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  • The number of students you will send to E MADRID03 may by no means exceed the number of students mentioned in this agreement. More specifically, we do not accept the mechanism by which shorter periods of stay allow for the sending of more students, i.e. on an exchange of 1 student for 10 months, you may not freely send 2 students for 5 months, not even if their stay covers different semesters. Please take this into consideration when organising your student’s selection.
  • Staff Mobility for Training and for Teaching: Complutense University welcomes applications from foreign Staff for a training/teaching period, however it is at the discretion of the department concerned whether or not to accept a staff visitor. Applications must be sent to rrinter@ucm.es at least two months prior to the desired training/teaching period. The training/teaching period cannot be scheduled during Summer (i.e. July-August) in the Academic year.
  • Master level students (2nd cycle) must in general have passed 240 ECTS credits. However, some Master students having passed only 180 ECTS may be accepted in Master level courses if their background is solid and approved by the master’s coordinator. Students will provide the following documents to the International Relations office of corresponding Faculty/School: CV, transcript of records and motivation letter. The learning agreement of the student must be approved by the master’s coordinator.
  • Admission to a specific course is subject to the exchange student being satisfactorily qualified for the chosen area of study and/or course level, and availability
  • PhD students need to send a master certificate to the International Relations office of corresponding Faculty/School.. PhD students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for PhD-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting PhD students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution.
  • It is not possible for student to hand-in their final MA/PhD Thesis at the host institution. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution. 
  • Full time credit load at UCM: Students will be awarded ECTS credits when they have passed the assessments corresponding to the courses to which ECTS credits are allocated.
    • 1 full academic year= 60 credits
    • 1 semester= 30 credits
    • 1 term/ trimester= 15 credits