Véase en
Pérez, I., Cárdaba-García, R. M., Velasco-Gonzalez, V., Cárdaba-García, I., Durantez-Fernández, C., Muñoz-del Caz, A., Soto-Cámara, R., Aparicio-García, M. E., Madrigal, M., & Pérez-Pérez, L. (2025). Conformity to Female Gender Norms and Its Influence on Psychological Risk in Spanish Climacteric Women: A Descriptive Study. Sexes, 6(1), 10.
Valero, E., Paillet, A., Ciudad-Fernández, V., & Aparicio-García, M. E. (2025). Structural Violence and the Effects of the Patriarchal Structure on the Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BDP): A Critical Study Using Tools on BPD Symptoms and Social Violence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 22(2), 196.
Aparicio García ME, Lasso Báez RA. Trajectories and Status of Transgender Elderly Across the World and in Spain: A Narrative Review. OBM Geriatrics 2024; 8(1): 271; doi:10.21926/obm.geriatr.2401271.
Cárdaba-García, R. Velasco-Gonzalez, V., Cárdaba-García, I. Pérez-Pérez, L. Durantez-Fernández, C., Muñoz-del Caz, A., Soto-Cámara, R., Aparicio-García, M.E., Madrigal, M., Pérez, I. (2024). Breast Ironing from the Perspective of Transcultural Nursing by Madeleine Leininger: A Narrative Review. Nursing Reports, 14, 3677-3688.
Magalhães, M., & Aparicio-García, M. E. (2024). Ambivalent sexism, mental health and partner violence among opposite-sex and same-sex couples. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 1-19.
Navarro Cerdá, P.A., Giménez Páez, M.A. y Aparicio-García, M.E. (2024). “Hacer género” en psicoterapia: fundamentos teóricos para visibilizar prejuicios y estimas de género en la psicoterapia con personas LGBTIQ+. Investigaciones Feministas, 15(1), 101-111.
Palomino Suárez, C. y Aparicio-García, M.E. (2024). Impacto de los talleres sobre diversidad de género en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria. Estudios LGBTIQ+ Comunicación y Cultura, 4 (2), 75-86.
Prieto-Vila, M., Estupiñá Puig, F.J., Aparicio García M.E., Santalla, A., Sanz, A. y Larroy, C. (2024). Gender disparities and mental health challenges among doctoral candidates. Ansiedad y Estrés, 30(2), 117-122.
Agustín-Sierra, N. y Aparicio-García, M.E. (2023). Salud mental y normas de género en mujeres deportistas: deportes individuales vs deportes de equipo. Revista de Psicología aplicada al deporte y al ejercicio físico, 8, e5, 1-13.
Affuso, G., Picone, N., Costa, P. A., Bacchini, D., De Angelis, G., Esposito, C., & Aparicio-García, M. E. (2024). Minority stress and mental health in gay and lesbian youth: A comparative study of Italy and Spain. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 94(2), 148–158.
Arrona-Palacios, A., Díaz-Morales, J.F, & Duffy, J.F. (2023). The influence of a permanent double-shift school start time on adolescent sleep and chronotype across different age groups. Chronobiology International.
Costas-Ramón N, Silverio SA, Fallon V, Aparicio-García ME. (2023). Psychometric evaluation and validation of the Postpartum Specific Anxiety Scale for the Spanish-speaking population: PSAS-ES. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2023 Apr 24;83:59-65. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37119779.
Díaz-Morales, J.F., Escribano, C., Puig-Navarro, Y., & Jankowski, K. (2023). Factors underpinning the shift to eveningness during early adolescence: Pubertal development and family conflicts. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
Jankowski, K.S., Díaz-Morales, J.F., & Vollmer, C. (2023). Chronotype, time of day, and performance on intelligence tests in the school setting. Journal of Intelligence, 11, 13.
Magalhaes, M., Aparicio-García, M.E., Rubio-Valdehita, S. (2023). Risk Factors related to Intimate Partner Violence in Same-Sex Couples and Different-Sex Couples. Partner abuse, 14(4), 446-478.
Vinagre-González, A., González Fraile, E., Aguilar-Cárceles, M.M., Soto-Castro, J.E. y Aparicio-García, M.E. (2023).RISK FACTORS IN THE VICTIMISATION OF MOTHERS WHO ARE VICTIMS OF FILIOPARENTAL VIOLENCE (FPV): AN OBSERVATIONAL CASE-CONTROL STUDY. International E-Journal of Criminal Sciences (2023), 18, 5, 1-23
Vinagre-González, A. M., Puente-López, E., Aguilar-Cárceles, M. M., Aparicio-García, M. E., & Loinaz, I. (2023). Differences between men and women in the acceptance of gender roles and stereotypes in intimate partner violence. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud, 14(2), 75-82.
Álvarez-García M, Cuéllar-Flores I, Sierra-García P, Martínez-Orgado J. Mood disorders in children following neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. PLoS One. 2022 Jan 28;17(1):e0263055. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263055. PMID: 35089978; PMCID: PMC8797213.
Aparicio-García, M.E., & Vinagre-González, M.A., (2022). Violencia de género: una revisión de instrumentos de medida. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica, 66 (5), 141-154.
Aparicio-García, M.E.; Díaz-Ramiro, E.M.; Rubio-Valdehita, S.; López-Núñez, M.I.; García-Nieto, I. Protective Factors, Risk of Violence and Discrimination and Mental Health Indicators of Young LGB People. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 14401.
Bogdány, T., Perakakis, P., Bódizs, R., Simor, P. (2022). The heartbeat evoked potential is a questionable biomarker in nightmare disorder: A replication study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 33, 102933.
Cuéllar Flores, I., Padilla Torres, D., y Izquierdo Elizo, A. (2022). Competencias profesionales en Psicología Clínica de la Infancia y la Adolescencia: revisión sistemática e implicaciones. Apuntes de Psicología, 40 (3), 171-184.
Cuéllar-Flores, I. C., Garzón, L. F., Félix-Alcántara, M. P., Olivares, B. M., de la Vega Rodríguez, I., González, M. F., ... y Belmonte, M. J. M. (2022). Indicadores asistenciales y estándares de calidad asistencial para la psicología clínica en los centros de salud mental del Sistema Madrileño de Salud evaluados por sus profesionales. Apuntes de Psicología, 40(2), 71-86.
Cuéllar-Flores, I., Duro, J.C., Izquierdo, A., Padilla, D., Martínez de Salazar, A., López-Soler, C. y Martínez, A. (2022). Psicología Clínica infanto-juvenil en el Sistema Nacional de Salud: datos, insuficiencias y horizontes para mejorar. Clínica Contemporánea, 13, e12, 1-18
Cuéllar-Flores, I., Fernández, L., Vázquez, S. y Félix, M. (2022). Proyecto informe: planificación del crecimiento de la psicología clínica en el Servicio Madrileño de Salud. Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid.
Díaz-Morales, J.F. (2022). Hábitos de sueño durante la adolescencia: considerando las diferencias individuales (pp. 57-68). En Grupo de Investigación EFYPAF (Ed). La promoción de comportamientos saludables desde los centros educativos. Ejemplos de proyectos de intervención eficaces. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
Díaz-Morales, J.F., & Puig-Navarro, Y. (2022). The psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Morningness-Eveningness Stability Scale improved (MESSi) in adolescents. Chronobiology International, 39, 1411-1418.
Hasan, M., Díaz-Morales, J.F.; Khan, M.H.A. (2022). Sex differences in the relationship between morningness-eveningness components, mood and well-being among Bangladeshi university students. Chronobiology International, 39, 725-734.
Izquierdo Elizo, A., Cuéllar, I., Padilla, D. ., Escudero, C., Vilagrá, R., Martínez de Salazar Arboleas, A., y Fournier del Castillo, M. C. (2022). Especialidad sanitaria de psicología clínica de la infancia y la adolescencia: Una propuesta razonada. Revista De Psicopatología Y Psicología Clínica, 27(2).
Paniagua, D., Sánchez Iglesias, I., Miguel-Álvaro, A., Casas Aragonez, N., Aparicio García, M. E., & Aguayo Estremera, R. (2022). Prácticas Cuestionables en Estudios de Validez de Instrumentos de Medición Psicológica: Comunalidades y Unicidades de la Crisis de Replicabilidad en el Campo de la Psicometría. Revista iberoamericana de diagnóstico y evaluación psicológica, 5(66), 23-34.
Poch, C., Diéguez-Risco, T., Martínez-García, N., Ferré, P., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2022). I hates Mondays: ERP effects of emotion on person agreement. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1-12.
Randler, C., Díaz-Morales, J.F., Jokimäki, J., Ortiz-Pulido, R., Staller, N., De Salvo, M., Tryjanowski, P., Tsai, J-S., de Almeida Barbosa, R., & Kaisanlahti-Jokimäki, M-L. (2022). Birding Recreation Specialization – a Test of the Factorial Invariance in Eight Languages. Journal of Leisure Research, in press.
Aparicio-García, M.E. y García Nieto, I. (2021). "Identidades trans: una aproximación psicosocial al conocimiento sobre lo trans". Madrid: Egales
Aparicio-García, M.E., Vinagre-González, M.A., & Alvarado-Izquierdo, J.M. Effects of COVID-19 confinement on gender stereotypes and health. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta, 47 (176).
Arrona-Palacios, A., Díaz-Morales, J.F., & Adan, A. (2021). Sleep habits and circadian preferences in school-aged children attending a Mexican double-shift school system. Sleep Medicine, 81, 116-119.
Arrona-Palacios, A., Díaz-Morales, J.F., Parra-Robledo, Z. & Adan, A. (2021). Sleep and depressive symptoms in the Morningness/Eveningness-Suicidal Ideation relationship depend on school shift in Mexican adolescents. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(20), 4681.
Bailon, C., Goicoechea, C., Banos, O., Damas, M., Pomares, H., Correa, A., Sanabria, D., Perakakis, P. (2020). CoVidAffect, real-time monitoring of mood variations following the COVID-19 outbreak in Spain. Scientific Data 7, 365.
Cuiyan Wang, María Inmaculada López-Núñez, Riyu Pan, Xiaoyang Wan, Yilin Tan, Linkang Xu, Faith Choo, Roger Ho, Cyrus Ho, Marta E Aparicio García. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical and mental health in China and Spain: Cross-sectional study. JMIR Formative Research, 5 (5), e27818.
CuiyanWang, Agata Chudzicka‑Czupała, Michael L.Tee , María Inmaculada López Núñez , Connor Tripp , Mohammad A. Fardin , Hina A. Habib, Bach X.Tran, Katarzyna Adamus, Joseph Anlacan, Marta E. Aparicio García , Damian Grabowski, Shahzad Hussain, Men T. Hoang, Mateusz Hetnał , Xuan T. Le, Wenfang Ma , Hai Q. Pham, Patrick Wincy C. Reyes , Mahmoud Shirazi, Yilin Tan , Cherica A.Tee , Linkang Xu , Ziqi Xu , Giang T.Vu, Danqing Zhou , Natalie A. Chan, Vipat Kuruchittham, Roger S. McIntyre, Cyrus S. H. Ho, Roger Ho & Samuel F. Sears. A chain mediation model on COVI-19 symptoms and mental health outcomes in Americans, Asians and Europeans. Scientific reports, 11 , 6481.
Díaz-Morales, J.F. & Parra-Robledo, Z. (2021). Day-of-week mood patterns in adolescents considering chronotype, sleep length and sex. Personality and Individual Differences, 179, 110951.
Esteban-Gonzalo, S., Caballero-Galilea, M., González-Pascual, J. L., Álvaro-Navidad, M., & Esteban-Gonzalo, L. (2021). Anxiety and Worries among Pregnant Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multilevel Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6875.
Esteban-Gonzalo, S., Esteban-Gonzalo, L., González-Pascual, J. L., Esteban-Cornejo, I., Izquierdo-Gómez, R., Conde-Caveda, J., ... & Veiga, O. L. (2021). A longitudinal gender perspective of well-being and health in Spanish youth: the UP&DOWN study. Applied psychology. Health and Well-being, 1-10.
Esteban-Gonzalo, S.& Esteban-Gonzalo, L. (2021). Women at work: barriers, inequalities and effects on health. En, Women's Employment: Past, Present and Future Perspectives. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Esteban-Gonzalo, S.& Esteban-Gonzalo, L. (2021). Emotional Intelligence: Historical overview and practical implications for work and health. En L. Descoteaux (Ed.), Understanding Emotional Intelligence. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
ERASMUS+ Project 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050461, (2021). Teenagers and cybersecurity: A practical guide for teachers and parents. McGraw Hill: Madrid.
ERASMUS+ Project 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050461, (2021). Women in cibersecurity. McGraw Hill: Madrid.
Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Cuéllar-Flores, I. (...) y Montoya, I. (2021). Tratamientos psicológicos empíricamente apoyados para la infancia y adolescencia: estado de la cuestión. Psicothema, 33 (3), 386-398.
Hasan, M., Díaz-Morales, J.F., & Khan, M.H.A. (2021). Bangla version of the Composite Scale of Morningness: Factor invariance and validity with sleep habits, mood and mental health. Biological Rhythms Research.
Izquierdo, A., Cuéllar-Flores, I. y Padilla, D. (coords.) (2021). Manual de Psicología Clínica de la Infancia y Adolescencia: Bases para una nueva especialidad. Madrid: McGraw Hill.
López-Núñez, M.I., Díaz-Morales, J.F., & Aparicio-García, M.E. Individual differences, personality, social, family and work variables on mental health during COVID-19 outbreak in Spain. Personality and Individual Differences, 172, 1-6.
Melo Maia, Mariana (2021). El otro lado del arcoíris: violencia en las relaciones de intimidad en parejas del mismo sexo. Doctorado de Psicología, UCM.
Simor, P., Bogdány, T., Bódizs, R., Perakakis, P. (2021). Cortical monitoring of cardiac activity during rapid eye movement sleep: the heartbeat evoked potential in phasic and tonic rapid-eye-movement microstates. Sleep 44 (9).
Silverio, S.A., Davies, S.M., Christiansen, P., Aparicio-García, M.E., Bramante, A., Chen, P., Costas-Ramón, N., de Weerth, C., Della Vedova, A.M., Infante Gil, L. Lustermans, H., Wendland, J. Xu, J., Halford, J.C.G., Harrold, J.A. and Fallon, V. (2021). A validation of the Postpartum Specific Anxiety Scale 12-item research short-form for use during global crises with five translations. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 21, 112.
Wallman-Jones, A., Perakakis, P., Tsakiris, M., & Schmidt, M. (2021). Physical activity and interoceptive processing: Theoretical considerations for future research. International Journal of Psychophysiology 166, 38—49.
Wang, C., Chudzicka-Czupała, A., Tee, M.L., Aparicio-García, M. E., López-Núñez, M. I., et al. (2021). A chain mediation model on COVID-19 symptoms and mental health outcomes in Americans, Asians and Europeans. Scientific Reports 11, 6481.
Arrona-Palacios, A., Díaz-Morales, J.F., Adan, A. & Randler, C. (2020). Sleep habits, circadian preferences and substance use in a Mexican population: the use of the Morningness-Eveningness-Stability-Scale improved (MESSi). Chronobiology International, 37(1), 111-122.
de Lara, D. L., Rodríguez, O. P., Cuéllar-Flores, I., Masa, J. L. P., Campos-Muñoz, L., Hernández, M. C., & Amador, J. T. R. (2020). Evaluación psicosocial en adolescentes transgénero. Anales de Pediatría, 94(1), 41-48.
Díaz-Morales, J.F. (2020). Hábitos de sueño durante la adolescencia: considerando las diferencias individuales. En J. Sevil (ed.). La promoción de comportamientos relacionados con la salud desde el entorno escolar: ejemplos de proyectos de intervención eficaces. (en prensa)
Díaz-Ramiro, E.M., Rubio-Valdehita, S., López-Núñez, I., & Aparicio-García, M.E. (2020). Los hábitos de sueño como predictores de la salud psicológica en profesionales sanitarios. Anales de Psicología, 36 (2). 242-246.
Cárdaba-García, R.M. & Aparicio-García, M.E. (2020). Holystic quality of life in women duringnatural menopause and posmenopause. Acta Cientific Women's Health, 2 (9), 21-29.
D’Amore, S., Wollast, R., Green, RJ., Bouchat, P., Costa, P.A., Katuzny, K., Scali, T., Baiocco, R., Vecho, O., Mijas, M., Aparicio-García, M.E., Geroulanou, K., & Klein, O. (2020). Heterosexual University Students’ Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Couples and Parents Across Seven European Countries. Sex Res Soc Policy (2020).
Esteban Gonzalo, S., Sik Ying Ho, P., Aparicio García, M.E. & Esteban Gonzalo, L. (2020). Understanding the meaning of conformity to feminine norms in lifestyle habits and health: A cluster analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (4), 1370.
Esteban-Gonzalo, S., González-Pascual, J. L., Gil-Del Sol, M., & Esteban-Gonzalo, L. (2020). Exploring new tendencies of gender and health in university students. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 1-10.
Esteban-Gonzalo, S.; González-Pascual, J.L.; Caballero-Galilea, M.; Esteban-Gonzalo, L. (2020). Psychosocial correlates of mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19: The Spanish case. Frontiers in Psychology, 1-10.
Esteban-Gonzalo, S., Esteban-Gonzalo, L., Cabanas-Sánchez, V., Miret, M., & Veiga, O. L. (2020). The Investigation of Gender Differences in Subjective Wellbeing in Children and Adolescents: The UP&DOWN Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8), 2732.
Esteban-Gonzalo, L., Esteban-Gonzalo, S., Esteban-Cornejo, I., Izquierdo-Gomez, R., Padilla-Moledo, C., Castro-Pinero, J., & Veiga, O. L. (2020). Wellbeing as a Protective Factor of Adolescent Health. The Up & Down Study. Child Indicators Research, 13(4), 1453-1467.
López-Núñez, M.I, Rubio-Valdehita, S., Díaz-Ramiro, E.M., & Aparicio-García, M.E. (2020). Psychological capital, workload, and burnout: What´s new? The impact of personal accomplishment to promote sustainable working conditions. Sustainability, 12 (19), 8124.
López-Núñez, M.I., Rubio-Valdehita, S., Aparicio-García, M.E. & Díaz-Ramiro, E.M. (2020). Are entrepreneurs born or made? The influence of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 154 (1), 109699.
Luque-Casado, A., Ciria, L., Sanabria, D., Perakakis, P. (2020). Exercise practice associates with different brain rhythmic patterns during vigilance. Physiology & Behavior, 224 (113033).
Magalhães, M., Aparicio-García, M.E., & García-Nieto, I. (2020). Transition Trajectories: Contexts, Difficulties and Consequences Reported by Young Transgender and Non-Binary Spaniards. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 6859.
Ricci, C.; Parra-Robledo, Z.; Rothenbacher, D.; Díaz-Morales, J.F.; Genuneit, J. (2020). The parent’s chronotype and child’s sleeping quality in association with relationship satisfaction. Clocks and Sleep, 2, 375-389.
Vinagre-González, A., Aparicio-García, M., & Alvarado, J. (2020). Relationship between Assumed Differential Socialization and Emotional Disorders in Women: A Form of Covert Social Violence. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 23, E50. doi:10.1017/SJP.2020.50
Vinagre-González, A.M., Aparicio-García, M.E. & Alvarado-Izquierdo, J.M. (2020). IVISEM, una medida de la violencia social encubierta en mujeres. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica, 57, 149-161.
Acebes-Sánchez, J., Diez-Vega, I., Esteban-Gonzalo, S., & Rodriguez-Romo, G. (2019). Physical activity and emotional intelligence among undergraduate students: a correlational study. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1241.
Aguado, L., Parkington, K. B., Dieguez-Risco, T., Hinojosa, J. A., & Itier, R. J. (2019). Joint modulation of facial expression processing by contextual congruency and task demands. Brain sciences, 9(5), 116.
Aguado, L., Dieguez-Risco, T., Villalba-García, C., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2019). Double-checking emotions: Valence and emotion category in contextual integration of facial expressions of emotion. Biological psychology, 146, 107723.
Aparicio García, M.E. & Alvarado-Izquierdo, J.M. (2019). Is there a "Conformity to Feminine Norms" construct? A bifactor analysis of two short versions of Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory. Current Psychology, 38 (5), 1110-1120.
Bailon, C., Damas, M., Pomares, H., Sanabria, D., Perakakis, P., Goicoechea, C., & Banos, O. (2019). Smartphone-Based Platform for Affect Monitoring through Flexibly Managed Experience Sampling Methods. Sensors, 19 (15).
Ciria, L., Luque‐Casado, A., Sanabria, D. Holgado, D., Ivanov, P., Perakakis, P. (2019). Oscillatory brain activity during acute exercise: Tonic and transient neural response to an oddball task. Psychophysiology, e13326.
Climent-Rodríguez JA, Navarro-Abal Y, López-López MJ, Gómez-Salgado J and García MEA (2019). Grieving for Job Loss and Its Relation to the Employability of Older Jobseekers. Frontiers Psychology, 10.
Díaz-Morales, J.F. (2019). Procrastinación: una revisión de su medida y sus correlatos. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación-e Avaliação Psicológica, 51, 43-60.
Díaz-Morales, J.F, Parra-Robledo, Z. & Escribano, C. (2019). Circadian preference and relationship satisfaction among three types of couples. Chronobiology International, 36, 1351-1361.
Díaz-Morales, J.F., Jankowski, K., Prokop, P., Castellana, I., Linke, M., Randler, C. & Rahafar, A. (2019). Sleep timing is linked to sociosexuality: Evidence from German, Polish, Slovak and Spanish females. Time & Society, 28(3), 1272-1287.
Escribano, C., Silva, S., García, A., Fernández, R. y Maíllo, I. (2019). Guía de prevención abuso sexual infantil. Zaragoza: Fundación Edelvives. https://www.
Esteban-Gonzalo, L., Manso-Martínez, M.E., Botín-González, P., Manchado-Simal, B., Rodrigo-de-Frutos, R.M. & González-Pascual, J.L. (2019). The relationship between conformity to male and female gender norms and depression during pregnancy. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 22, 809–815.
Esteban-Gonzalo, S., Esteban-Gonzalo, L. & González-Pascual, J. L. (2019). Immigration and gender. Health and labor conditions, implications and challenges. En L. Descoteaux (Ed.), Immigration Trends, Management and Governance Challenges. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Perakakis, P., Guinot-Saporta, J., Jaber-Lopez, T., García-Gallego, A., Georgantzis, N. (2019). A technical note on the precise timing of behavioral events in economic experiments. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 21, pp. 10–14.
Portella, M. G. R., Dresch, V. , Freire, M. M. L. , & Siqueira, I. M. (2019). Breast Cancer Paradox: High Curability versus High Mortality from a Gender Perspective. Health, 11, 1257-1271.
Przepiorka, A., Blachnio, A. & Díaz-Morales, J.F. (2019). I will do it tomorrow! Exploring the dimensionality of procrastination in Poland. Time and Society, 28, 415-437.
Sanabria, D., Luque-Casado, A., Perales, JC., Ballester, R., Ciria, LF., Huertas, F., Perakakis, P. 2019. The relationship between vigilance capacity and physical exercise: a mixed-effects multistudy analysis. PeerJ 7:e7118
Sevilla, A.J., Limiñana Gras, R. & Aparicio García, M.E. (2019). La salud de adolescentes y adultos transgénero: revision sistemática desde la perspectiva de género. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica, 50 (1), 5-20.
Aguado, L., Martínez-García, N., Solís-Olce, A., Dieguez-Risco, T., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2018). Effects of affective and emotional congruency on facial expression processing under different task demands. Acta psychologica, 187, 66-76.
-Aparicio García, M.E., Díaz Ramiro, E., Rubio Valdehita, S., López Núñez, M.I., García Nieto, I. (2018). Health and well-being of cisgender, transgender and non-binary young people. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10).
-Aparicio García, M.E., Fernández-Castilla, B., Giménez-Páez, M.A., Piris Cava, S., Fernández-Quijano, I. (2018). Influence of feminine gender norms in symptoms of anxiety in the Spanish context. Ansiedad y Estrés, 24(2), 53-154.
- Arrona-Palacios, A., & Díaz-Morales, J.F. (2018). Morningness-eveningness is not associated with academic performance in the afternoon school shift: Preliminary findings. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 480-498.
- Bailon, C., Damas, M., Pomares, H., Sanabria, D., Perakakis, P., Goicoechea, C., Baños, O. (2018). Intelligent Monitoring of Affective Factors Underlying Sport Performance by Means of Wearable and Mobile Technology. Proceedings, 2, 19, pp. 1202.
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