
Publicaciones año 2018

AÑO 2018


AUTORES: Julia Sánchez-Gundín, Ana María Fernández-Carballido, Lidia Martínez-Valdivieso, Dolores Barreda-Hernández, Ana Isabel Torres-Suárez

TÍTULO: New Trends In The Therapeutic Approach To Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

REFERENCIA: International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2018, Vol. 15(7): 659-665


AUTORES: Juan Aparicio-Blanco and Ana-Isabel Torres-Suárez

TÍTULO: Towards tailored management of malignant brain tumors with nanotheranostics

REFERENCIA: Acta Biomaterialia 73, 52-63 (2018).


AUTORES: Fraguas-Sánchez, A.I. & Torres-Suárez, A.I.

TÍTULO: Medical Use of Cannabinoids

REFERENCIA: Drugs 78 (2018) 1665–1703.


AUTORES: Viudez-Martínez, Adrián; García-Gutiérrez, María; Fraguas-Sánchez, Ana; Torres-Suárez, Ana Isabel; Manzanares, Jorge.

TÍTULO: Effects of cannabidiol plus naltrexone on motivation and ethanol consumption.

REFERENCIA: British Journal of Pharmacology 175 (2018) 3369-3378.


AUTORES: Ana Isabel Fraguas-Sánchez, Cristina Martín -Sabroso, Ana Isabel Torres-Suárez

TÍTULO: Insight on the Impact of Endocannabinoid System in Cancer: a Review

REFERENCIA: British Journal of Pharmacology 175 (2018) 2566-2580.


AUTORES: Adrián Viudez-Martínez, María S. García-Gutiérrez, Carmen María Navarrón, María Isabel Morales-Calero, Francisco Navarrete, Ana Isabel Torres-Suárez, Jorge Manzanares,

TÍTULO: Cannabidiol reduces ethanol consumption, motivation and relapse in mice.

REFERENCIA: Addiction Biology 23 (2018) 154-164.


AUTORES: K. Ishida, R. Alves Castro, J.J. Torrado, D.R. Serrano, L. Pereira Borba-Santos, L. Pereira Quintella, W. de Souza, S. Rozental, Leila M. Lopes-Bezerra

TÍTULO: Efficacy of a poly-aggregated formulation of amphotericin B in treating systemic sporotrichosis caused by Sporothrix brasiliensis

REFERENCIA: Medical Mycology 56: 288-296 (2018) (doi:10.1093/mmy/myx040)


AUTORES: M.D. Jiménez-Antón, E. García-Calvo, C. Gutierrez, M.D. Escribano, N. Kayali, J.L. Luque-García, A.I. Olías-Molero, M.J. Corral, M.P. Costi, J.J. Torrado, J.M. Alunda

TÍTULO: Pharmacokinetics and disposition of miltefosine in healthy mice and hamsters experimentally infected with Leishmania infantum

REFERENCIA: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 121: 281-286 (2018) (doi:10.1016/j.ejps 2018.06.002)


AUTORES: Fernando Notario-Pérez, Raúl Cazorla-Luna, Araceli Martín-Illana, Roberto Ruiz-Caro, Aitana Tamayo, Juan Rubio, María-Dolores Veiga.

TÍTULO: Optimization of Tenofovir release from mucoadhesive vaginal tablets by polymer combination to prevent sexual transmission of HIV.

REFERENCIA: Carbohydrate Polymers 179: 305-316. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2017.10.001. (2018)


AUTORES: Fernando Notario-Pérez, Araceli Martín-Illana, Raúl Cazorla-Luna, Roberto Ruiz-Caro, Juan Peña, María-Dolores Veiga.

TÍTULO: Improvement of Tenofovir vaginal release from hydrophilic matrices through drug granulation with hydrophobic polymers.

REFERENCIA: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 117: 204-215. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2018.02.022. (2018)


AUTORES: San Miguel-Rodríguez, A.; Armentia, A.; Martín-Armentia, S.; Martín-Armentia, B.; Lozano, M.; Iglesias, I.

TÍTULO: Importance of Allergic Hypersensitivity to Medications

REFERENCIA: International Journal of Allergy Medications; 4, 1-5 (2018)


AUTORES: López, P.; Benedi, J.; Iglesias, I.

TÍTULO: Importance of the Pharmaceutical Council in the Dispensation of Laxants and Probiotics

REFERENCIA: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology; 6; 742-751 (2018)


AUTORES: Rodríguez, C.; Herranz, Am; Escudero, V.; Ais, M.; Iglesias, I.; Sanjurjo, M.

TÍTULO: Robotic dispensing improves patient safety, inventory management, and satff satisfaction in an aoupatient hospital pharmacy

REFERENCIA: Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice; 25, 28-35 (2018)


AUTORES: Fernández, P.; Benedi, J.; Iglesias, I.

TÍTULO: Pharmaceutical care in patients with Migraine

REFERENCIA: European Journal of Clinical Pharmacy; 21 (1), 25-32 (2018)


AUTORES: Chamorro De Vega, E.; Gimenez, A.; Rodríguez, C.; Escudero, V.; Lorenzo, A.; Iglesias, I.

TÍTULO: Twelve weeks of Ombitasvis/Paritaprevir/R and Desabuvir without Ribavirin iseffective and safe in the treatment of patients with HCV.Genotype 1b infection and compensated cirrhosis: results from a realworld cohort study

REFERENCIA: Expert Opinion on Drug Safety; 235-241 (2018)


AUTORES: D. Pizarro, P.K. Divakar*, F.Grewe, S. D. Leavitt, J-P Huang, F, Dal Grande, I. Schmitt, M. Wedin, A. Crespo & H T.Lumbsch.

TÍTULO: Phylogenomic analysis of 2556 single-copy protein-coding genes resolves most evolutionary relationships for the major clades in the most diverse group of lichen-forming fungi.

REFERENCIA: Fungal Diversity 92: 31-41 (2018)


AUTORES: Ciudad-Mulero, M., Lillian Barros, L., Fernandes, A., Berrios, J., Cámara, M., Morales, P., Fernández-Ruiz, V., Ferreira, I.C.F.R.

TÍTULO: Bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of extruded snack-type products developed from novel formulations of lentil and nutritional yeast flours.

REFERENCIA: Food Funct. (2018) 9, 819-829.


AUTORES: Inmaculada Mateos-Aparicio Cediel; Giulia Martera; Isabel Goñi Cambrodon; Maria Jose Villanueva Suarez; Araceli Redondo Cuenca.

TÍTULO: Chemical structure and molecular weight influence the in vitro fermentability of polysaccharide extracts from the edible seaweeds Himathalia elongate and Gigartina pistillata

REFERENCIA: Food Hydrocolloids. 83, pp. 348 - 354. 2018. ISSN 0268-005X DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2018.05.016


AUTORES: Cuadrado-Soto E, Peral-Suarez A, Aparicio A, Perea JM, Ortega RM, López-Sobaler AM.

TÍTULO: Sources of Dietary Sodium in Food and Beverages Consumed by Spanish Schoolchildren between 7 and 11 Years Old by the Degree of Processing and the Nutritional Profile.

REFERENCIA: Nutrients 2018; 10:1880


AUTORES: Macho-González A, Garcimartín A, Naes F, López-Oliva ME, Amores-Arrojo Á, Gonzales-Muñoz MJ, Bastida S, Benedi J, Sánchez-Muniz FJ.

TÍTULO: Effects of fiber purified extract of carob fruit on fat digestion and postprandial lipemia in healthy rats.

REFERENCIA: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. (2018); Jul 5; 66(26):6734-6741. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b01476.


AUTORES: Merino P, Santos-López JA, Mateos C, Meseguer I, Garcimartín A, Bastida S, Sánchez-Muniz FJ, Benedí J, González-Muñoz MJ.

TÍTULO: Effects of nonalcoholic beer and its components silicon and hops in brain damage caused by aluminum intake.

REFERENCIA: Food and Chemical Toxicology. (2018); Ago; 118:784-794. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2018.06.004 (2018).


AUTORES: Vargas-Mendoza N, Vázquez-Velasco M, González-Torres L, Benedí J, Sánchez-Muniz FJ, Morales-González JA, Jaramillo-Morales OA, Valadez-Vega C, Bautista M.

TÍTULO: Effect of extract and ellagic acid from Geranium schiedeanum on the antioxidant defense system in an induced-necrosis model.

REFERENCIA: Antioxidants (Basel). (2018); Nov 30; 7(12).pii: E178. doi: 10.3390/antiox7120178.


AUTORES: San Miguel, Á.; San Miguel-Rodríguez, A.; Martín-Armentia, B.; Martín-Armentia, S.; Armentia, A.; Lozano, M.; Iglesias, I.

TÍTULO: Implications of Allergic Reactions to Soybean Oil

REFERENCIA: HERALD HSOA Journal of Allergy Disorders and Therapy; 1 (Nº 4), 1-5 (2018)


AUTORES: Gerlach, ACM, Toprak, Z, Naciri, Y, Araujo Caviró, E, Borges da Silveira, RM , Clerc, P.

TÍTULO: New insights into the Usnea cornuta aggregate (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota): Molecular analysis reveals high genetic diversity correlated with chemistry.

REFERENCIA: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 131: 125-137 (2018).


AUTORES: Boluda, C. G., Hawksworth, D. L., Divakar, P. K., Crespo, A. , Rico, V. J.

TÍTULO: Microchemical and molecular investigations reveal Pseudephebe species as cryptic with an environmentally modified morphology.

REFERENCIA: The Lichenologist 48: 527-543 (2018).


AUTORES: Boluda, C. G., Rico, V.J., Divakar, P. K., Nadyeina, O., Myllys, L., McMullin, T., Zamora, J. C., Scheidegger, C. , Hawksworth, D. L.

TÍTULO: Evaluating methodologies for species delimitation: the mismatch between phenotypes and genotypes in lichenized fungi (Bryoria sect. Implexae, Parmeliaceae). Persoonia 42: 75-100 (2018).


AUTORES: Muñoz M, Martínez MP, López-Oliva ME, Rodríguez C, Corbacho C, Carballido J, García-Sacristán A, Hernández M, Rivera L, Sáenz-Medina J, Prieto D.

TÍTULO: Hydrogen peroxide derived from NADPH oxidase 4- and 2 contributes to the endothelium-dependent vasodilatation of intrarenal arteries.

REFERENCIA: Redox Biol. 2018; 19: 92-104. doi: 10.1016/ j.redox.2018.08.004


AUTORES: Alicia López-Sanchez; Alba Pérez-Cantero; Carlos Torrado-Salmerón; Adela Martin-Vicente; Víctor García-Herrero; María Ángeles González-Nicolás; Alberto Lázaro; Alberto Tejedor; Santiago Torrado-Santiago; Juan José García-Rodríguez; Javier Capilla; Susana Torrado.

TÍTULO: Efficacy, biodistribution and nephrotoxicity of experimental Amphotericin B-Deoxycholate formulations for pulmonary aspergillosis Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

REFERENCIA: American Society for Microbiology. 2018. ISSN 0066-4804. DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00489-18