Contribuciones científicas 2020
Artículos derivados de las tesis defendidas en el curso 2019-2020
Javier Blasco Navarro
- Blasco, J., Tabone, I., Alvarez-Solas, J., Robinson, A., and Montoya,M., 2019:
The Antarctic Ice Sheet response to glacial millennial scale variability. Climate of the Past, 15, 121-133. DOI 10.5194/cp-15-121-2019.
- Blasco, J., Alvarez-Solas, J., Robinson, A., and Montoya, M., 2019:
Exploring the impact of atmospheric forcing and basal boundary conditions on the simulation of the Antarctic ice sheet at the Last Glacial Maximum. The Cryosphere Discussion. DOI 10.5194/tc-2020-28.
- Blasco, J., Robinson, A., Alvarez-Solas, J., Tabone, I., and Montoya, M., 2020:
The Antarctic sealevel contribution from the LGM to the future for different basal-dragging laws. Communications Earth & Environment. Submitted.
- Tabone, I., Blasco, J., Robinson, A., Alvarez-Solas, J. and Montoya, M., 2018:
The sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet to glacial-interglacial oceanic forcing. Climate of the Past, 14, 455-472. DOI 10.5194/cp-14-455-2018.
Daniel Gutierrez Reyes
- Probing Transverse-Momentum Distributions With Groomed Jets
Daniel Gutierrez-Reyes, Yiannis Makris, Varun Vaidya, Ignazio Scimemi, Lorenzo Zoppi
Published in JHEP 08 (2019) 161. arXiv: 1907.05896
- Linearly polarized gluons at next-to-next-to leading order and the Higgs transverse momentum distribution
Daniel Gutierrez-Reyes, Sergio Leal-Gomez, Ignazio Scimemi, Alexey Vladimirov
Published in JHEP 11 (2019) 121. arXiv: 1907.03780
- Transverse momentum dependent distributions in e+e− and semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering using jets
Daniel Gutierrez-Reyes, Ignazio Scimemi, Wouter J. Waalewijn, Lorenzo Zoppi
Published in JHEP 10 (2019) 031. arXiv: 1904.04259
- Transverse momentum dependent distributions with jets
Daniel Gutierrez-Reyes, Ignazio Scimemi, Wouter J. Waalewijn, Lorenzo Zoppi
Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 121 (2018) 16, 162001. arXiv: 1807.07573
- Transverse momentum dependent transversely polarized distributions at next-to-next-to-leading-order
Daniel Gutierrez-Reyes, Ignazio Scimemi, Alexey Vladimirov
Published in JHEP 07 (2018) 172. arXiv: 1805.07243
- Twist-2 matching of transverse momentum dependent distributions
Daniel Gutierrez-Reyes, Ignazio Scimemi, Alexey Vladimirov
Published in Phys.Lett.B 769 (2017) 84-89. arXiv: 1702.06558
Victor Herandez Elvira
- V.H. Elvira, V. Peyrés, M. Roteta, A. Fernández-Sotillo, E. García-Toraño.
Absolute determination of low-energy X-ray emission rates with a proportional counter. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 160, 109113 (2020)
- M. C. Ali Santoro, …, V. H. Elvira et al.
Determining the probability of locating peaks using computerized peak-location methods in gamma-ray spectra as a function of the relative peak-area uncertainty. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 155, 108920 (2020).
- V. H. Elvira, M. Roteta, A. Fernández-Sotillo, E. García-Toraño.
Design and optimization of a proportional counter for the absolute determination of low-energy X-ray emission rates.
Enviado a Review of Scientific Instruments, actualmente en proceso de revisión, pendiente de correcciones menores
Chiara Lastoria
- Abi et al., DUNE Collaboration, Prospects for Beyond the Standard Model Physics Searches at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment", (2020) - arXiv:2008.12769
- Abi et al., DUNE Collaboration, Supernova Neutrino Burst Detection with the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment", (2020) - arXiv:2008.06647 - 1 citation
- Belver et al., First testing of the Hamamatsu R5912-02Mod photomultiplier tube at 4-bar pressure and cryogenic temperature", 2020 JINST 15 P09023 - arXiv:2003.13463
- Lastoria on behalf of DUNE Collaboration, Analysis of the light production and propagationin the 4-tonne dual-phase demonstrator", JINST 15 C06029 (2020) - arXiv:1911.06880
- Abi et al., DUNE Collaboration, Neutrino interaction classi_cation with a convolutional neural net- work in the DUNE far detector", (2020) - arXiv:2006.15052 - 1 citation
- Abi et al., DUNE Collaboration, First results on ProtoDUNE-SP liquid argon time projection chamber performance from a beam test at the CERN Neutrino Platform", (2020) - arXiv:2007.06722 -5 citations
- Abi et al., DUNE Collaboration, Long-baseline neutrino oscillation physics potential of the DUNE experiment", (2020) - arXiv:2006.16043 - 2 citations
- Abi et al., DUNE Collaboration, Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Technical Design Report - Vol I: Introduction to DUNE", JINST 15 T08008 (2020) - arXiv:2002.02967 DUNE Collaboration, Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Technical Design Report Vol II: DUNE Physics", (2020) - arXiv:2002.03005 - 54 citations
- Abi et al., DUNE Collaboration, Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Technical Design Report - Vol III: DUNE Far Detector Technical Coordination", JINST 15 T08009 (2020) - arXiv:2002.03008
- Abi et al., DUNE Collaboration, Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Technical Design Report - Vol IV: DUNE Far Detector Single-phase Technology", JINST 15 T08010 (2020) - arXiv:2002.03010
- Lastoria on behalf of DUNE Collaboration, Scintillation light collection, productionand propagation in the 4 tonne dual-phase demonstrator (data analysis and simulations)", PoS (Lep-phonPhoton2019) 144, (2019) - arXiv:1911.06874
- Belver et al., A light calibration system for the ProtoDUNE-DP detector", JINST 14 T04001(2019) - arXiv:1902.07127 - 2 citations
- Abi et al. (DUNE Collaboration), The DUNE Far Detector Interim Design Report Volume 1: Physics, Technology and Strategies" , (2018) - arXiv:1807.10334 - 134 citations
- Abi et al. (DUNE Collaboration), The DUNE Far Detector Interim Design Report, Volume 2: Single-Phase Module", (2018) - arXiv:1807.10327 - 44 citations
- Abi et al. (DUNE Collaboration), The DUNE Far Detector Interim Design Report, Volume 3 Dual-Phase Module", (2018) - arXiv:1807.10340 - 33 citations
- Aimard et al., A 4 tonne demonstrator for large-scale dual-phase liquid argon time projection chambers", JINST 13 P11003 (2018) - arXiv:1806.03317 - 16 citations
- Belver et al., Cryogenic R5912-02Mod Photomultiplier Tube Characterization for the ProtoDUNE Dual Phase Detector", JINST 13 T10006 (2018) - arXiv:1806.04571 - 2 citations
- Lastoria, Characterization of the 8 inches R5912-02Mod Hamamatsu PMT, baseline forthe light detection system in WA105-DP and ProtoDUNE-DP experiments", (2017) - InternalTechnical Note
Irene Morales Casero
- High frequency hysteresis losses on γ − Fe2O3and Fe3O4: susceptibility as a magnetic stamp for chain
Morales, Costo, N. Mille, G.B. Da Silva, J. Carrey, A. Hernando, P. de la Presa. Nanomaterials, 8(12), 970 (2018).
- Hybrid nanoparticles for magnetic and plasmonic hyp
J.G. Ovejero, I. Morales, P. de la Presa, N. Mille, J. Carrey, M.A. Garcia. A. Hernando, P.Herrasti.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(37), 24065-24073 (2018).
- Colossal heating efficiency via eddy currents in amorphous microwires with nearly zero
Morales, Archilla, P. de la Presa, A. Hernando, P. Mar´ın. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-14 (2020).
- Induction heating in nanoparticle impregnated
Morales, Mun˜oz, C.S. Costa, J.M. Alonso, J.M. Silva, M. Multigner, M. Quijorna, M.R. Ribeiro, P. de la Presa. Materials, 13(18), 4013 (2020).
- Local Induction Heating Capabilities of Zeolites Charged with Metal and Oxide MNPs for Application in HDPEHydrocracking: A Proof of
Mun˜oz, I. Morales, C.S. Costa, M. Multigner, P. de la Presa, J.M. Alonso, J.M. Silva, M.R. Ribeiro, J. Rams. Materials, 14(4), 1029 (2021).
- AC magnetometry and chain formation in magnetite: the influence of particle size, initial temperature and the shortening of therelaxation time by the applied
Morales, Costo, N. Mille, J. Carrey, A. Hernando, P. de la Presa. Under review.
David Sanchez Manzano
- Sanchez-Manzano, S. J. Carreira, M.W. Yoo , V. Rouco, A. Sander, A. Anane, J.Santamaría, E. Villegas. Spin pumping in d-wave superconductor/ferromagnet hybrids. (To be submitted soon)
- D. Sanchez-Manzano, S. Mesoraca, F. Cuellar, M. Cabero, V. Rouco , G. Orfila , X. Palermo, Marcano, A. Sander, M. Rocci, J. Garcia-Barriocanal, F. Gallego, J. Tornos 1 , A. Rivera, J. M. Gonzalez-Calbet, C. Leon, S. Valencia , N. Bergeal , A. Buzdin , J. Lesueur, Javier E. Villegas, J. Santamaria. Extremely long range, high-temperature Josephson coupling across a half metallic ferromagnet.
- Myoung-woo Yoo, J. Tornos, A. Sander, Ling-Ling Fang, Narayan Mohanta, M. Cabero, F.Gallego, A. Peralta, D. Sanchez-Manzano, D. Haskel, J. W. Freeland, D. J. Keavney, Y. Choi, J. Strempfer, X. Wang, M. Varela, A. Rivera, J. M. Gonzalez-Calbet, C. Leon, S.Rosenkranz, M. Bibes, A. Barthelemy, A. Anane, E. Dagotto , S. Okamoto, S. G. E. te Velthuis, J. Santamaria , J. Villegas. Large topological anomalous Hall effect in SrIrO 3 induced by magnetic proximity effect. Nat. Comm. (under review)
- D.Hernandez-Martin, F.Gallego, J.Tornos, V.Rouco, D. Sanchez-Manzano, J.I.Beltran, C.Munuera, M.Cabero, F.Cuellar, D.Arias, G.Sanchez-Santolino, F.J.Mompean, M.Garcia- Hernandez, A.Rivera-Calzada, S.J.Pennycook, M.Varela, M.C.Muñoz, Z.Sefrioui, C.Leon, J. Santamaria. Controlled sign reversal of electroresistance in oxide tunnel junctions by electrochemical-ferroelectric coupling. Phys. Rev. Lett. (under review)
Jose Manuel Sanchez Velazquez
- J. Beltrán Jiménez, J. A. R. Cembranos and J. M. Sánchez Velázquez, "On scalar and vector fields coupled to the energy-momentum tensor", JHEP 05 (2018) 100.
- J. A. R. Cembranos, L. J. Garay and J. M. Sánchez Velázquez, "Gravitational production of scalar dark matter", JHEP, 06 (2020) 084.
- D. E. Borrajo Gutiérrez, J. A. R. Cembranos, L. J. Garay and J. M. Sánchez Velázquez, "Derivative couplings in gravitational production in the early universe", JHEP, 09 (2020) 069.
Santiago Varona Angulo
- L. Ortiz, S. Varona, O. Viyuela, M. A. Martin-Delgado, Localization and oscillations of Majorana fermions in a two-dimensional electron gas coupled with d-wave superconductors, Physical Review B 97 (2018), 064501.
- S. Varona, L. Ortiz, O. Viyuela, and M. A. Martin-Delgado, Topological phases in nodeless tetragonal superconductors, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (2018), no. 39, 395602.
- G. Dauphinais, L. Ortiz, S. Varona, M. A. Martin-Delgado, Quantum error correction with the semion code, New Journal of Physics 21 (2019), no. 5, 053035.
- S. Varona, M. A. Martin-Delgado, Determination of the semion code threshold using neural decoders, 2020, arXiv: 2002.08666 [quant-ph] (accepted to Physical Review A).
Anna Mandziak
- Regular distribution of (3 x 3) Bi-reconstructed stripes on Si(553) surface.
M. Kopciuszynski, A. Mandziak, M. Dachniewicz, R. Zdyb
Thin Solid Films 631, 80 (2017). - Disclosing odd symmetry, strain driven magnetic response of Co on Pt/PMN- PT (011)
M. Foerster, I. Fina, B. Casals, S, Finizio, A. Mandziak, F. Fauth, L. Aballe
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31, 8 (2018). - Structure and magnetism in nickel-iron oxides grown on Ru(001) by high- temperature oxygen assisted molecular beam epitaxy
A. Mandziak, J. de la Figuera, S. Ruiz-Gómez, G. D. Soria, L. Pérez, P. Prieto, A. Quesada, M. Foerster, L. Aballe
Sci. Rep. 8, 1 (2018). - Quantification of propagating and standing surface acoustic waves by stroboscopic X-ray Photoemission Electron Microscopy
M. Foerster, N. Statuto, B. Casals, A. Hernandez, S, Finizio, A. Mandziak, L. Aballe, J. Manel Hernandez and F. Macia
J. Synch. Rad. 26, 1 (2019). - Tuning the Néel temperature in an antiferromagnet: the case of Nix Co1−x O nanostructures
A. Mandziak, G. D Soria, J. E. Prieto, P. Prieto, C. Granados-Miralles, A. Quesada, M. Foerster, L. Aballe, J. de la Figuera
Sci. Rep. 9, 1 (2019). - Strontium ferrite platelets: from the atomic scale to magnetic domains through x-ray circular dichroism
G. Delgado Soria, P. Janus, M. Sanchez Arenillas, J. F. Marco Sanz, J. E. Prieto, P. Prieto, A. Mandziak, M. Foerster, L. Aballe, M. Valvidares, H. Babu Vasili, E. Pereiro, A. Quesada, J. de la Figuera
Sci. Rep. 9, 120 (2019).
Fernando Gallego Toledo
- Photodiodes based in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/single layer MoS2 hybrid vertical heterostructures
Y. Niu, R. Frisenda, S. A. Svatek, G. Orfila, F. Gallego, P. Gant, N. Agraït, C. Leon, A. Rivera-Calzada, D. P. De Lara, J. Santamaria, and A. Castellanos-Gomez.
2D Mater. 4, 034002 (2017). - High Resolution Studies of Oxide Multiferroic Interfaces in the Aberration-Corrected STEMJ.
Grandal, J. I. Beltran, G. Sanchez-Santolino, F. Gallego, J. Tornos, M. Cabero, C. Leon, F. Mompean, M. Garcia-Hernandez, S. J. Pennycook, M. C. Munoz, J. Santamaria, and M. Varela.
Microsc. Microanal. 23, 1592 (2017). - Modified magnetic anisotropy at LaCoO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 interfaces
M. Cabero, K. Nagy, F. Gallego, A. Sander, M. Rio, F. A. Cuellar, J. Tornos, D. Hernandez- Martin, N. M. Nemes, F. Mompean, M. Garcia-Hernandez, A. Rivera-Calzada, Z. Sefrioui, N. Reyren, T. Feher, M. Varela, C. Leon, and J. Santamaria
APL Mater. 5, 096104 (2017). - Interface Magnetism in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/PrBa2Cu3O7 Epitaxial Heterostructures
F. A. Cuellar, D. Hernandez-Martin, J. Tornos, F. Gallego, G. Orfila, A. Rivera-Calzada, Z. Sefrioui, C. Leon, and J. Santamaria
Phys. Status Solidi Appl. Mater. Sci. 215, 1 (2018). - Ferroelectric Control of Interface Spin Filtering in Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions
J. Tornos, F. Gallego, S. Valencia, Y. H. Liu, V. Rouco, V. Lauter, R. Abrudan, C. Luo, H. Ryll, Q. Wang, D. Hernandez-Martin, G. Orfila, M. Cabero, F. Cuellar, D. Arias, F. J. Mompean, M. Garcia-Hernandez, F. Radu, T. R. Charlton, A. Rivera-Calzada, Z. Sefrioui, S. G. E. Te Velthuis, C. Leon, and J. Santamaria
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 37601 (2019).
Manuel Alonso Orts
- Shape engineering driven by selective growth of SnO2 on doped Ga2O3 nanowires.
M. Alonso-Orts, A. M. Sánchez, I. López, E. Nogales, J. Piqueras, B. Méndez.
Nano Letters 17, 515 (2017). - Tailoring the shape of oxide complex nanostructures.
B. Méndez, I. López, M. Alonso-Orts, A. Sanz, E. Nogales, P. Hidalgo, J. Piqueras.
Proceedings of SPIE 10248, 1024805 (2017). - 3D and 2D growth of SnO2 nanostructures on Ga2O3 nanowires: Synthesis and structural characterization.
M. Alonso-Orts, A. M. Sánchez, I. López, E. Nogales, J. Piqueras, B. Méndez.
CrystEngComm 19(41), 6127 (2017). - Modal analysis of β-Ga2O3:Cr widely tunable luminescent optical micro- cadvities.
M. Alonso-Orts, E. Nogales, J. M. San Juan, M. L. Nó, J. Piqueras, B. Méndez.
Physical Review Applied 9, 064004 (2018). - Structural and luminescence properties of Ga2O3:Zn micro- and nanostructures.
I. López, M. Alonso-Orts, E. Nogales, B. Méndez.
Physica Status Solidi A 215, 1800217 (2018). - Direct observation of tunnelled intergrowth in SnO2/Ga2O3 complex nanowires.
O. M. Rigby, A. V Stamp, S. A. Hindmarsh, M. Alonso-Orts, E. Nogales, B. Méndez, A. M. Sánchez.
Nanotechnology 30, 054003 (2019). - Exciting and confining light in Cr doped gallium oxide.
M. Alonso-Orts, E. Nogales, J. M. San Juan, M. L. Nó, J. Piqueras, B. Méndez.
Proceedings of SPIE 10919, 109191S (2019). - Ge incorporation in gallium oxide nanostructures grown by thermal treatment.
M. Alonso-Orts, A. M. Sánchez, E. Nogales, B. Méndez.
Journal of Materials Science 55, 11431 (2020).
Miguel Ángel Cobos Fernández
- Influence of order-disorder effects on the magnetic and optical properties of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles.
Pottker, W. E., Ono, R., Cobos, M. A., Hernando, A., Araujo, J. F., Bruno, A. C., Lourenço, S. A., Longo, E., La Porta, F. A.
Ceramics International 44, 17290 (2018). - Corrosion inhibitory properties of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3-gold nanoparticles in 1 M HCl.
Abiola Edobor-Osoh,Benedict Iserom, Kolawole Oluseyi Ajanaku, la Presa, Cyril O. Ehi-Eromosele, Miguel Angel Cobos Fernández, Bamidele Durodola.
IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering 509, 012039 (2019). - Magnetic Phase Diagram of Nanostructured Zinc Ferrite as a Function of Inversion Degree δ
M.A.Cobos, P. de la Presa, I. Llorente, J.M. Alonso, A. Garcia-Escorial, P. Marín, A. Hernando, and J.A. Jiménez.
J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 17472 (2019). - Effect of preparation methods on magnetic properties of stoichiometric zinc ferrite.
M.A.Cobos, P. de la Presa, I.Llorente, A. Garcia-Escorial, A.Hernando and J.A.Jiménez.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 20, 06391(2020).
Paula Arribas Fernández
- Self-sustained electro-spun polysulfone nano-fibrous membranes and their surface modification by interfacial polymerization for micro- and ultra-filtration
P. Arribas, M. Khayet, M.C. García-Payo, L. Gil, S.
Separation and Purification Technology 138, 118 (2014). - Vecitis, Interlaced CNT electrodes for bacterial fouling reduction of microporous membranes.
Q. Zhang, P. Arribas, M.R. Remillard, M.C. García-Payo, M. Khayet, C.D.
Environmental Science and Technology 51, 9176 (2017). - Graphene oxide standardization and classification: Methods to support the leap from lab to industry.
C. A. Amadei, P. Arribas, C. D. Vecitis.
Carbon 133, 398 (2018). - Heat-treated optimized polysulfone electrospun nanofibrous membranes for high performance wastewater microfiltration.
P. Arribas,M.C. García-Payo, M. Khayet,L. Gil.
Separation and Purification Technology 226, 323 (2019). - Improved antifouling performance of polyester thin film nanofiber composite membranes prepared by interfacial polymerization.
P. Arribas, M.C. García-Payo, M. Khayet, L. Gil.
Journal of Membrane Science 598, 117774 (2020).
Silvia Viñals Onsès
- Beta decay of In-133: gamma emission from neutron-unbound states in Sn-133.
Piersa, M., Korgul, A., Fraile, L.M., et al.
Physical Review C 99, 024304 (2019). - The observation of vibrating pear-shapes in radon nuclei.
Butler, P.A., Gaffney, L.P., Spagnoletti, P., et al.
Nature Communications 10, 2473 (2019). - Measurement of the 2+ → 0+ ground-state transition in the β decay of 20F.
Kirsebom, O.S., Hukkanen, M., Kankainen, A., et al.
Physical Review C 100, 065805 (2019). - Evolution of Octupole Deformation in Radium Nuclei from Coulomb Excitation of radioactive 222Ra and 228Ra beams
Butler, P.A., Gaffney, L.P., Spagnoletti, P., et al.
Physical Review Letters 124, 042503 (2020). - Detailed spectroscopy of doubly magic 132Sn
Benito, J., Fraile, L.M., Korgul, A., et al.
Physical Review C 102, 014328 (2020). - Decay studies of the long-lived states in 186Tl
Stryjzyk, M., Andel, B., Andreyev, A.N., et al.
Physical Review C 102, 024322 (2020).
María Taeño González
- Silicon surface passivation by PEDOT: PSS functionalized by SnO2 and TiO2 nanoparticles
M García Tecedor, S. Karazhanov, G. C. Vasquez, H. Haug, D. Maestre, A. Cremades, M. Taeño, J. Ramírez-Castellanos, J. M. González Calbet, J. Piqueras, Y Chuan, S. Chang, and E. Marstein
Nanotechnology 29, 035401 (2018). - Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 micro-and nanostructures with variable morphology and aluminium content
G. C. Vásquez, M. Taeño, D. Maestre, A. Cremades
Physica Status Solidi A 215, 1800249 (2018). - Effect of the synthesis method on the properties of lithium doped graphene oxide composites with tin oxide nanoparticles: Towards white luminescence.
F. del Prado, M. Taeño, D. Maestre, J.Ramírez-Castellanos, J.M.González Calbet, and A. Cremades
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 129, 133 (2019).
Víctor Rollano García
- Topologically protected superconducting ratchet effect generated by spin-ice nanomagnets
V. Rollano, A. Muñoz-Noval, A. Gomez, F. Valdes-Bango, J. I. Martin, M. Velez, M. R. Osorio, D. Granados, E. M. Gonzalez and J. L. Vicent
Nanotechnology 30, 244003 (2019). - Magnetic order and disorder in nanomagnets probed by superconducting vortices
V. Rollano, J. del Valle, A. Gomez, M. Velez, L. M. Alvarez-Prado, C. Quiros, J. I. Martin, M. R. Osorio, D. Granados, E. M. Gonzalez, and J. L. Vicent
Scientific Reports 8, 12374 (2018). - Different approaches to generate matching effects using arrays in contact with
superconducting films
J. del Valle, A. Gomez, J. Luis-Hita, V. Rollano, E. M. Gonzalez and J. L. Vicent
Superconductor Science and Technology 30, 025014 (2017). - Graphene foam functionalized with electrodeposited nickel hydroxide for energy applications
S. Ruiz-Gómez, A. Boscá, L.Pérez, J. Pedrós, J. Martínez, A. Páez and F. Calle
Diamond Relat. Mater. 57, 63 (2015). - Multifunctional core-shell Co-SiO2 nanowires via electrodeposition and sol-gel
Laura Martín-García, Sandra Ruiz-Gómez, Manuel Abuín, Yaiza Montaña, Noemi Carmona
and Lucas Pérez
RSC Adv. 5, 97503 (2015).
Sandra Ruiz Gómez
- Antiferromagnetic FeMn alloys electrodeposited from chloride-based electrolytes
Sandra Ruiz-Gómez, Rocío Ranchal, Manuel Abuín, Ana María Aragón, Víctor Velasco,
Pilar Marín, Arantzazu Mascaraque and Lucas Pérez
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 8212 (2016). - Polyaniline nanofiber sponge filled graphene foam as high gravimetric and volumetric capacitance electrode
J. Pedrós, A. Boscá, J. Martínez, S. Ruiz-Gómez, L. Pérez, V. Barranco and F. Calle
J. Power Sources 317, 35 (2016). - Assesment of layer thickess and interface quality in CoP electrodeposited multilayers
Irene Lucas, David Ciudad, Manuel Plaza, Sandra Ruiz-Gómez, Claudio Aroca and Lucas Pérez
Appl. Mater & Interfaces. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 18930 (2016). - Formation of a magnetite/hematite epitaxial bilayer generated with low energy ion bombardment
S. Ruiz-Gómez, A. Serrano, I. Carabias, M. A. García, A. Hernando, A. Mascaraque, L. Pérez, M. A. González Barrio, O. Rodríguez de la Fuente
Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 093103 (2017). - Epitaxial integration of CoFe2O4 thin films on Si (001) surfaces using TiN buffer layers
P. Prieto, J. F. Marco, J. E. Prieto, S. Ruiz-Gómez, L. Perez, R. P. del Real, M. Vázquez y J. de la Figuera
Appl. Surf. Sci. 436, 1067 (2018) 1067. - Use of magnets for reversible restoration in sculpture. The case of the “Virgen de los Desamparados” in Valencia (Spain)
M. Azahara Rodríguez, Sandra Ruiz-Gómez, Lucas Pérez, Xavier Mas-Barberà.
Journal of Cultural Heritage 31, 215 (2018). - Geometrically defined spin structures in ultrathin Fe3O4 with bulk like magnetic properties
S. Ruiz-Gómez, L. Pérez, A. Mascaraque, A. Quesada, P. Prieto, I. Palacio, L. Martín-García, M. Foerster, L. Aballe and J. de la Figuera
Nanoscale 10, 5566 (2018). - Structure and magnetism of ultrathin nickel-iron oxides grown on Ru(0001) by high-temperature oxygen-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
A. Mandziak, J. de la Figuera, S. Ruiz-Gómez, G. D. Soria, L. Pérez, P. Prieto, A. Quesada, M. Foerster, L. Aballe
Sci. Rep. 8, 17980 (2018). - Observation of a topologically protected state in a magnetic domain wall stabilized by a ferromagnetic chemical barrier
S. Ruiz-Gómez, M. Foerster, L. Aballe, M. P. Proenca, I. Lucas, J. L. Prieto, A. Mascaraque, J. de la Figuera, A. Quesada, L. Pérez
Sci. Rep. 8, 166695 (2018). - Highly Bi-doped Cu thin films with large spin-mixing conductance
S. Ruiz-Gomez, A. Serrano, R. Guerrero, M. Muñoz, I. Lucas, M. Foerster, L. Aballe, J. F. Marco, M. Amado, L. McKenzie-Sell, A. di Bernardo, J. W. A. Robinson, M. A. González-Barrio, A. Mascaraque, L. Pérez
APL Materials. 6, 101107 (2018).
Hector Villarrubia Rojo
- Non-comoving Cosmology
J. A. R. Cembranos, A. L. Maroto, and H. Villarrubia-Rojo
JCAP 2019, 041 (2019). - Constraints on anharmonic corrections of Fuzzy Dark Matter
J. A. R. Cembranos, A. L. Maroto, S. J. Núñez Jareño, and H. Villarrubia-Rojo
JHEP 08, 073 (2018). - Constraints on hidden gravitons from fifth-force experiments and stellar energy loss
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