interplay between motor sequencing and linguistic syntax: electrophysiological evidence. Journal of Neurolinguistics.
- Hohlfeld A, Martín-Loeches M, Sommer W. (2019). The nature of morphosyntactic processing during language perception. Evidence from an additional-task study in Spanish and German. Int J Psychophysiol,143:9-24. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2019.06.016.
- Sánchez-García J, Espuny J, Hernández-Gutiérrez D, Casado P, Muñoz F, Jiménez-Ortega L, Fondevila S, Martín-Loeches M. (2019) Neurofunctional characterization of early prefrontal processes contributing to interpersonal guilt. Cognitive, Affective and
- Muñoz, F.; Hildebrandt, A.; Schacht, A.; Stürmer, B.; Bröcker, F.; Martín-Loeches, M.; Sommer, W (2018) What makes the hedonic experience of a meal in a top restaurant special and retrievable in the long term? Meal-related, social and personality fac
- Stürmer, B.; Ouyang, G.; Palazova, M.; Schacht, A.; Martín-Loeches, M.; Rausch, P.; Sommer, W. (2018) Lunching for relaxation or cognitive control? After-Effects of Social and Solitary Meals. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 14, 14-20
- Espuny J, Jiménez-Ortega L, Hernández-Gutiérrez D, Muñoz F, Fondevila S, Casado P, Martín-Loeches M. (2018) Isolating the Effects of Word’s Emotional Valence on Subsequent Morphosyntactic Processing: An Event-Related Brain Potentials Study. Frontiers
- Casado, P.; Martín-Loeches, M.; León, I.; Hernández-Gutiérrez, D.; Espuny, J.; Muñoz, F.; Jiménez-Ortega, L.; Fondevila, S.; de Vega, M: (2018). When syntax meets action: Brain potential evidence of overlapping between language and motor sequencing.
- Hernández-Gutiérrez D, Abdel Rahman R, Martín-Loeches M, Muñoz F, Schacht A, Sommer W, Does dynamic information about the speaker’s face contribute to semantic speech processing? ERP evidence, CORTEX (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2018.03.031.
- Espuny, J.; Jiménez-Ortega, L.; Hernández-Gutiérrez, D.; Muñoz, F.; Fondevila, S.; Casado, P.; Martín-Loeches, M.(2018) Isolating the Effects of Word’s Emotional Valence on Subsequent Morphosyntactic Processing: An Event-Related Brain Potentials Stud
- Patiño, F.Y.; Luque, M.; Terradillos-Bernal, M.; Martín-Loeches, M. (2017) Biomechanics of microliths manufacture: A preliminary approach to Neanderthal’s motor constrains in the frame of embodied cognition. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 95, 1
- Jiménez-Ortega, L, Espuny, J,Herreros de Tejada, P,Vargas-Rivero, C,Martín-Loeches, M (2017)Subliminal Emotional Words Impact Syntactic Processing: Evidence from Performance and Event-Related Brain Potentials. Volume 11 | Article 192. doi: 10.3389/fn
- de Vega M, Morera Y, León I, Beltrán D, Casado P, Martín-Loeches M. (2016). Sentential Negation Might Share Neurophysiological Mechanisms with Action Inhibition. Evidence from Frontal Theta Rhythm. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(22):6002-6010
- Moreno EM, Casado P, Martín-Loeches M.(2016).Tell me sweet little lies: An event-related potentials study on the processing of social lies. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. DOI 10.3758/s13415-016-0418-3.
- Hernández-Gutiérez D, Jiménez-Ortega L, Fondevila S, Casado P, Muñoz F,Martín-Loeches M. (2016). Do discourse global coherence and cumulated information impact on sentence syntactic processing? An event-related brain potentials study. Brain Research,
- Martín-Loeches M. (2015) Neuroscience and education: We already reached the tipping point. Psicología Educativa,
- Hohlfeld A, Martín-Loeches M, Sommer W. (2015) Is Semantic Processing During Sentence Reading Autonomous or Controlled? Evidence from the N400 Component in a Dual Task Paradigm. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 11(2), 42-55
- Fondevila S, Aristei S, Sommer W, Jiménez-Ortega L, Casado P, Martín-Loeches M. (2015). Counterintuitive Religious Ideas and Metaphoric Thinking: An Event-Related Brain Potential Study. doi: 10.1111/cogs.12263
- Muñoz F, Martín-Loeches, M. (2015) Electrophysiological brain dynamics during the esthetic judgment of human bodies and faces. Brain Research, 1594, 154-164
- Bruner E, Román FJ, de la Cuétara JM, Martin-Loeches M, Colom R. (2015) Cortical surface area and cortical thickness in the precuneus of adult humans. Neuroscience, 286, 345-352.
- Muñoz F, Reales JM, Sebastián MA ,Ballesteros S. (2014) An electrophysiological study of haptic roughness: Effects of levels of texture and stimulus uncertainty in the P300. Brain Research 1562 (2014) 59–68
- Bruner E, Rangel de Lázaro G, Cuétara JM, Martín-Loeches M, Colom R, Jacobs HL. (2014) Midsagittal brain variation and MRI shape analysis of the precuneus in adult individuals. Journal of Anatomy 224, 367-376.
- Martín-Loeches M. (2014) Extending the mind, embodying cognition: new light on old endeavours. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 92, 299-301
- Martín-Loeches M, Hernández-Tamames JJ, Martín A, Urrutia M. (2014) Beauty and ugliness in the bodies and faces of others: An fMRI study of person aesthetic judgement. Neuroscience, 277, 486-497.
- Díez A, Suazo V, Casado P, Martín-Loeches M, Perea MV, Molina V. (2014). Frontal gamma noise power and cognitive domains in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research; 221(1): 104-113.
- Schacht A, Sommer W, Shmuilovich O, Casado P, Martín-Loeches M. (2014). Differential task effects on N400 and P600 elicited by semantic and syntactic violations. PLoS One, 9(3):e91226. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091226
- Díez A, Suazo V, Casado P, Martín-Loeches M, Molina V. (2014). Gamma power and cognition in patients with schizophrenia and their first-degree relatives. Neuropsychobiology, 69(2): 120-128
- Jiménez-Ortega L, García-Milla M, Fondevila S, Casado P, Hernández-Gutiérrez D, Martín-Loeches M. (2014). Automaticity of higher cognitive functions: Neurophysiological evidence for unconscious syntactic processing of masked words. Biological Psychol
- Fondevila S, Martín-Loeches, M. (2013) Cognitive mechanisms for the evolution of religious thought. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1299: 84- 90.
- Bulbulia J, Xygalatas D, Schjoedt U, Fondevila S, Sibley CG, Konvalinka I.(2013) Images from a jointly-arousing collective ritual reveal affective polarization. Frontiers in Psychology, vol 4, 960.
- Sommer W, Stürmer B, Schmuilovitch O, Martín-Loeches M, Schacht A. (2013) How about lunch? Consequences of the meal context on cognition and emotion. PLoS ONE. e70314; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070314.
- Martín-Loeches M, Bruner E, de la Cuétara JM, Colom R. (2013) Correlation between corpus callosum shape and cognitive performance in healthy young adults. Brain Structure and Function, 218: 721-731.
- Díez A, Suazo V, Casado P, Martín-Loeches M, Molina V. (2013). Spatial distribution and cognitive correlates of gamma noise power in schizophrenia. Psychol Med; 43(6):1175-85
- Martín-Loeches M. (2013) Un índice objetivo de capacidad lectora: El ‘potencial de reconocimiento’ (PR) y el área cerebral que procesa las formas visuales de las palabras. Psicología Educativa, 19: 95-101
- Martin-Loeches M; Fernández A; Schacht A; Sommer W; Casado P; Jiménez-Ortega L; Fondevila S. (2012) The influence of emotional words on sentence processing: electrophysiological and behavioral evidence. Neuropsychologia, 50(14):3262-72
- Fondevila S, Martín-Loeches M, Jiménez-Ortega L, Casado P, Sel A, Fernández-Hernández A, Sommer, W. (2012) The sacred and the absurd- An Electrophysiological study of counterintuitive ideas (at sentence level). Social Neuroscience,;7(5):445-57
- Jiménez-Ortega L, Martín-Loeches M, Casado P, Sel S, Fondevila S, Herreros de Tejada P, Schacht A, Sommer W. (2012) How the emotional content of discourse affects language comprehension. PLoS ONE 7(3): e33718. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033718
- Martín-Loeches M, Casado P, Muñoz F. (2012) On the limits between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences: A response to Demestre.Language and Cognitve Processes. 27(5):693-697.
- Suazo V; Díez A; Martín C; Ballesteros A; Casado P; Martín-Loeches M; Molina V. (2012). Elevated noise power in the gamma band related to negative symptoms and memory deficit in schizophrenia. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology
- Bouso JC, González D, Fondevila S, Cutchet M, Fernández X, Ribeiro-Barbosa PC, Alcázar-Córcoles MA, Araujo WS, Barbanoj MJ, Fábregas JM, Riba J. (2012) Personality, psychopathology, life attitudes and neuropsychological performance am
- Bruner E, de la Cuétara JM, Colom R, Martín-Loeches M. (2012) Gender-based differences in the shape of the human corpus callosum are associated with allometric variations. Journal of Anatomy, 220, 417-421.
- Bruner E, Martín-Loeches M, Burgaleta M, Colom R. (2011) Midsagittal brain shape correlation with intelligence and cognitive performance. Intelligence, 39: 141-147.
- Martín-Loeches M. (2011) The Contribution of Brain Imaging to the Study of Human Language. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 4, 521-530.
- Martín-Loeches M. (2010) Uses and abuses of the enhanced working memory hypothesis. Current Anthropology, S1: 67-75
- González Redondo FA, Martín-Loeches M, Silván E. (2010) Prehistoria de la matemática y mente moderna: pensamiento matemático y recursividad en el Paleolítico franco-cantábrico. Dynamis, 30: 167-195
- Bruner E, Martín-Loeches M, Colom, R. (2010) Human midsagittal brain shape variation: patterns, allometry and integration. Journal of Anatomy, 216: 589-599.
- Schacht, A.; Martín-Loeches, M.; Casado, P.; Abdel Rahman, R.; Sel, A.; Sommer, W. (2010) How is sentence processing affected by external semantic and syntactic information? Evidence from Event-Related Potentials. PLoS ONE 5(3): e9742. doi:10.1371/jo
- Reales JM, Muñoz F, Kleinböhl D, Sebastián M, Ballesteros S. (2010) new device to present textured stimuli to touch with simultaneous EEG recording. Behavior Research Methods, 42 (2), 547-555
- Fábregas JM, González D, Fondevila S, Cutchet M, Fernández X, Ribeiro-Barbosa PC, Alcázar-Córcoles MA, Barbanoj MJ, Riba J, Bouso JC (2010) Assessment of addiction severity among ritual users of ayahuasca. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 111(3):257-61.
- Martín-Loeches M, Schacht A, Casado P, Hohlfeld A, Abdel Rahman R, Sommer W. (2009) Rules and Heuristics during sentence comprehension: Evidences from a dual-task brain potential study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(7): 1365–1379
- Martín-Loeches M, Sel A, Casado P, Jiménez L, Castellanos L. (2009) Encouraging expressions affect the brain and alter visual attention. PLoS ONE, 4(6): e5920. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005920
- Molina V, Reig S, Sanz J, Palomo T, Benito C, Sarramea F, Sánchez J, Martín-Loeches M, Muñoz F, Desco M. (2008) Differential biological characteristics in schizophrenia resistant to conventional neuroleptics. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology
- Martín-Loeches M, Casado P, Hernandez-Tamames JA, Alvarez-Linera J. (2008) Brain activation in discourse comprehension: A 3T fMRI study. Neuroimage, 41: 614-622
- Engst F, Martín-Loeches M, Sommer W. (2006) Memory systems for structural and semantic knowledge of faces and buildings. Brain Research, 1124: 70-80.
- Martín-Loeches M. (2006) On the uniqueness of humankind: is language working memory the final piece that made us human? Journal of Human Evolution, 50: 226-229.
- Martín-Loeches M, Nigbur R, Casado P, Hohlfeld A, Sommer W. (2006) Semantics prevalence over syntax during sentence processing: A brain potential study of noun-adjective agreement in Spanish. Brain Research, 1093: 178-189.
- Martín-Loeches M, Casado P, Gonzalo R, de Heras L, Fernández-Frías C. (2006) Brain potentials to mathematical syntax problems. Psychophysiology, 43: 579–591.
- Martín-Loeches M, Sommer W, Hinojosa, JA. (2005) ERP components reflecting stimulus identification: Contrasting the recognition potential and the early repetition effect (N250r). International Journal of Pshychophysiology, 55: 113-125.
- Martín-Loeches M, Casado P, Hinojosa JA, Carretié L, Muñoz F, Pozo MA. (2005) Higher order activity beyond the word level: Cortical dynamics of simple transitive sentences comprehension. Brain and Language, 92, 332–348.
- Hinojosa JA, Moreno EM, Casado P, Muñoz F, Pozo MA. (2005) Syntactic Expectancy: an event-related potentials study. Neuroscience Letters, 378, 34–39.
- Casado, P.; Martín-Loeches, M.; Muñoz; Fernández-Frías, C. (2005) Are semantic and syntactic cues inducing the same processes in the identification of word order? Cognitive Brain Research, 24: 526-543.
- Molina V, Sanz J, Muñoz F, Casado P, Hinojosa JA, Sarramea, F, Martín-Loeches M. (2005) Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex contribution to abnormalities of the P300 component of the event-related potential in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimag
- Martín-Loeches, M.; Muñoz; Casado, P; Melcón, A.; Fernández-Frías, C. (2005) Are the anterior negativities to grammatical violations indexing working memory? Psychophysiology, 42: 508-519.
- Carretié L, Mercado F, Hinojosa JA, Martín-Loeches M, Sotillo M. (2004) Valence-related vigilance biases in anxiety studied through event-related potentials. Journal of Affective disorders, 78, 119-130.
- Carretié L, Hinojosa JA, Martín-Loeches M, Mercado F, Tapia M. (2004) Automatic attention to emotional stimuli: Neural Correlates. Human Brain Mapping, 22: 290-299
- Hinojosa JA, Martín-Loeches M, Muñoz F, Casado P, Pozo MA. (2004) Electrophysiological evidence of automatic early semantic processing. Brain and Language, 88, 39-46.
- Martín-Loeches M, Hinojosa JA, Casado P, Muñoz F. (2004) Electrophysiological evidence of an early effect of sentence context in reading. Biological Psychology, 65, 265-280.
- Iglesias A, Martín-Loeches M, Hinojosa JA, Casado P, Muñoz F, Fernández-Frías C. (2004) The recognition potential during sentence presentation: stimulus probability, background stimuli and SOA. International Journal of Psychophisyology, 52, 169-186.
- Molina V, Muñoz F, Martín-Loeches M, Casado P, Hinojosa JA, Iglesias A. (2004) Long-term olanzapine treatment and P300 parameters in schizophrenia. Neuropsychobiology, 50 (2):182-188.
- Martín-Loeches M, Muñoz F, Casado P, Hinojosa JA, Molina V. (2004) An electrophysiological (ERP) component, the Recognition Potential, in the assessment of brain semantic networks in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 71(2-3):393-40
- Martín-Loeches M, Hinojosa JA, Fernández-Frías C, Rubia FJ. (2001) Functional differences in the semantic processing of concrete and abstract words. Neuropsychologia, 39: 1086-1096.
- Hinojosa JA, Martín-Loeches M, Rubia FJ. (2001) Event-related potentials and semantics: an overview and an integrative proposal. Brain and Language, 78: 128-139.
- Martín-Loeches M, Molina V, Muñoz F, Hinojosa JA, Reig S, Desco M, Benito C, Sanz J, Gabiri A, Sarramea F, Santos A, Palomo T. (2001) P300 amplitude as an index of neurodegeneration processes in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 49: 121-128.
- Sanz M, Molina V, Martín-Loeches M, Calcedo A, Rubia FJ. (2001) Auditory P300 Event related potential and serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment in OCD patients. Psychiatry Research, 101: 75-81.
- Sanz M, Molina V, Martín-Loeches M, Calcedo A, Rubia FJ. (2001) The Wisconsin card sorting test and the assessment of frontal functioning in OCD patients. An event-related potentials study. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 6: 109-129
- Martín-Loeches M, Muñoz-Ruata J, Martínez-Lebrusant L, Gómez-Jarabo G. (2001) Electrophysiology of intellectual functions in mental retardation. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 45: 63-75.
- Martín-Loeches M, Hinojosa JA, Gómez-Jarabo G, Rubia, FJ (2001) An early electrophysiological sign of semantic processing in basal extrastriate areas. Psychophysiology, 38: 114-124.
- Carretié L, Martín-Loeches M, Hinojosa JA, Mercado F. (2001) Emotion and attention interaction studied through event-related potentials. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13: 1109-1128.
- Hinojosa JA, Martín-Loeches M, Casado P, Muñoz F, Carretié L, Fernández-Frías C, Pozo MA (2001). Semantic processing of open- and closed-class words: an event-related potentials study. Cognitive Brain Research, 11, 397-407.
- Hinojosa JA, Martín-Loeches M, Muñoz F, Casado P, Fernández-Frías C, Pozo MA (2001). Electrophysiological evidence of semantic system commonly accessed by animals and tools categories. Cognitive Brain Research, 12, 321-328.
- Hinojosa JA, Martín-Loeches M, Casado P, Muñoz F, Fernández-Frías C, Pozo MA (2001). Studying semantics in the brain: the rapid stream stimulation paradigm. Brain Research Protocols, 8, 199-207.