Oibar Martinez Vilchez received the Physics degree at the UCM in 2017, the master degree on New Technologies on Electronics and Photonics in 2018, the master on Education in 2019 and the PhD degree in 2021. She has worked for a year as an engineer in a certification laboratory, performing radiofrequency tests for CE marking. In 2019 she joined the UCM-ELEC group to work as Reliability Engineer for the Large Scale Telescope (LST) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). Since then she has been in charge of the verification of Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements (EMC) for LST1. She has also participated in several campaigns to perform soil electrical resistivity measurements as well as ground resistance and contact voltage measurements of LST and MAGIC structures for the validation of the lightning protection systems. Oibar has authored or co-authored several presentations on CTA meetings related to Electromagnetic Compatibility and ground resistance measurements. She has also developed two educational videos for UCM-ELEC YouTube channel. Her research interests are in the field of Electromagnetic Compatibility applied to Large Scale Scientific Installations.
Clara Oliver Garcia received the degree of Electronic and Communications Engineering in 2018. In the same year, she joined UCM-ELEC group as Reliability Engineer for the Large Scale telescopes (LST) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array project (CTA). Mrs. Oliver has been working in the field of static charge accumulation and detection as well as performing sensitivity tests to electronic devices based on Human Body Model (HBM), in order to determine the robustness against Electrostatic Discharges. In 2019, Clara developed the Static Charge Control Plan for the LST’s. She has also participated in several campaigns to perform soil electrical resistivity measurements as well as ground resistance and contact voltage measurements of LST and MAGIC structures for the validation of the lightning protection systems. She has authored or co-authored several internal reports and presentations on international meetings related to static charge control and ground resistance measurements. Clara has also developed four educational videos for UCM-ELEC YouTube channel. Her current interests are on the field of Lightning Protection and Static Charge Control for Large Scale Scientific Installations as well as on the development of multimedia material for training and education on Electromagnetics.
Silvia Ronda Peñacoba received the Physics degree in 2015, the Master degree on Biomedical Physics in 2016, and the PhD degree on Physics in 2019, all of them granted by the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM). Since the completion of her undergraduate studies she has been regular collaborator at the UCM Bioelectromagnetism Group. Her doctoral studies were funded by a fellowship granted by the Spanish Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC). In 2020 she joined the UCM-ELEC group to work on Electromagnetic Field simulations of ground resistivities and lightning strikes on the structure of the Large Scale Telescopes (LST) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array observatories (CTA). Her current research interests are focused on 3D Electromagnetic Field simulations with COMSOL and associated experimental validation.
Pedro Antoranz Canales received the degree of 'Licenciado' on Physics (Speciality of Applied Physics) in 2000, the degree of Electronic Engineer in 2003, the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in 2005 and the PhD in 2009. In 2005 Mr. Antoranz joined the MAGIC collaboration, working in the design, fabrication and test of MAGIC I central pixel, as well as in the development of evaluation boards for the tests of ultrafast UV photodetectors (PMTs, HPDs and GAPDs). Mr. Antoranz has also designed and tested different prototypes of ns pulse amplifiers based on monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) for MAGIC II camera and MAGIC II receiver boards, as well as ultra low noise sub-ns pulse generators for MAGIC II receiver board testing. In 2015 he was promoted to 'Profesor Contratado Doctor' at the Department of Applied Physics III.
Teodoro Bernardino Santos received the degree of 'Licenciado' on Physics (Speciality of Astrophysics) in 1999, the degree of Electronic Engineer in 2002 and the PhD in 2013. He has been research assistant for the ESA "PLANCK" Mission at the CSIC (Cantabria Institute of Physics), where he worked in the calibration and validation (thermal sensitivity studies and 'zero point' adjustment) of millimeter-wave radiometers. In 2006, Mr. Bernardino received the Diploma of Advanced Studies and became Honorific Collaborator at the Department of Applied Physics III. Since 2005 he has worked at GMV Aerospace and Defence as manager of different projects related to the european navegation system EGNOS. His expertise lies in the fields of RF electronics, microwave metrology and GPS/EGNOS satellite synchronization and navegation systems.
Lamberto Fresnillo Salcedo received the degree of 'Licenciado' on Physics (Speciality of Fundamental Physics) in 1988 and is qualified as european auditor in quality control (EOQ). Between 1990 y 1993 he was the Deputy Secretary of the Spanish National Comittee in CEN ELEC (European Electrothecnical Committee for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Comission). Mr. Fresnillo has been a spanish representative in different european forums for CE labelling , as well as for the development of sectorial normatives such as CEM, DBT and defective product policies. From 1993 to 1996 he was the main technical responsible of AENOR directives for fundamental sector standarditation, including electronic instrumentation, reliability in electrical networks, nuclear plants, electronic systems, and compliance with public technical contracts. From 1996 to 2001 he was the manager of CDC consulting, and worked as technical project supervisor and external auditor of ISO9000 qualification systems. Since 2002 Mr. Fresnillo is the manager of Fidias consulting.
Francisco Javier Franco got a degree in Physics (Electronics) at the Universidad de Sevilla in 1998 and received the PhD in 2005 at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has been a visiting researcher at the Portuguese Research Reactor, former Cryogenic Division of CERN and the TIMA-CNRS at Grenoble (France). In 2011, he was promoted to academic lecturer in the field of Electronics at the University Complutense de Madrid. Presently, he belongs to the Electronic Instrumentation Group of UCM and usually collaborates with the Microwaves Group. His field of interest is the study and test of the reliability in electronic systems. |
Jose Juan Jimenez Rodriguez received the PhD degree on Physics in 1977. Since 1979 he has been full time academic lecturer at the Department of Applied Physics III, where he teaches courses in the area of semiconductor devices, physical electronics and optoelectronic device laboratories. He has been Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Salford (United Kingdom), at the University of Odense (Denmark) and at the University of Surrey (United Kingdom). His expertise lies in the field of Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of radiation-mater interaction processes, especially in the field of solid state device fabrication technologies and Microelectronics. In 2008 he received the accreditation of full Professor.
Jose Miguel Miranda Pantoja received the PhD degree on Physics in 1998. His thesis was awarded with the "Premio extraordinario de Doctorado" by the faculty of Physics of the University Complutense. He has been visiting researcher at the Institut fuer Hochfrequenztechnik (Darmstadt, Germany), the Microwave Electronics Department of Chalmers Technical University (Goteborg, Sweden) and Caltech (Pasadena, USA). In 2002 Dr. Miranda was promoted to full time academic lecturer at the Department of Applied Physics III of the Complutense University of Madrid, and in 2017 he became full professor (Catedratico) in the Electromagnetics Area of Knowledge. In 2008 he was awarded with an excellence mention for being among the 5% best rated educators of the UCM. He also received the excellence mention for his teaching work during the courses 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, as well as an excellence mention for the six year term (2017-2022). His expertise lies in the field of Electromagnetic Compatibility and Microwave metrology. He is presently the R&D RAMS manager of the Large Scale Telescope Array within CTA project, and the principal investigator of the UCM-ELEC group.
Ignacio Vegas Azcarate received the Electronic Engineer degree in 2008. He has been part time collaborator at the Department of Applied Physics III during the last course of his career, working in MAGIC II telescope hardware testing. During this course he published for the MAGIC collaboration the Technical Application Note entitled “Design and performance of an ultra low noise multichannel VCSEL pulser for MAGIC II receiver board testing”. He is about to finish his Master Thesis on Applied Physics, which is related to the design and fabrication of evaluation boards for the validation of the front end electronic prototypes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). Mr. Vegas is presently pursuing his PhD degree. His expertise lies in the field of nanosecond pulse electronics and wireless data transmission.